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Willa Marry T.

Behec Bs Architecture 1A

1. What are the reasons of increase in global cities?

A city that has wealthy multinational companies, good infrastructure, better economy,
well-educated and diverse populations and powerful organizations as well as a good
political structure that are linked to the other parts of the world like nowhere else is
considered to be global (Badcock, 2002: p31). Tokyo for example, known to be one of
the world’s richest nation. The Japanese popular culture starting
from karaoke to manga comics, anime, and sushi bars that are popular across the
globe, while creative creatice and adcance technology products such as Sony
Walkman and PlayStation along with the Nintendo DS and Wii have shaped the way the
world experiences culture and entertainment.  Tokyo is also where the most popular
and magnificient artist and film makers like Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli), Akira
Kurosawa, Rei Kawakubo and many more also their connection to other countries.
Moreover, nation like Rome and Paris that contains world heritage sites, these places
holds a huge part in our beliefs and experiences. Garnering a wide scope of audience it
makes them more popular and influential. These factors gives a significance to our
history, identity, interests and it gives us joy. The environment of these countries gives
a huge deal in their holistic development, with the reasonable government officials
handling their country properly they can truly have huge potential in making the future of
their constituents better, for in every success there is always a good connections, the
domino effect. Thus, the increasing global cities is because of the history, cultural
contribution, interconnectedness across countries, target market and originality and
good governance.

2. What are the criticism of global cities?

The threat of Deindustrialization, this can be a risk to the economy, people and the over
all future of a nation. The loss of fame of such industry can bring a huge factor against
its competitors, or maybe the emissions of that factory is too harmful for the
environment they will eventually be put down. The workers in that industry will be forced
to quit their jobs, then the percentage of employment will deplete resulting to a possible
famine and poverty. All global cities have a possible situation of Deindustrialization.
Additionally, there is a possible tight competition with other global cities to increase
resources and to attract capital, with this some governments to promote their city
claiming to be one of the global cities deceitfulness I call it or entrepreneurs call it
marketing strategy. Moreover, most people share experience of class and ethnic
conflict. Employees of key industries are well-paid while the consumerists or in the
lower rank are less well-paid. There is also a hierarchy of cities to appear a different
view to other global cities that leads to possible change pertaining their reputation.

3.Discuss cities as engine of globalization.

Cities that possess combination of powerful, strong and unique culture, style and
history are considered to drive a nation to success. Rome for example, has been very
powerful and influential in the development of world culture and literacy. A culture may
not necessarily mean the traditions and values in that specific city but also the art, food
and architecture. This provides tourists attractions and to gain popularity in all aspects.
The reputation of these cities spread across other countries another example is USA
“the land of opportunity”, New York City specifically the center of international
businesses, a command center in the wolrd’s economy and the main center for
business like legal services, world trade banking etc. This implies that a global city has
a major influence in other cities.

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