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Advertising is often aimed at teenagers. Do you think this is a good idea?

In my opinion, advertising aimed at teenagers is a good idea because it is very

effective for advertisers. Teenagers can be easily reached through social media
apps, games and other websites, as they have plenty of accessibility to computers
and phones.

First of all, teenagers often have money that they can spend however they want,
as they don’t have to worry about paying bills or anything else. They usually get
money from jobs or gifts. The thing about teenagers is that they don’t really think
logically when they make a purchase so they tend to easily spend money on more
expensive things like clothes, shoes and electronics, which is a very good thing for

In addition to this, teenagers are very good to advertise to because they are often
influenced by peer pressure to buy different items. For example, they can
sometimes be pushed to buy a certain item so that they can feel like they fit in
with the rest of the teens.

Another good thing about advertising to teenagers is that they can also influence
their parents into buying different items. Nowadays, parents involve their kids
more in the choices they make when buying something. As a result, teenagers
influence their parents into buying better and more expensive brands that they
see on the internet.

In conclusion, advertising aimed at teenagers is a good idea because teenagers

are very easily influenced and they can also influence others at the same time.

Roman Patricia

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