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E) to be interfering / being asked
SET 1 7. He has such an unfortunate manner that I
don't know how she tolerates ---- around by
him, but she appears ---- with it very well.
1. One of the nicest things about living in the
mountains at this time of year was watching A) to be ordered / coping
the sheep ---- to their winter pastures in the B) having ordered / to be coping
valley below.
C) being ordered / to cope
A) having led D) to order / to have coped
B) leading E) ordering / coped
C) to have led
8. The officials are planning ---- new bottle
D) to be led banks at convenient locations throughout
E) being led the city in order to aid the country's recycling
2. They didn't mind ---- another month in order
to buy a better car. A) to have placed
A) to wait B) to be placed
B) in waiting C) placing
C) for waiting D) to place
D) waiting E) having placed
E) to have waited 9. We don't encourage our customers ---- our
horses ---- a proper riding hat.
3. I'd like ___ your report when you've finished
___ it. A) to ride / without wearing
A) to have read / to write B) to be riding / by not wearing
B) reading / to be written C) having ridden / not wearing
C) having read / to have written D) to have ridden / not to wear
D) read / having written E) riding / of not wearing
E) to read / writing 10. The travel agent recommends ---- early if one
prefers ---- at a hotel close to the sea.
4. A lot of people look for the cheapest driving
school without ---- how important the quality A) to book / having stayed
of the training is. B) book / stayed
A) realising C) being booked / to be staying
B) to realise D) booking / to stay
C) being realised E) to be booked / to have stayed
D) to have realised 11. If we intend to have central heating ---- for
E) having been realised winter, then we should start ---- some money
aside every month.
5. Despite being advised ---- in such terrible
weather, the climbers were determined ---- A) to install / to put
the ascent that day. B) installed / putting
A) don't climb / having attempted C) to be installing / being put
B) not to climb / to attempt D) to have installed / put
C) to have climbed / attempting E) installing / to be putting
D) not climbing / to have attempted 12. I heard him ---- although he tried ---- his
E) having climbed / being attempted cough.
6. I didn't want ------ in his private business, but A) to approach / stifling
he looked so miserable that I couldn't help B) approaching / stifle
------ him if everything was all right.
C) approached / having stifled
A) interfering / to ask D) to be approached / stifled
B) interfere / having asked E) approach / to stifle
C) to interfere / asking
D) to have interfered / to have asked

13. With his reputation, he could choose ---- at
any hospital, but he is known ---- to the 18. Whenever we drive through that town, we
children's hospital. stop ---- a cup of tea and a cake at the little
cafe there. Their cakes are really delicious.
A) to be working / being devoted
A) to have
B) having worked / having devoted
B) having
C) work / having been devoted
C) have
D) to work / to be devoted
D) having had
E) working / to have devoted
E) to have had
14. A: It's not worth ---- a barbecue
now. The summer is almost over. 19. In addition ---- more, he stopped ---- sugary
foods for the sake of maintaining his health.
B: That shouldn't matter as our
storage room is large enough ---- one in A) to exercise / to eat
until next year. B) for exercising / to be eating
A) having bought / to have kept C) to exercising / eating
B) to buy / keeping D) to be exercising / having eaten
C) buying / to keep E) having exercised / to have eaten
D) to be bought / for keeping 20. Simon regrets ---- part in the preparations for
E) to have bought / keep the English department's annual play as his
friends appear ---- a great time preparing the
15. For a lot of English teachers, ---- able to stage and the decorations.
speak Turkish is one of the hardest things
about ---- here. A) not to take / to have had
B) not having taken / to be having
A) not being / living
C) not taking / having had
B) not be / having lived
D) not to have taken / to have
C) not having been / to live
E) not taken / having
D) not to be / to have lived
E) not to have been / live 21. The spokesperson asked if there was
anybody present who could help them ---- up
16. If you are concerned ---- ready for the after the meeting.
visitors, we are willing ---- behind until the
office looks respectable. A) having cleared
B) clearing
A) to get / having stayed
C) being cleared
B) about getting / to stay
D) clear
C) for getting / say
E) to be clearing
D) to be getting / staying
E) to have got / being stayed 22. She can't help ---- people advice even when
they haven't asked for any.
17. We would be happy ---- a written estimate of
the costs if you require one. A) to offer
B) offer
A) supply
C) to have offered
B) to supply
D) having offered
C) supplied
E) offering
D) supplying
E) having supplied 23. On the night of the robbery one of the
residents had seen a blue van ---- up and
down the street, but he hadn't thought ---- the
A) to drive / about informing
B) driving / of informing
C) drive / to have informed
D) to be driving / to inform
E) having driven / informing

