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Inglês – UFC 1999

A prova de língua inglesa teve como objetivo avaliar a compreensão de diferentes tipos de textos.
Foram utilizados um texto de uma campanha de interesse mundial, um texto argumentativo e uma "tira".

Os textos utilizados para a elaboração da prova de língua inglesa tiveram as seguintes fontes: “The
Living Planet Campaign” foi compilado de "Publications: Sustainability: Conservation Priorities: Living Planet da
Iternet. The Euro, por sua vez, foi compilado de “Talking about the Euro – What’s the Euro?”, ”Why do we need
the Euro?” e ”When does the Euro enter my life?” da Internet. Finalmente, “School Daze,” extraído da Revista
FORUM de Abril de 1984, vol. XXII, N 2, foi reproduzido na íntegra incluindo figuras que originalmente faziam
parte da "tira".


1 WWF’s Living Planet Campaign is designed to make the last days of the 20th century a turning point in
2 the efforts by WWF (World Wide Fund) and others to preserve the global web life. Through a worldwide
3 effort, it seeks to bring together and highlight key parts of WWF’s Global Conservation Programme which is
4 to encourage people, corporations, and governments to take action for conservation. The Living Planet
5 Campaign seeks to achieve three goals: to conserve endangered spaces, to save endangered species, and
6 to change patterns of resource consumption by promoting thoughtful use of the Earth’s timber, fish, and
7 fossil fuels.
8 The main focus of the first goal is to encourage national governments, corporations and international
9 agencies to conserve representative examples of every habitat type by establishing networks of protected
10 areas.
11 The second goal aims to stimulate international action to save three critically endangered species: the
12 tiger, the African black rhino, and the giant panda. Wherever appropriate, action will be taken to save other
13 endangered species.
14 The latter goal involves seeking to change the ways we exploit the world’s forests and oceans, and to
15 halt the wasteful and inefficient use of coal, oil, and gas that is fuelling global climate change.

Compiled From: Publications: Sustainability: WWF Conservation

Priorities: Living Planet – htpp//

Helping Vocabulary

to seek procurar, visar

to halt parar


01. (UFC-1999) The general purpose of the WWF’s Living Planet Campaign is:

A) to save endangered species.

B) to conserve representative types of habitats.
C) to change patterns of resource consumption.
D) to halt the wasteful and inefficient use of natural resources.
E) to preserve all forms of life on our planet

Comentário – Os candidatos deveriam identificar que o propósito geral da campanha era preservar a teia de vida
global. Os demais quesitos são propósitos específicos que apenas ajudarão no objetivo geral. Resposta Correta: E

02. (UFC-1999) The pronoun it in line 03 refers to:

B) turning point.
C) global web life.
D) campaign.
E) worldwide effort.

Inglês – UFC 1999

Comentário – Os candidatos deveriam escolher a opção que apresentasse o co-referente do pronome destacado. O
pronome it refere-se ao substantivo campanha. Resposta Correta: D

03. (UFC-1999) Which option contains an item that does not belong to the group?

A) wood - tree - timber
B) species - spaces - habitats
C) tiger - rhino - panda
D) coal - oil - gas
E) corporation - agency - fund

Comentário – O candidato deveria escolher o quesito que tivesse uma palavra que não pertencesse ao mesmo grupo
semântico. O quesito b com as palavras: espécies, áreas e hábitats contém uma palavra (espécies) que não pertence ao
grupo. Resposta Correta: B

04. (UFC-1999) The sentence ”Wherever appropriate, action will be taken to save other endangered
species.” implies:

A) other species may be saved.

B) any species may be saved.
C) only African species may be saved.
D) no other wild animals may be saved.
E) only some endangered species may be saved.
Comentário – Para responder à questão, o candidato deveria: entender o significado da sentença ”Wherever
appropriate, action will be taken to save othe endangered species.”, que significa “ Sempre que for apropriado, a ação
será tomada, visando salvar outras espécies em perigo”; marcar a opção que tivesse significado semelhante. Resposta
correta: A

05. (UFC-1999) Examples of fossil fuels are:

A) fish and gas.

B) gas and oil.
C) coal and timber.
D) oil and timber.
E) timber and fish.

Comentário – Para responder à questão, o candidato deveria escolher a ùnica opçcão que contivesse exemplos de
combustíveis fósseis. O texto diz no final do primeiro parágrafo que o terceiro objetivo da campanha é uma mudança
no padrão de consumo dos recursos através do uso mais racional da madeira, dos peixes e dos combustíveis fósseis. No
último parágrafo o texto mostra as ações para a viabilização desses objetivos, exemplificando três tipos de combustíveis
fósseis: carvão, óleo e gás. O quesito correto é o que contém dois desses combustíveis.. Resposta correta: B

