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Date: January 31st, 2021

Time: 90 minutes

I. Match the words in column A and their definition in column B

1. Archaeologists a. types of plant and animal
2. species b. ask someone strongly
3. prove c. when a surprising and opposite thing happens
4. constitution d. show that something is true
5. afford e. have enough money for
6. statistic f. scientists who study the past
7. urge g. a condition of being very overweight
8. obesity h. fact in the form of a number
9. biologists i. scientists who study the living things
10. irony j. a paper containing the laws that a country is
based on

II. Fill in the blanks with the best word in the box
information dissatisfaction influential
identical offensive marketers
social violent
1. ______________ try to influence consumers to buy products.
2. Some advertisements are ___________ to the consumers because they are not true.
3. A company may have a _____________ in another country.
4. Consumers Union performs a ___________ service when it tells the public about
unsafe products.
5. People often show their ______________ with a product by returning it.
6. If you buy two _____________ products, one may not work as well as the other.
7. You will have an _____________ if you compare products before you buy them.
8. Before you buy a product, get as much ______________ about it as possible.
9. If Consumers Union allows companies to send them free products, this may be
___________ on how Consumers Union rates the product.
10. In a ____________ snowstorm, it is dangerous to drive, even in an SUV.
III. Read the article below carefully and complete the following exercises
Adventure Vacations
[A] People like different kinds of vacations. Some go camping. They swim, fish, cook 1
over a fire, and sleep outside. Others like to stay at a hotel in an exciting city. They go
shopping all day and go dancing all night. Or maybe they go sightseeing to places such as
Disneyland in the United States, the Taj Mahal in India, or the Louvre in France.
A Different Kind of Vacation
[B] Some people are bored with sightseeing trips. They don't want to be "tourists." 5
They prefer an adventure - a surprising and exciting trip. They want to learn something
and maybe help people, too. How can they do this? Some travel companies and
environmental groups are planning special adventures. Sometimes these trips are
difficult, but they are a lot of fun. One organization, Earthwatch, sends small groups of
volunteers to different parts of the world. Some volunteers spend two weeks and study 10
the environment. Others learn about people of the past. Others work with animals or
Hard Work in the Far North
[C] Would you like an adventure in the Far North? Scientists are worried about
changes in the climate worldwide. They are studying how the environment is changing
because of a warming climate. Two teams of volunteers (one in Alaska and the other in 15
Iceland) will study glaciers-huge fields of ice that move very slowly. These glaciers are
getting smaller. Scientists wonder why and how. Another team will go to Manitoba,
Canada. This team will collect information on birds, mammals, and the amount of snow.
If you like exercise and cold weather, these are good trips for you, but you must be in
very good physical condition. 20
Studying Ocean Mammals
[D] Do you enjoy ocean animals? You can spend two weeks in Florida. There, you
can study dolphins. It will be exciting to learn about these intelligent ocean mammals.
These beautiful animals can live to over 50 years of age. They travel together in family
groups. From small boats, volunteers will study and photograph these groups. The
purpose of this research is to learn about the animals' social behavior. Scientists want to 25
know what dolphins do and how they live. Also, scientists want to study dolphins' health.
For example, they wonder, "Is ocean pollution changing the dolphins' health?” If you like
warm weather, the ocean, and animals, this is a good trip for you.
Digging Up the Past
[E] Are you interested in history or prehistory? Then southwest France is the place for
your adventure. Between 35,000 and 250,000 years ago, early humans lived in this area. 30
Volunteers will work with archaeologists from France, Germany, and the United States to
search for evidence about the way of life of the people from that time. If you choose this
adventure, you will dig for stone tools and bones, clean them, and photograph them. In
your free time, you can travel around the beautiful countryside in the south of France.
Beaches and Biology
[F] Do you enjoy the beach and like to learn about plants? There is an Earthwatch 35
adventure in Yucatan, Mexico. On the north coast of Yucatan, there are beautiful species
of plants. Unfortunately, many of them are disappearing. People dig them up and sell
them for large amounts of money. Mexican biologists need volunteers to collect seeds,
count plants, and help to save several plant species. In your free time, you can travel to
archaeological sites in the area. If you love a tropical climate, this is the trip for you. 40
[G] Do you want a very different vacation? Do you want to travel far, work hard, and
learn a lot? Then an Earthwatch vacation is for you.