24. Upon seeing the condition of the car, we 30. I doubt that her father will let her ---- on this
were relieved ---- a more serious accident. camping holiday with us because he thinks
A) to have avoided she is too young ---- a holiday with her
B) being avoided
A) go / to take
C) to be avoiding
B) to go / to be taking
D) avoiding
C) going / having taken
E) to be avoided
D) having gone / taking
25. I wish I hadn't kept ---- when I heard that E) to be going / take
strange sound ---- from the engine.
31. I didn't mean ---- that your products aren't
A) drive / to be coming normally very good, but this machine is
B) having driven / to come definitely faulty.
C) to be driving / come A) being implied
D) driving / coming B) imply
E) to drive / to have come C) to imply
D) to be implying
E) having implied
26. I would lend you my bicycle, but the chain
32. I disapprove of her ---- so much time ----
needs ----.
computer games. It is not healthy.
A) fixed A) to spend / to play
B) to fix B) spending / playing
C) fixing C) to have spent / having played
D) to be fixing D) having spent / play
E) having fixed E) to be spending / played
33. I hope you don't delay ---- the report any
longer now that you've completed ---- those
27. Three firemen had to come out of the blazing accounts.
warehouse for fear ---- by the smoke.
A) writing / checking
A) to have suffocated
B) to write / to check
B) having suffocated
C) being written / having checked
C) from suffocating
D) to be writing / to have checked
D) to be suffocated
E) to be written / being checked
E) of being suffocated
34. Although the fire chief told the owner of the
burning store ---- the building immediately,
28. Because the weather is so changeable here, I he was still trying ---- at least some of the
usually take a cardigan with me in case it contents of his shop out.
gets colder later in the day as I can't stand A) to have left / bringing
---- cold all day.
B) to be left / brought
A) to be feeling C) having left / brought
B) feel D) to leave / to bring
C) having felt E) being left / to have brought
D) to have felt
35. After much pleading, the students got the
E) feeling teacher ---- the exam until next Monday.
29. One of the best forms of exercise is ---- A) postponing
because it uses a lot of muscles without ----
any of them. B) to postpone
C) postpone
A) to swim / being strained
D) postponed
B) having swum / to strain
E) having postponed
C) swimming / straining
D) to be swimming / having strained
E) to have swum / strained

SET 2 7. To celebrate the town's five hundredth
anniversary, they are having a sculpture ----
1. It took us so long ---- the material my mother
by a famous sculptor who was born there.
wanted that, by the time we got home, I was
too tired ---- steady on my feet. A) made
A) finding / standing B) make
B) to find / to stand C) to make
C) to have found / stand D) making
D) find / to have stood E) to be making
E) having found / stood 8. There isn't any point ---- for your
examinations at the last minute. It won't help
2. During her apprenticeship as a fashion
you ---- anything.
designer, she learnt how ---- the best material
for each piece of clothing. A) for cramming / to remember
A) choosing B) in cramming / remember
B) to have chosen C) to be cramming / remembering
C) having chosen D) crammed / to have remembered
D) to choose E) having crammed / remembered
E) to be choosing 9. Smoking is known ---- hazardous, yet a large
number of people keep ---- it.
3. Just let me ---- which day your parents will
arrive and I'll be glad ---- them around A) as being / to be doing
Istanbul. B) for being / to do
A) to know / to be showing C) to be / doing
B) know / to show D) being / to have done
C) known / to have shown E) having been / having done
D) knowing / showing 10. Can you tell me where ---- the customer
E) have known / having shown record cards please?
4. The part in the film where the man broke A) finding
down the door made some of the audience
B) to be finding
---- a cry.
C) to find
A) to give
D) having found
B) giving
E) to have found
C) give
11. At first, my father had difficulty ---- to
D) given
retirement, but slowly he began to enjoy ----
E) gave in the garden.
5. This painting appears ---- a valuable one. I A) adjust / be working
think you should get an expert ---- it.
B) adjusted / having worked
A) have been / to be valuing C) having adjusted / to be working
B) to have been / value D) adjusting / working
C) being / being valued E) to adjust / to work
D) having been / valued
E) to be / to value
12. It's typical of her ---- more time than usual
6. He has just phoned ---- me that the supplier tidying up whenever she has an essay ----.
was prepared ---- the price by one hundred
dollars. A) being spent / written
B) to be spending / write
A) to have told / reducing
C) spend / writing
B) to be telling / reduce
D) spending / having written
C) telling / to have reduced
E) to spend / to write
D) to tell / to reduce
E) having told / having reduced

13. After several cities have put forward their
proposals ---- the Olympic Games, the 19. If you had remembered ---- your swimming
International Olympic Committee decides costume with you, we could go ---- in the lake
which city ---- the next Olympics in. now.

A) to host / to hold A) bringing / to swim

B) being hosted / holding B) to have brought / swim
C) hosting / to be held C) having brought / swum
D) to have hosted / hold D) to bring / swimming
E) to be hosted / having held E) to be bringing / having swum

