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Name: Pegarido, Alessandra Balbontin Date of Submission: Sept 17, 2021

Subject: Anatomy and Physiology (lab) Section: BSN I

Faculty: Dr. Jan Oliver Z. de Leon

Learning Activity 8


1. Label the Integumentary Anatomy

Answers: 1. Distal convoluted tubule
(1) 2. Afferent arteriole
1. Cortical radiate artery 3. Proximal convoluted tubule
2. Arcuate artery 4. Arcuate artery and vein
3. Interlobar vein 5. Descending Limb of Nephron
4. Nephron Loop
5. Renal pyramids 6. Ascending Limb of Nephron
6. Renal artery Loop
7. Renal vein 7. Renal artery
8. Major calyx 8. Vasa recta
9. Renal pelvis 9. Renal corpuscle
10. Minor calyx 10. Afferent arteriole of juxta
11. Ureter glomerulus
12. Renal papilla 11. Renal cortex
13. Renal capsule 12. Efferent arterioles and vasa recta
14. Renal cortex 13. Connecting tubule
14. Collecting duct
15. Papillary duct

2. Label the following parts


1. Afferent arteriole
2. Juxtaglomerular cells
3. Podocyte
4. Distal Convoluted Tubule
5. Efferent arteriole
6. Glomerulus
7. Capsular Epithelium of Bowman’s capsule
8. Proximal Convoluted Tubule

3. Matching


1. B. 6. A. 11. F.
2. M. 7. L. 12. H.
3. D. 8. E. 13. C.
4. K. 9. N. 14. I.
5. O. 10. G. 15. J.
4. Matching


1. D.
2. O.
3. H.
4. A.
5. L.
6. J.
7. B.
8. K.
9. G.
10. N.
11. M.
12. I.
13. E.
14. F.
15. C.

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