A. Write the letter of the paragraph next to the main idea

1. ______People like different kinds of vacation
2. ______ Conclusion: Earthwatch vacation
3. ______You can study ocean animals in Florida.
4. ______Volunteers help biologists study the plants in Mexico.
5. ______Volunteers are studying how the environment is changing in the Far North.
6. ______ Some people prefer an adventure.
B. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F).
1. All people prefer an adventure of being archeologists, so they contact the
2. Earhwatch sends volunteers to different places in the world.
3. Two teams in Alaska and Iceland will study glaciers and collect information on
birds, mammals, and the amount of snow.
4. Earthwatch volunteers study the environment, work with animals or plants, and
learn about people of the past.
5. Many plants in Yucatan are disappearing because people sell them for large
amounts of money.
6. While some people go to special places, the others learn about neighborhood
7. Studying dolphins’ health is the only purpose of scientists in Florida.
8. Volunteers dig for some stone tools and bones, clean them, and photograph them.
9. Some people want to learn something and maybe help people, too.
10. Volunteers will need to be active in cold weather.
C. Find the meanings of the following pronouns
1. They (paragraph A, line 1) ________________
2. They (paragraph B, line 9) ________________
3. They (paragraph C, line 14) _______________
4. There (paragraph D, line 21) ______________
5. They (paragraph D, line 26) _______________
6. Them (paragraph F, line 37) _______________
IV. Read the paragraph below and complete the outline
Garbage Collection
One creative solution is the method of garbage collection- Cambio Verde, or
Green Exchange. This does far more than clean the streets of trash. In neighborhoods that
garbage trucks can’t reach, poor people bring bags of trash to special centers. At these
centers, they exchange the trash for fresh produce such as potatoes and oranges. They
receive one kilo of produce to every four kilos of trash they bring in. At a recycling plant,
workers separate glass bottles, plastic, and cans from other trash. Two thirds of Curitiba’s
garbage is recycled, which is good for the environment. And the plant gives jobs to the
poorest people, which improve their lives.
Main ideas: Curitiba created a “Green Exchange” to help the city.
Details : (1) _________________________________________
(2) _________________________________________
(3) ________________________________________
(4) ________________________________________
V. Read the paragraph below and answer the question:
What are four reasons to eat insects?
Julieta Ramos-Elorduy, a researcher at a university in Mexico City, says that there
are many good reasons to eat bugs. First, insects are a cheap food (except on a plate in an
expensive restaurant), and they taste good. Some insects taste like nuts, bacon, mint or
cinnamon. Second, bugs are good for our health. For example, they often have more
protein than beef or fish. Third, they can bring money to poor people, who find them in
the forest and sell them. In parts of Africa, there are seven pounds of insects on just one
tree. This brings a good profit for very little work. Finally, eating insects can help to save
the environment. In many countries, people cut down trees. However, they will not do
this if the trees have insects to eat or sell.
VI. Choose the best word to complete each sentence
1. Noone lives with Rosa in her apartment. She lives _____________
a. alone c. only
b. lonely d. together
2. Tom’s family has 3 children, Amy’s family has 3 children, Reina’s family has 2
children and Ben’s family has 2 children. The _________ number of children in
these families is 2.5.
a. small c. equal
b. average d. total
3. When teachers speak too softly and rapidly. It is _________ for their students to
understand them.
a. easy c. different
b. little d. difficult
4. In many cultures, women do most of the ____________. For example, they clean
the floors and wash clothes for their family.
a. farming c. housework
b. homework d. cooking
5. Mr. Lee’s restaurant is successful because he always waits on his ________
politely and serves them wonderful meals.
a. customs c. consumers
b. customers d. users
6. In a basketball game, two teams __________ against each other to score points by
throwing a ball into a basket.
a. compete c. complete
b. cooperate d. exercise
7. In this country doctors usually have high __________, or position in the society.
a. profession c. state
b. situation d. status
8. Many companies in the computer industry were started by very young people. For
example, Bill Gates was only twenty years old when he and Paul Allen _________
the Microsoft Corporation in 1975.
a. based c. located
b. discovered d. founded
9. __________ up to 20% is customary in the U.S. restaurants. Some places even add
15% to the bill for all parties of six or more.
a. waiting c. buying
b. tipping d. eating
10. I wouldn’t go to the new mall just yet. If you can __________ another week or
two, until the Grand Opening is over, the crowds will be much more manageable.
a. hold out c. wait on
b. hold up d. hold onto
-----The end -----

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