14. I'd really rather ---- more time to prepare the 20. Today the managers are busy ---- the yearly
drafts for the extension to the factory price increase.
because I had a terrible time ---- to finish A) discussing
them before the board meeting.
B) for discussing
A) have been given / trying C) by discussing
B) to be given / to have tried D) to be discussing
C) having given / to be trying E) to discuss
D) to have given / having tried
21. The impressionist painting technique is
E) given / having been trying considered ---- by the combined works of
15. The word deafness is used ---- any degree of Claude Monet and Pierre Auguste Renoir the
hearing loss, though it is most common best.
when there is a total inability ----. A) to have represented
A) to describing / hearing B) to be representing
B) for describing / heard C) having represented
C) to be described / being heard D) to be represented
D) to describe / to hear E) representing
E) describing / having heard 22. Usually men don't like to waste time ---- in
16. Some cows in India have humps, which aid shops. They prefer ---- shopping only when
them ---- by ---- a store of fat and water in the they have something particular to buy.
dry season. A) browsed / to be going
A) surviving / being provided B) to be browsing / go
B) to survive / providing C) having browsed / going
C) to be surviving / having provided D) browsing / to go
D) survived / to be providing E) browse / having gone
E) survive / provided 23. We ought to have the carpets ---- before your
17. Our office is near the market, so on market parents come to visit.
days we can hear the traders ---- out the A) cleaning
prices of the goods they are selling.
B) clean
A) to call C) cleaned
B) to be calling D) to clean
C) called E) being cleaned
D) being called
24. If this mistake should cause our client ---- his
E) calling order, I will hold you personally responsible.
18. It's difficult ---- the rules of chess in a short A) cancelling
time, so I think it will be easier now to show
B) to cancel
you how ---- backgammon.
C) to be cancelled
A) being explained / to be playing
D) cancel
B) explaining / playing
E) having cancelled
C) to explain / to play
D) to be explained / playing
E) explain / to have played

25. The illness from which thirty of the town's
inhabitants are suffering is believed ---- by a 31. The balcony needs ---- before we can sit out
contaminated water supply. on it. Don't you think?

A) to have been caused A) to be cleaned

B) having caused B) to clean
C) to have caused C) clean
D) to be causing D) having cleaned
E) having been caused E) cleaned

26. I don't remember ---- that the prices have 32. I don't know if I'm fit enough ---- with you to a
gone up, so just now, I told a customer the high impact aerobics class. It might be too
old price for this item. energetic for me ---- up with the class.

A) to tell A) going / keeping

B) telling B) to go / keeping
C) being told C) to go / to keep
D) told D) going / to keep
E) to be told E) to be going / keep

27. It's not worth ---- so much at an expensive 33. I would like to thank everyone ---- to the
hotel if we are to spend most of our time ---- meeting. It's nice to know that so many local
over the hills. residents care ---- our neighbourhood clean.

A) being paid / walked A) by coming / for keeping

B) to pay / to walk B) to be coming / to have kept
C) paying / walking C) on coming / by keeping
D) having paid / be walking D) coming / keeping
E) paid / having walked E) for coming / about keeping

28. The famous pop singers the Everly Brothers 34. We didn't anticipate ---- there in the middle of
are believed ---- up after a bitter the night and had to wait until morning ----
disagreement. accommodation.

A) being split A) to arrive / finding

B) splitting B) having arrived / for finding
C) having split C) arrive / to have found
D) to be split D) arriving / to find
E) to have split E) to have arrived / about finding

29. As you chose ------- the safety regulations, 35. My father wears bifocals, that is glasses with
you can only blame yourself for ------- lenses made in two halves, so that he can
disaster. both read and see long distances without ----
his glasses.
A) ignore / to have invited
A) to change
B) to ignore / having invited
B) changing
C) ignoring / to be invited
C) to be changing
D) ignored / to invite
D) being changed
E) having ignored / invite
E) having been changed
30. It's a nice house, but the trouble is that, if
you move there, it will mean your ---- the 36. He didn't deserve ---- responsible for the
children to a different school. failure in the presentation.

A) having sent A) to hold

B) sent B) holding
C) to be sending C) held
D) sending D) having held
E) to send E) to be held

37. They shouldn't have asked him ---- so many
things at once. It was obvious that he
wouldn't have time ---- all of them. SET 3
A) being done / finish
1. - 40. sorularda, cümlede bırakılan boşluğu
B) to do / to finish
uygun şekilde tamamlayan kelime ya da ifadeyi
C) to be done / finished bulunuz.
D) doing / to have finished
E) having done / finishing 1. The Louvre Museum in Paris is considered
---- one of the most comprehensive
38. Copper bangles are thought by some ----
sufferers of rheumatism. collections of oil paintings in the world.
A) to have
A) to help
B) helping B) having had
C) have
C) to be helped
D) help D) having
E) to be having
E) having helped
39. Despite strong opposition at the beginning, 2. The conference is too far away for you ----
there and back in one day. You'll have to stay
several members are now beginning ---- the
advantages of the new scheme. overnight.
A) travel
A) realising
B) to have realised B) travelling
C) to travel
C) realise
D) to realise D) to be travelling
E) having travelled
E) having realised
40. Her parents' attempts ---- her did not deter 3. His eagerness ---- the meeting early may
have had something to do with the cup final
her ---- at art school.
being shown on television that evening.
A) to dissuade / from enrolling
A) finish
B) dissuade / for enrolling
B) finishing
C) dissuaded / on enrolling
C) finished
D) to be dissuaded / enrolling
D) to finish
E) dissuading / by enrolling
E) to be finishing
4. It's the third time this year that the Smiths
have had their restaurant ----. Some youths
broke the windows and sprayed paint
A) vandalising
B) vandalised
C) vandalise
D) to vandalise
E) being vandalised
5. When he failed ---- his assignment four times
consecutively, his maths teacher made him
---- out "I will do my homework in the future,"
fifty times.
A) doing / writing
B) to have done / written
C) having done / to write
D) do / having written
E) to do / write

