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(Nursing Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols)

Name :
Class :

Write the meaning of the following abbreviations

1. T : Temperature

2. P : Pulse

3. RR : Resipirations Rate

4. BP : Blood Pressure

5. Wt : Weight

6. O2 SATS : Oxygen Saturations

7. Kg : Kilogram

8. Obs : Organik Brain Syndrome

9. Pt, pt : Patient

10. DOB : Date Of Birth

11. ADL : Activities of Daily Living

12. IV, iv : Intravenous

13. ROM : Range Of Motion / Rupture Of Membranes

14. NGT : Nasogastric Tube

15. Dx : Diagnosis
16. GP : General practitioners

17. SOAP : Subjective, objective, assessment, plan

18. ADM : Administration

19. Hosp. No : Hospital number

20. ID : Intradermal
Match the abbreviations below to their meaning.

1. Abd d. abdomen
2. TAB, tab s. tablet
3. ECG, EKG k electro cardiogram
4. RN l. Registered nurse
5. CBC r. complete blood count
6. c/o t. complaint (s) of
7. c i. with
8.CPR h. cardio pulmonary resuscitation
9. R/T n. related to
10. SPEC, spec o. specimen
11. stat. j. immediately
12. b.i.d c. two twice a day
13. P.O q. by mouth (orally)
14. s e. without
15. LPM, lpm f. litres per minute
16. q.i.d b. four times a day
17. CVP g. central nervous pressure
18. p.r.n p. whenever necessary; as needed
19. Q.o.d, q.o.d a. every other day
20. SOB m. short (ness) of breath

Complete the sentences below with the abbreviatons and symbols provided in the

a. AC, a.c, a.c b. ENT c. L

d. A&E e. D/C

1. The patient from the car accident has just been admitted to the … ………

...........A&E …….department
2. Yesterday I fell of the stairs and I think I hurt my … L ….. arm
3. You seem to have a problem with your throat. Why don’t you go to an ……
.........ENT ….. clinic and get it checked
4. According to the doctor, Mr. Blackwell can be…… D/C …………from the
hospital this afternoon.
5. Good morning, Mrs. Russel, I’m here to remind you that you should take your
tablet…. AC, a.c, a.c … …..

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