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Pengertian Obligation

Pengertian Expressing Obligation adalah sebuah Ekspresi atau Ungkapan dalam Bahasa
Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan sebuah Kewajiban.

Read the following dialogue. Analyze the expression of obligation!

Exa : Excuse me, Mr Lenox. May I come in?

Mr Lenox : Yes, Exa. Come in, please. Well, how can I help you?
Exa : I want to submit my math assignment. I know it’s already very late.
Mr Lenox : Exa, you were supposed to submit this assignment a week ago. But you
failed. Sorry, I can’t accept it.
Exa : But please, Mr Lenox. Give me a second! Let me explain my situation.
Please, I beg you, Mr Lenox.
Mr Lenox : Alright. What’s your excuse?
Ex a: Mr Lenox, I was supposed to submit this assignment a week ago, but then
my mother was ill in hospital and I had to stay with her during that time.
Mr Lenox : In that case, you’re supposed to ask your friend to submit it.
Exa I did, Mr Lenox. Unfortunately, Lisa missed the paper and this morning she
found it tucked in her algebra book. She was supposed to be careful with my paper. I just
learned that she had been so careless. Please, give me a chance.
Mr Lenox : What if I turn down your assignment?
Exa : Oh, please don’t, Mr Lenox. It will break my heart. I promise I won’t be late
Mr Lenox : Okay, but just this time. Next time, there will be no excuse at all.
Exa: Thanks, Mr Lenox. You’re a good teacher.


Dialog di atas digunakan juga untuk tugas.

1. Selain “should/ought to” kalian dapat menggunakan “‘be supposed to” untuk
memberikan Obligations/ Kewajiban. Penggunaan ini dalam Bahasa Inggris yang diucapkan
menunjukkan kewajiban kurang kuat.

I have an appointment with Mr Hens at 10 a.m. tomorrow. So I’m supposed to be at the

office by 9:30 a.m. at the earliest.

You’re supposed to turn off the light when you are not working in the room.

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2. “be supposed to” sering digunakan untuk menceritakan tentang sesuatu yang dianggap
benar oleh banyak orang atau yang secara luas diyakini.


It’s supposed to be bad luck to spill salt.

Milk is supposed to be good for our bones.

You’re not supposed to open an umbrella indoors. It’s unlucky.

3. “Be supposed to” dapat diartikan “be required” atau “be expected to” jika kenyataan
tidak sama dengan pernyataan.


You were supposed to submit your assignment a week ago. (You were required to submit
your homework a week ago, but you didn’t do it.)

Miss Corrine is supposed to give a conference in Denpasar tomorrow, but she has the flu
now. (Miss Corrine will probably not be able to give the conference in Denpasar tomorrow.)

The test was supposed to start at 10 sharp, but the teacher was late. (The test started after

4. “Be not supposed to” digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa ada sesuatu yang tidak
diperbolehkan atau dilarang.


You’re not supposed to smoke in this room. This is an air-conditioned room. (It is forbidden
to smoke in the air-conditioned room.)

I’m not supposed to tell you this secret. (I am not allowed to tell you this secret.)

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