6. When he was at university, he imagined the
life of a lawyer ---- quite easy, but when he 12. They were on the point ---- when they spotted
started ---- for a law firm, he found the work reinforcements ---- in the distance.
quite stressful. A) to have surrendered / come
A) being / having worked B) to surrender / to be coming
B) to have been / work C) for surrendering / having come
C) to be / working D) of surrendering / coming
D) having been / to work E) with surrendering / to come
E) be / to be working 13. He is lucky ---- in the accident, because his
7. Please accept my apologies ---- to car was judged irreparable and written-off by
conclusions without --- to your explanation the insurance officials.
first. A) not having killed
A) to be jumping / to be listening B) not being killed
B) by jumping / having listened C) not to have killed
C) to have jumped / not to listen D) not having been killed
D) having jumped / listen E) not to have been killed
E) for having jumped / listening 14. The government's scheme ---- up the
8. In some popular tourist spots, reservations beaches never really got started, although
must be made weeks in advance, which often there were several institutions that had
means ---- a travel agent ---- it for you. offered ---- part in the cause voluntarily.

A) asking / to do A) cleaned / to have taken

B) to ask / having done B) clean / to be taking
C) being asked / doing C) cleaning / having taken
D) having asked / done D) having cleaned / taking
E) to be asked / do E) to clean / to take

9. Understandably, the residents in the slum 15. Suicide-prevention centers have been set up
area watched desperately their houses ---- in many countries, which maintain telephone
down by the municipality officials. hot lines that desperate or lonely individuals
may use ---- help.
A) to be pulled
A) getting
B) having pulled
B) to get
C) pulling
C) to be getting
D) being pulled
D) having got
E) to be pulling
E) to have got
10. The soldier was caught ---- while on duty and
was severely punished for it. 16. I want to get to the conference hall early ----
enough time ---- up the equipment.
A) to sleep
A) for leaving / setting
B) sleeping
B) leave / to have set
C) having slept
C) leaving / being set
D) to be sleeping
D) to leave / to set
E) to have slept
E) being left / having set
11. I think we should get the car ---- before we go
on holiday. 17. He sat there, on the platform, ---- into space
without ---- anything particular in his mind.
A) to service
A) to stare / having had
B) being serviced
B) having stared / have
C) serviced
C) to be staring / to have
D) servicing
D) staring / having
E) having serviced
E) to have stared / to be having

18. According to criminal law, it is no defense for
a person ---- he was unaware that what he did 24. This song is appropriate ---- including in our
was against the law. end-of-term presentation.

A) to say A) in
B) to have said B) from
C) said C) with
D) saying D) about
E) having said E) for

19. The author would like ---- her friends family 25. She was delighted ---- being asked to play
and colleagues who encourage her ---- this the piano at the party.
book. A) in
A) have thanked / producing B) on
B) thanking / to have produced C) at
C) to thank / to produce D) for
D) having thanked / being produced E) of
E) to be thanked / having produced 26. You could leave Matthew in charge when you
20. The two businessmen made a fortune ---- go on holiday. I think he is capable ----
their product until several other companies looking after everything, and he has proved
began ---- similar items. himself to be reliable.

A) to have sold / manufacturing A) for

B) sold / to be manufacturing B) with
C) for selling / manufacture C) of
D) sell / to have manufactured D) from
E) by selling / to manufacture E) about

21. The way he avoided our questions made us 27. Before I came to Turkey, I wasn't accustomed
---- his sincerity. ---- drinking tea without milk in it, but now I
quite like it.
A) to doubt
A) with
B) doubt
B) to
C) having doubted
C) about
D) doubted
D) for
E) doubting
E) from
22. The slave trade from Africa following the
European settlement of America is said ----
as many as 20 million people from their 28. The children are very excited ---- collecting
homes and brought them to the Americas. their new puppy tomorrow.
A) to be uprooting A) with
B) to have uprooted B) on
C) having uprooted C) for
D) to uproot D) about
E) uprooting E) from

23. He was proud ---- contributing something to 29. We're fond ---- picnicking in the park in the
such a worthwhile community project. summer.
A) of A) with
B) for B) at
C) with C) about
D) from D) from
E) over E) of

30. I am very grateful to you ---- lending me
money when I needed it last week. 36. We should ---- full advantage of being a
member of the sports club and go there more
A) with often.
B) on A) participate
C) about B) take
D) for C) plan
E) from D) concentrate
31. He used to be lazy ---- watching his stall, but E) insist
since he was robbed, he has never left in
unattended. 37. Railway officials should take stricter
measures to ---- youths from jumping onto
A) about moving trains.
B) for A) involve
C) of B) blame
D) on C) forgive
E) from D) prevent
32. Instead of facing up to the problem, he uses D) suspect
any excuse ---- putting off dealing with it.
38. I think you should ---- to the tour manager
A) for about not being picked up from the hotel at
B) of the correct time.
C) about A) apologise
D) to B) warn
E) by C) complain
33. They have been ---- improving the system for D) accuse
ages, but they never actually do anything. E) require
A) offering 39. The opposition ---- to the government's
B) concentrating mishandling of the current situation.
C) discussing A) assisted
D) participating B) commented
E) preventing C) considered
34. Normally I wouldn't ---- of interfering with D) planned
your work, but haven't you hung that picture E) referred
upside down?
40. The students are asking for volunteers to ----
A) abstain in campaigning for human rights.
B) argue A) participate
C) object B) approve
D) dream C) consider
E) attempt D) insist
35. The customs officers ---- the man with E) depend
importing endangered animals and if he is
found guilty, he will probably serve a prison
A) discouraged
B) prevented
C) arrested
D) stopped
E) charged

