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Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

I. Objectives

At the end of the session, the students should be able to:

A. Assess their leanings on combination

B. Value the importance of honesty

C. Solve problems involving permutation and combination

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Permutation and Combination

Reference: Mathematics Learners’ Module pp. 283-318

Material: Summative Test

III. Teaching Strategies

A. Review

The teacher will ask the following questions to recall the past lesson on
Permutation and Combination:

- Formula for Permutation?

- Formula for Combination?

B. Developmental Activities

-Summative Test-

Multiple Choice

1. It is the selection of objects without regard of order.

A. Permutation
B. Combination

C. Arrangement

D. Order

2. Evaluate 6P3.

A. 150

B. 120

C. 110

D. 130

3. In how many ways can the letters of the word TRIANGLE be arranged?

A. 1

B. 362, 880

C. 5, 040

D. 40, 320

4. In a fruit basket there are 5 apples, 7 plums, and 11 oranges. You have to
pick 3 fruits of each type. In how many ways can you make your choice?

A. 57, 750

B. 57, 650

C. 57, 550

D. 57, 450

5. It is an ordered arrangement n factorial- denoted by n!

A. Order

B. Arrangement

C. Combination

D. Permutation

6. Find the number of subsets of the set {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,,8,9,10,11} having 4

A. 7, 920

B. 720

C. 330

D. 5, 040

7. In how many ways can a coach choose three swimmers from among five

A. 10

B. 120

C. 20

D. 60

8. Evaluate 11C5.

A. 55, 440

B. 462

C. 57, 750

D. 720

9. How many three digit numbers can be formed by using the digits in
735621, if repetition is not allowed?

A. 60

B. 120

C. 180

D. 340

10. Permutation: Arrangement; Combination:_______

A. Order

B. Organize

C. Select

D. Set

1.) 2! + 4!

2.) 6P2 x 9C4

3.) 4P3/3P2

4.) 8!-7!

D. Concluding Activities

Values Integration: Honesty is the best policy.

IV. Agreement

Study in advance probability

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