01 The Euro is the European Union’s single currency, adopted by the Treaty on European Union
02 which came into force in November 1993. The name Euro was preferred to any other as its shared
03 identity with Europe is clear. Besides, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national
04 currency.
05 Economic and Monetary Unit is essential for the efficient functioning of the single European
06 market. EU members do more than 70% of their trade with each other and will do even more with a single
07 stable currency. As a stable currency, the Euro will help to create a stronger economy capable of growing
08 at a faster rate. Faster growth is needed to put more people back to work and achieve a rising standard of
09 living for individuals and families. The Euro will bring real practical benefits as it will be a lot easier to
10 compare prices for the same goods in different countries. In addition, business organisations will no
11 longer have the expenses of handling several different currencies, cutting down the cost of doing
12 business.
13 Though without the Euro bills and coins, the monetary union can start on 1 January 1999.
14 Because a lot of economic activities are done without cash, many transactions can be made and settled
15 in the Euro before 1 January 2002, when the Euro bills and coins will start circulating. But any existing
16 and previous national currency will still be in use for up to six months after that.
Inglês – UFC 1999

Compiled from: Talking about the euro – “What is the euro?”.

htpp://, “Why do we need the Euro?”
htpp://, “When does the euro enter my life?”
Helping Vocabulary

to achieve alcançar
currency moeda corrente
growth crescimento
to handle manusear, manejar, manipular
rate passo, marcha, velocidade
standard of living padrão de vida


06. (UFC-1999) The sentence, “Any reduction in costs can make a company more competitive and frequently
able to pass on the benefits to its customers.”, was DELIBERATELY OMITTED from text ΙΙ. Find the most
appropriate place in the second paragraph to insert it:

A) after “stable currency”, line 07.

B) after “faster rate”, line 08.
C) after “individuals and families”, line 09.
D) after “different countries”, line 10.
E) after “doing business” lines 11 and 12.

Comentário - Os candidatos deveriam perceber, recorrendo aos aspectos de coerência e coesão do texto, que no
segundo parágrafo havia uma seqüência em cadeia que não deveria ser quebrada. A palavra-chave para a solução da
questão é “cost”, presente tanto na sentença omitida como na frase da linha 12. Resposta Correta: E

07. (UFC-1999) Mark the option that is equivalent in meaning to “Besides, the name cannot be confused with
any existing or previous national currency.” (lines 3 and 4).

A) As the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.
B) Though the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.
C) In addition, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.
D) However, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.
E) Since the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.

Comentário - Para responder à questão, os candidatos deveriam entender a relação de coesão seqüencial por conexão
estabelecida pelo marcador de discurso “besides” e perceber que essa relação também está expressa na frase “In
addition, the name cannot be confused with any existing or previous national currency.”. Resposta Correta: C.

08. (UFC-1999) Number the events below according to their order of happening.
( ) The Treaty on European Union adopts the Euro.
( ) Business can start to be done though without notes and coins.
( ) Individual national currencies lose validity.
( ) The Euro notes start circulating.
The correct order is:
A) 4, 1, 3, 2
B) 1, 2, 4, 3
C) 3, 4, 2, 1
D) 4, 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 2, 3, 4
Comentário - Nesta questão, os candidatos deveriam identificar as relações de coerência temporal, colocando os fatos
relatados no texto na ordem em que os mesmos aconteceram ou vão acontecer. Resposta Resposta Correta: B.
Inglês – UFC 1999

09. (UFC-1999) Mark the option that best completes the sentence:
The adoption of the Euro will help ____________________________ and __________________________.
A) to develop the European economy – to promote competition among families.
B) to establish a stable currency – to promote European individuals.
C) to rise expenses for individuals – to create a strong economy.
D) to increase trade among EU members – to create more job openings.
E) to rise expenses for families – to promote the European economic growth.
Comentário – Nesta questão, os candidatos deveriam escolher a única opção que indicasse duas conseqüências da
adoção do Euro: aumento de transações entre os países membros da União Européia e a criação de mais vagas de
trabalho. As opções A, B, C e E estão erradas por apresentarem informações falsas: promover competição entre
famílias, promover os indivíduos europeus, aumentar despesas para indivíduos e famílias. Essas afirmativas não são
conseqüências da adoção do Euro. Resposta Correta: D.

Extracted from: FORUM. April 1984, vol. XXII, N 2, Inside Back Cover.


10. (UFC-1999) Read the statements below.

I. Ms. Comosay thought Geoffrey referred to himself.

II. Ms. Comosay wanted to prevent mistakes.
III. One must always say “I am” and never “I is”.
You can infere about the text that:
A) only I is correct.
B) only II is correct.
C) I and II are correct.
D) I and III are correct.
E) II and III are correct.
Comentário – Para responder à questão, os candidatos necessitariam inferir, através de informações implícitas e
explícitas, que a professora, Ms Comosay, por pensar que Geoffrey se referia a si mesmo, corrigiu-o na tentativa de
evitar o erro. Logo, as afirmativas I e II estão corretas. A afirmativa III é incorreta porque o sujeito oracional “I“ não
aceita o verbo na primeira pessoa do singular (am) quando se refere à nona letra do alfabeto; nesse caso, utiliza-se o
verbo na terceira pessoa do singular (is). Resposta Correta: C
11. (UFC-1999) According to each character’s point of view, who was right?
A) Both were.
B) Neither was.
C) Only Geoffrey was.
D) Only Ms. Comosay was.
E) Either one or the other was.
Comentário - Nesta questão, os candidatos deveriam escolher a única informação verdadeira de acordo com o texto,
levando em consideração o ponto de vista de cada um dos personagens. Ambos estavam corretos de acordo com o que
pensavam. Resposta Correta: A.

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