41. - 50. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca en 44. His determination to turn this old abandoned
yakın olan seçeneği bulunuz. house into a beautiful home is, I believe,
41. He was too proud to accept charity when he A) In my opinion, he is to be admired for
had difficulty providing for his family. having the resolution to transform this old
A) Accepting charity hurt his pride, but there deserted house into a beautiful home.
was no point in refusing it as he was B) He dreams of living in a beautiful home
experiencing problems covering his family's instead of this old empty house, which he
expenses. believes is haunted.
B) He should have accepted the assistance of C) It is believed that he is convinced he can
his friends to help support his family, but he change this old house into a beautiful
wasn't humble enough to do so. home, but it seems impossible.
C) As he thought taking charity was beneath D) He should be admired for his courage in
him, he refused to do so even when his believing he can build a beautiful home at
family wanted him to. his age.
D) He was not humble enough to accept that E) I admire his belief that the old abandoned
he was experiencing difficulties in house he lives in was once a beautiful
supporting his family. home.
E) At the time when he had trouble supporting
his family, his pride prevented him from 45. His being discontent with the conditions in
taking charity. his present employment is common
42. He is going to abstain from eating chocolate
and cakes till he is slim enough to fit in his A) We know that he wants to leave his job
jeans. because the work is not very satisfying.
B) It isn't known how he copes with working
A) He is going to have trouble adjusting to not under such awful job conditions.
eating chocolate or cake, but the urge to be
able to wear his jeans is stronger. C) Everybody knows that he is dissatisfied
with the conditions in his current job.
B) Because his jeans don't fit him, he is going
on a strict diet, but it's not easy for him to D) He knows that he has to tolerate working
do without chocolate and cakes. conditions in his job although, at times, they
appear to be unbearable.
C) He has become too big to fit in his jeans on
account of the chocolate and cakes he eats E) Nobody knows how he can tolerate the
all the time, so he certainly should cut down conditions he has to work under.
on them. 46. His friends' not believing him capable of
D) Until he loses enough weight to be able to winning enough votes to be elected didn't
wear his jeans, he is excluding chocolate deter him from becoming a candidate for
and cakes from his diet. chairmanship.
E) He hopes to lose some weight by not eating
chocolate and cakes, and then he is going A) Although they hadn't believed him capable,
to buy himself a new pair of jeans. his friends worked hard to help him gain
sufficient votes for the chairmanship.
43. He succeded in giving a competent B) Not believing him capable of winning the
presentation even without rehearsing. election, his friends tried all they could to
A) It was unnecessary for him to rehearse get him to pull out of the election for the
because he could present confidently. chairmanship.
B) Even though he hadn't rehearsed, he C) Had his friends stood by him, he would
delivered his presentation proficiently. have had a better chance of winning the
C) His presentation would have been even
more successful if he had rehearsed. D) He wasn't put off standing for chairmanship
by his friends' opinion that he was
D) His incompetent presentation was a result
incapable of attracting sufficient votes to
of his not rehearsing in advance.
get elected.
E) It is possible for him to give a successful
E) It was his failing that he hadn't listened to
presentation even if he hasn't rehearsed.
the opinion of his friends and went ahead
with putting his candidacy for chairmanship

47. I'm so busy at work these days that I can
hardly find any time to pursue my hobbies. 50. The technique for building these stone walls
is only used in this part of the country.
A) I can only devote very little time to my
hobbies these days due to the huge A) Builders in other areas of the country are
amount of work I'm doing. not willing to use this technique for erecting
B) Because I have to work hard all the time, I
don't have enough time to adopt any B) If you want to build a stone wall here, you
hobbies. have to use the traditional technique for this
C) These days I'm busy pursuing my hobbies
in spite of the heavy work load I have to C) Techniques for building stone walls vary
deal with. according to the different areas of the
D) I can't spare much time for my hobbies
these days because I'm having a hard time D) In this part of the country there is only one
at work. technique for building stone walls.
E) I'm so engaged with my hobbies these days E) These stone walls are made using a
that I find it hard to deal with my work technique not found anywhere else in the
alongside them. country.

