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Jalal-Abad Boy’s High School


DURATION : 60 min min

 Write in soft pencil.
 You must not communicate with, ask for help from, or give to help any
other candidate

Students are allowed to use own calculator and periodic table

1. How many sigma and pi bonds are there in the following compounds?

a) C2H6 b) HCN c) C3H4

2. Write the simplest formula for the compound formed from the following pairs of
atoms 20Ca and 8O

3. Write the simplest formula for the compound formed from the following pairs of
atoms 13Al and 17Cl

4. Write the electron dot representation of the following molecules.

a) BeF2 b) O2 c) H2S d) NH3 e) NaCl
4. What kind of attractive forces exist between the particles in each of the following?

a) Ne: f) Zn:

b) H2O: g) MgCl2:

c) CH4: h) NaNO3:

d) Diamond (C): i) NaCl:

e) HCl: j) CO

5. Classify the following molecules as either Ionic compound, Polar covalent

compound, or nonpolar covalent compound.

a) H2O: b) NaCl:

c) K2O: d) NH3:

e) BeF2

6. Write the names of the following compounds.

a) CH3-CH2-CH-CH3 b) CH3-CH-CH2-CH-CH3 c) CH3-CH-CH3

│ │ │ │
Br CH3 CH3 Cl

d) CH3-CH-CH3 e) CH3-CH-CH2-CH2-CH3 f) CH3-CH2- Cl

│ │

7. Draw any three structural isomers of cyclohexane and name them

8. Complete and balance the following reactions.

a) C3H8 + O2 →

b) CH3-CH3 + Cl2 (1 mol) →

c) CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-Br + H2 →

d) CH4 + Br2 (1 excess) →

9. Write the structural formulas of the following organic compounds.

a) 3-methyl hexane: b) 1-chloro-3-methyl pentane:

c) 2,2,3,3-tetra methyl butane: d) 2-bromo propane:

e) 2,3-dimethyl pentane: f) 2,2-dichloro-3-methyl hexane:

10. How many liters of Oxygen gas at STP are needed in order to burn
1.6 g of Methane? (C: 12, H: 1)

11. When 14.4 g of an alkane analyzed found to contain 12 g carbon. What is its
molecular formula of this alkane?

12. The complete combustion of a 25 L mixture of Methane and Propane

requires 80 L of Oxygen at the same conditions. What is the volume percentage of
Propane gas in the mixture?

13. Alkanes and alkenes are both series of hydrocarbons.

(a) (i) Explain the term hydrocarbon.

(ii) What is the difference between these two series of hydrocarbons?


(b) Alkenes and simpler alkanes are made from long-chain alkanes by cracking.
Complete the following equation for the cracking of the alkane C20H42.
C20H42 → 2C4H8 + 2C2H4 + ...............

14. Give the structural formula and name of each of the products of the following

(i) ethene and bromine
structural formula of product:

name of product ...................................................................................................

(ii) propene and hydrogen

structural formula of product

name of product ...................................................................................................

(iii) but-1-ene and water

structural formula of product

name of product ...................................................................................................

15. Alkenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons. They undergo addition reactions.

a. Two of the methods of making alkenes are cracking and the

thermal decomposition of chloroalkanes.
i. Complete an equation for the cracking of the alkane,

C10H22  ............................. + ......................................


ii. Propene can be made by the thermal decomposition

of chloropropane. Describe how chloropropane can
be made from propane
Reagents: propane and ..............................

Conditions: ...................................................

b. The following alkenes are isomers.



Explain why they are isomers.

(i) Give the name and structural formula of another hydrocarbon
that is isomeric with the above.

Name: ......................................................

Structural formula:

c) Give the name of the product when but-1-ene reacts with each of

the following. Water: .........................................................

Hydrogen: ....................................................

Bromine: ......................................................

16. Draw the structural formula of the following Alkynes.

A) 3-methyl-penta-1-yne B) 2-methyl- hexa-3-yne

17. Complete and balance the reactions.

A) CH3-CC-CH3 + Br2(excess) →

B) H-C  C-H + HBr(excess) 

18. How many liters of Oxygen at STP are required in order to burn a sample of
Acetylene which is obtained from 6.4 g of Calcium carbide?

19. How many moles of Oxygen gas are needed to burn 6.8g of Pentyne at STP?

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