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By: Jonathan D.


Education is not just having academic knowledge about subjects prescribed to be learned.
Instead it should aim at the holistic development of a student—cultural, intellectual,
emotional, spiritual, and physical.

One of the hallmarks of good education is how it has helped a person put to practical use the
knowledge he has gained. Without this practical wisdom, education is a failure.

Another area where education should play a critical role is in the area of civic responsibility.
Have you not seen educated people thoughtlessly throw a banana peel on the road while they
travel in a car? What good is education if a person cannot see the harm he is doing to the
public by his thoughtless and selfish act?

Unfortunately, today education has become a business in many circles. That adds to the cut
throat spirit of competition in the marketplace. On the other hand education should vigorously
aim to instill moral values in students.

To conclude, let me say that teachers and education should enable a person to see and to
observe, to think and to talk and act with the good of others in mind. Without development of
integrity and character, without learning to respectothers; education cannot be said to have
hit the mark. But when education ignites the mind and inspires the heart, then truly light
shines in the darkness!
By:leomel R. Yago

What is life about? Is it simply about obtaining success? What is success? Really, it is only a
matter of opinion. To some success means money, to some success simply means doing what
they love or being with those they love. Either way success can only be defined in one word,
and that one word is HAPPINESS. It’s the reason we stress over money, chase the perfect
partner or try to live up to the worlds image of what we should be – because we believe in
getting those things we will one day be happy.Life is what you make it.You can never choose
what happens to you,But you can respond to what happens
Life is not about proving anyone wrong,Life is about proving yourself right.Life is not about
competing against others,But life is about competing against yourself.To make sure you are
better than your previous self,
Better than you were yesterday.To make sure you are growing every day.Developing, learning
Life is not about being perfect.It is about being.happy Not all the time,But every time you can.
Life isn’t about being right. It’s about being kind.When you have a choice to be right or to be
kind, choose kindness, choose love.
How you choose to react to the circumstances and events that arrive in your life.It’s helpful to
remember challenges are just tests. Hard times are test and character builders.Never lose your
spirit, because it is in our greatest challenges that our greatest strength is formed. That is
when our character shines, right after the storm.
By:Lovely Joy L. Magana

Struggles, challenges and hard times offer you much more value than any other time in your
life. You can not grow without struggle. You can not get STRONGER without resistance. Think
about a time in your life that may have been hard, but forced you to become better. Get
grateful for the struggles and WORK on yourself to ensure your future has much more
Imagine if you got what you want, every time. No struggle. No hard work. No challenges. No
hard work required.Some of you are saying… that would be great… You would be weak!
And then, when something hard comes up in your life, you wouldn’t know how to handle it,
because you have never gone through anything that strengthens you.
You can not GROW without struggle. You can not develop STRENGTH without resistance,
without challenging yourself, without struggle.
PAIN is your friend. Maybe not in the moment. But for the evolution of your soul, for the long
term benefit of you as a stronger human being – pain IS YOUR FRIEND.
If you didn’t have failures… If you didn’t have struggles… If you didn’t have disappointment,
you could have no strength, no courage, no compassion. How could you? Those qualities are
MADE from your pain and struggle.
You were given pain because you are strong enough to handle it. You were given this LIFE
because you are strong enough to live it. Because you are strong enough to drive though it. To
THRIVE THROUGH IT. To inspire others through it.
They will look to you and say:He did it,She did it,I have the strength to do it to.
You are stronger than you think. You’ve survived all your challenges to this point… And you will
survive whatever is coming. But next time a struggle comes I don’t want you to curse the skies.
Know that it was sent for a reason and a lesson. It might be to make you stronger, it might be
to teach you patience, it might be for you to show others your spirit, there is a reason.
So don’t you give up. You have a purpose in this world. And you will only find it if you keep
going and keep GROWING

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