48. Great leaders have been shot dead, but it

51. - 60. sorularda, verilen İngilizce cümlenin
hasn't stopped their supporters from
Türkçe dengini bulunuz.
carrying on.
A) Shooting great leaders may not always
51. It usually takes about six weeks for a broken
deter their supporters from carrying on their
bone to knit together.
B) Supporters of great leaders have continued A) Kırık bir kemik genellikle altı haftadan önce
their mission even after these leaders have kaynamaz.
been killed. B) Kırık bir kemiğin kaynaması için en az altı
C) Being a great leader is very dangerous hafta gereklidir.
because you are likely to get shot, although C) Kırık bir kemiğin kaynaması için gerekli
your supporters will carry on anyway. süre tahminen altı haftadır.
D) Stopping the supporters of great men has D) Kırık bir kemiğin kaynaması genellikle altı
proved to be more difficult than their hafta kadar sürer.
enemies first assumed. E) Kırık bir kemik yaklaşık altı hafta içinde
E) Even threats to their lives did not stop great kaynar.
leaders and their supporters from
continuing their mission. 52. Centuries passed before men understood
why the compass needle always pointed in a
49. I'm willing to lend you the money if you agree north-south direction.
to pay me back quickly.
A) Asırlarca insanlar pusula ibresinin neden
A) I would only borrow the money if I thought I hep kuzey-güney yönünü gösterdiğini
could pay it back promptly. araştırdı durdu.
B) As you paid back the money I lent you B) İnsanların, pusula ibresinin neden hep
promptly, I will always be willing to lend you kuzey-güney yönünü gösterdiğini anlaması
money. asırlar sürdü.
C) Provided you consent to repay it promptly, C) Pusula ibresinin hep kuzey-güney yönünü
I'll willingly lend you the money. göstermesinin nedenini insanlar asırlar
D) I am prepared to lend you the money sonra keşfedebildi.
without delay if you are happy to borrow it D) Asırlarca, pusulanın ibresinin hep kuzey-
from me. güney yönünü göstermesinin nedeni
E) I'm glad to be able to lend you the money insanlar için bir merak konusuydu.
because you always return it quickly. E) İnsanlar pusula ibresinin neden hep kuzey-
güney yönünü gösterdiğini anlayıncaya
kadar asırlar geçti.

53. The Pole Star is the only celestial object to 56. Since the 1950s, a large part of the old city
appear to us in a fixed position, as seen from has been demolished to make room for
Earth. modern buildings.
A) Dünyadan göründüğü kadarıyla, Kutup A) 1950'lerde, eski şehrin büyük bir bölümü
Yıldızı dışında hiçbir gök cismi sabit bir yıkılarak yeni binaların yapılması teşvik
pozisyonda değildir. edildi.
B) Dünyadan baktığımızda, diğer gök B) Çok odalı modern binaların yapımına,
cisimlerinden farklı olarak, Kutup Yıldızı 1950'lerde, eski şehrin yıkılmasından sonra
bize hep sabit bir pozisyonda görünür. başlandı.
C) Kutup Yıldızı dışında, dünyadan C) Eski şehrin büyük bir bölümü 1950'lerde
bakıldığında sabit bir pozisyonda görünen yıkılınca, yerine çok odalı modern binalar
bir gök cismi yoktur. yapıldı.
D) Dünyadan görünen gök cisimleri arasında D) 1950'lerden bu yana, yeni binalara yer
sadece Kutup Yıldızı'nı hep sabit bir açmak için eki şehrin büyük bir bölümü
pozisyonda görürüz. yıkıldı.
E) Kutup Yıldızı dünyadan bakıldığında bize E) Eski şehrin yavaş yavaş yok edilerek yerine
sabit bir pozisyonda görünen tek gök modern binaların yapılması 1950'lerden
cismidir. beri devam etmektedir.
54. Austria is well known for its coffeehouses, 57. In warm and sunny weather the city dwellers
which, besides light snack and desserts, spend a large part of their free time on the
offer complete meals. streets, sitting in sidewalk cafes.
A) Avusturya'nın kahvehanelerinde sadece A) Ne zaman hava biraz ılık ve güneşli olsa
hafif aperatifler ve tatlılar değil, tam şehir sakinlerinin büyük bir bölümü kendini
teşekküllü yemekler de ikram edilir. sokağa, kaldırım kafelerine atar.
B) Avusturya, hafif aperatifler ve tatlıların yanı B) Ilık ve güneşli havalarda şehrin sakinleri
sıra, tam teşekküllü yemekler de sunan boş zamanlarının büyük bir blümünü
kahvehaneleriyle tanınır. sokaklarda, kaldırım kafelerinde oturarak
C) Avusturya'daki kahvehanelerin en bilinen geçirirler.
özelliği, hafif aperatifler ve tatlıların yanı C) Hava ılık ve güneşli olduğunda, şehrin
sıra tam teşekküllü yemekler de sunuyor hemen her yerinde bulunan kaldırım
olmasıdır. kafeleri kendini sokağa atmış özgürce
D) Avusturya'da hafif aperatifler ve tatlıların dolaşan insanlarla tıklım tıklımdır.
ikram edildiği yerler olarak bilinen D) Şehrin kaldırım kafeleri ılık ve güneşli
kahvehanelerde aslında tam teşekküllü havalarda dolu olur çünkü boş zamanı olan
yemek de bulunmaktadır. insanlar böyle havalarda kendilerini sokağa
E) Avusturya'nın tanınmış kahvehanelerinde,
E) Ilık ve güneşli havalarda şehrin kaldırım
hafif aperatif ve tatlılarla birlikte tam
kafeleri, sokaklarda başıboş dolaşan
teşekküllü yemek de bulabilirsiniz.
insanların uğrak yeridir.
55. Uniforms are often associated with people in
military service, but there are many other 58. Unless you arrive off season, to find
vocations that require them. accommodation at a popular resort without a
reservation is almost impossible.
A) Daha pek çok meslekte üniforma
giyilmesine rağmen, üniforma deyince A) Popüler bir tatil beldesinde rezervasyon
genellikle akla ordu mensupları gelir. yaptırmadan kalacak yer bulabilmeniz
B) Genellikle ordu mensuplarında görmeye ancak sezon dışı giderseniz mümkündür.
alışkın olduğumuz üniformalar aslında diğer B) Rezervasyon yaptıramadıysanız bile,
mesleklerde de giyilmektedir. popüler bir tatil beldesine sezon dışı
C) Üniformalar çoğunlukla ordu mensuplarıyla giderseniz kalacak yer bulmanız
özdeşleştirilir oysa üniforma gerektiren mümkündür.
başka pek çok meslek vardır. C) Rezervasyon yaptıramadıysanız, kalacak
yer bulma bakımından popüler bir tatil
D) Üniformayı zorunlu kılan pek çok meslek beldesine sezon dışı gitmek en iyisidir.
vardır ama nedense üniformalar bize hep
D) Sezon dışı bile olsa, popüler bir tatil
ordu mensuplarını çağrıştırır.
beldesinde kalmak istiyorsanız, bir hayli
E) Üniformalar sadece ordu mensupları için önceden rezervasyon yaptırmanız gerekir.
değil daha pek çok meslek için zorunlu E) Sezon dışı gitmiyorsanız, rezervasyon
giysilerdir. yaptırmadan popüler bir tatil beldesinde
kalacak yer bulmak neredeyse imkansızdır.

