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Half of the year the world was shocked by the presence of a new virus, called
COVID-19. After all this time we do all the activities at home. Now the
government allows its citizens to carry out their normal activities. Everyone
returned with their activities such as starting work in offices and shopping
centers that had reopened. If we want to get out, we have to do all the
protocols that have been set.This encourages us to be more vigorous in applying
basic COVID-19 preventive measures, such as washing hands with soap and
running water or with a hand sanitizer, not touching the face with hands that
have not been washed. When we meet with friends, we must applying physical
distancing, and wearing a mask in every activity, especially in public place. We
must do all health protocols to avoid contracting this virus both for ourselves
and those around us. The people play an important role in reducing the spread of
the corona virus. The application of new normal will make us more relaxed to
leave the house. However, considering that the COVID-19 pandemic is still
ongoing, we must continue to implement basic preventive measures whenever and
wherever we are. In addition, do not force yourself to leave the house when you
are not fit. When the needs are completed, return to home immediately.
Arriving at home, immediately do the following things : spray disinfectant on
footwear or equipment that you use, wash your hands with soap and water, take
a shower and change into clean clothes before gathering with family. Life with
new normal has been planned by the government, does not mean the Corona virus
has disappeared and is no longer a threat and you still have to strengthen your
body's resistance by paying attention to nutrition and fluids, and implementing
healthy lifestyles, such as adequate rest and regular exercise.

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