59. Those travelling to a foreign country need to
have certain documents with them in order to 62. Pusula icat edilmeden önce kara ve deniz
be allowed in and out of the country. yolcuları için yön bulmada en iyi rehber
Kuzey Yıldızı'ydı.
A) Yabancı bir ülkeye gidenler, ülkeye giriş
çıkışlarına izin verilmesi için yanlarında A) Before the compass was invented, the
bazı belgeler bulundurmak zorundadırlar. North Star was the best guide for travellers
on land and sea in determining directions.
B) Yabancı bir ülkeye giderken yanlarında
bazı belgeleri bulundurmayanlar ülkeye B) Prior to the invention of the compass,
giriş çıkış izni alamayabilirler. travellers used to best determine directions
on land or sea by looking at the North Star.
C) Yabancı bir ülkeye giriş çıkış izni almak için
yolcuların önceden bazı belgeler C) The determination of directions on land or
hazırlamaları gerekmektedir. sea was best achieved using the North Star
before the compass was invented.
D) Yabancı bir ülkeye gidenler, sadece ülkeye
giriş izni alırken değil çıkarken de bazı D) Before the compass was available, the
belgeler göstermek durumundadırlar. North Star provided travellers with the best
means of determining directions on land or
E) Yabancı bir ülkeye giden yolcular, ülkeye
giriş çıkışlarda sorun yaşanmaması için
önceden bir izin belgesi alabilirler. E) The North Star was the best guide for
travellers before the compass was available
60. It didn't take him long to realise that he had to determine directions on land and sea.
been mistaken about the profitability of the
job. 63. Bu merhem yaranın iyileşmesine yardımcı
olur ve mikrop kapmasını önler.
A) Kısa sürede işin pek karlı olmadığını
farkedip hemen tasfiye yoluna gitti. A) Using this ointment will ensure that the
wound heals and does not become
B) İşin karlılığı konusunda yanıldığını
anlamıştı ama artık çok geçti.
B) This ointment will help the wound heal and
C) Yanılmış olduğunu, işin hiç de karlı
prevent it from getting infected.
olmadığını nihayet kabul etti.
C) To prevent the wound from becoming
D) İşin karlılığı konusunda yanıldığını
infected and help it heal, use this ointment.
anlaması uzun sürmedi.
D) This ointment is used for helping a wound
E) İşin hiç de karlı olmadığını farkettiği halde,
heal and protecting it from infection.
tasfiye etmesi bir hayli zaman aldı.
E) The wound will be helped to heal and
protected against infection by this ointment.

64. Üniversitenin bazı bölümleri prefabrik

61. - 70. sorularda verilen Türkçe cümlenin yapılardı ama çok sağlam görünüyorlardı.
İngilizce dengini bulunuz.
A) The areas of the university made from
prefabricated constructions appear very
61. İstediğin paltoyu alabilmemiz için başka solid.
şeylerden kısıntı yapmamız gerekecek. B) Prefabricated constructions which made up
A) Buying the coat you want is only possible part of the university appeared to be quite
by saving on other things. solid.
B) It will be necessary for us to make savings C) Some parts of the university were
on other items if you want to buy that coat. prefabricated constructions, but they looked
C) We need to save on other things in order to very solid.
be able to buy the coat you want. D) Parts of the university were constructed
D) As you really want to buy that coat, we can from solid-looking prefabricated buildings.
save on other things to find the money. E) Although they looked permanent, parts of
E) Saving on other items will enable us to buy the university were, in fact, prefabricated
the coat that you want. buildings.

65. Pazar günleri açık olmamak bize rafları tekrar
doldurmak ve mağazayı iyice temizlemek için 68. Özel eğitim almaları gereken çocuklar,
yeterli zamanı bırakıyor. özürlerine ya da ihtiyaçlarına bağlı olarak
çeşitli sınıflara ayrılırlar.
A) We have plenty of time to restock the
shelves and clean the store well on Sunday A) Children who require special education are
as we are not open. categorised depending on their handicaps
and needs.
B) Being closed on Sunday means that we
have lots of time to restock the shelves and B) Depending on their handicaps and needs,
clean the entire store. children who require special attention
during their education fall into different
C) We are allowed plenty of time on Sunday categories.
for restocking the shelves and cleaning the
store thoroughly. C) Children with specific handicaps and needs
should be grouped into several categories
D) Not being open on Sunday allows us plenty and educated differently.
of time to restock the shelves and clean the
store thoroughly. D) Although there are several categories,
many children need to receive special
E) If we are not opening the shop on Sunday, education due to their handicaps and
then we'll have enough time for restocking needs.
and cleaning the store.
E) Children who need to receive special
education fall into several categories
depending on their handicaps or needs.
66. Uzun süre yüksek topuklu ayakkabı giymek
ayaklarda ciddi rahatsızlıklara yol açabilir.
A) Serious foot problems can be caused by 69. Kukla tiyatrolarının hemen hemen tüm
wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time. uygarlıklarda bulunduğu düşünülmek-tedir
B) The wearing of high-heeled shoes for too ancak kuklacılığın kesin kaynak-ları
long at a time can cause intense aching of bilinmemektedir.
the feet. A) Although believed to have existed in almost
C) High-heeled shoes worn too often are the all civilizations, there isn't much evidence
cause of some serious foot deformities. as to the precise origins of puppetry.
D) When high-heeled shoes are worn for a B) It is thought that puppet theaters exist in
long duration of time, the wearer can suffer every civilization; however, the exact,
from foot complaints. origins of puppetry remain unknown.
E) Wearing high-heeled shoes for a long time C) It is believed that puppet theaters have
may lead to serious ailments of the feet. existed in almost all civilizations, yet the
exact origins of puppetry are unknown.
D) The precise origins of puppetry have not
67. Politikacı olmak istiyorsan, öğrenmen been established, although puppet theaters
gereken ilk şey, yalan söylerken yüzünün have existed in almost every civilization.
kızarmamasıdır. E) Exactly where and when puppetry
A) Should you desire a career in politics, you originated is unknown, but we do know that
should learn not to blush when you tell a lie. puppet theaters existed in virtually all
B) The first thing you have to learn, if you want
a political career, is not to blush as you lie.
C) If you can manage to tell a lie without
blushing, then you can choose a career in
D) Initially you have to learn how not to blush
when lying if you hope to have a political
E) Learning how not to blush during lying is
the most essential thing you have to do if
you want to become a politician.

70. Kendim deneyinceye kadar bazı bitki
çaylarının gerçekten sakinleştirici etkisi
olduğuna inanmıyordum.
A) Specific herbal teas have calming effects,
but I didn't believe this until I tasted them
for myself.
B) After trying them myself, I knew that certain
herbal teas do have a soothing effect.
C) Until I tried them myself, I didn't believe that
certain herbal teas really had a soothing
D) I only discovered how effective certain
herbal teas can be in calming one after
trying them myself.
E) Until I tasted them myself, I didn't think
herbal teas could be so effective in
soothing one.

1 E 21 D         1 B 21 D        
2 D 22 E         2 D 22 D        
3 E 23 B         3 B 23 C        
4 A 24 A         4 C 24 B        
5 B 25 D         5 E 25 A        
6 C 26 C         6 D 26 C        
7 C 27 E         7 A 27 C        
8 D 28 E         8 B 28 E        
9 A 29 C         9 C 29 B        
10 D 30 A         10 C 30 D        
11 B 31 C         11 D 31 A        
12 E 32 B         12 E 32 C        
13 D 33 A         13 A 33 E        
14 C 34 D         14 A 34 D        
15 A 35 B         15 D 35 B        
16 B             16 B 36 E        
17 B             17 E 37 B        
18 A             18 C 38 A        
19 C             19 D 39 D        
20 B             20 A 40 A        


1 A 21 B 41 E 61 C
2 C 22 B 42 D 62 A
3 D 23 A 43 B 63 B
4 B 24 E 44 A 64 C
5 E 25 C 45 C 65 D
6 C 26 C 46 D 66 E
7 E 27 B 47 A 67 B
8 A 28 D 48 B 68 E
9 D 29 E 49 C 69 C
10 B 30 D 50 E 70 C
11 C 31 A 51 D    
12 D 32 A 52 E    
13 E 33 C 53 E    
14 E 34 D 54 B    
15 B 35 E 55 C    
16 D 36 B 56 D    
17 D 37 D 57 B    
18 A 38 C 58 E    
19 C 39 E 59 A    
20 E 40 A 60 D    

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