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Grade 1 to 12 School: TNHS Sections: SP ICT LARRY PAGE,


PLAN Grade Level: 9 Quarter: FIRST
Teaching Dates: OCTOBER 5-16, 2020 Week/s: 1 and 2
Day and Time Learning Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Area Competency
8:00-9:00 AM Daily Routine and Preliminary Activities
9:00-9:30 AM Homeroom Guidance
11:30 AM-1:00 PM LUNCH BREAK
MONDAY ENGLIS Expressing Introducing the lesson to the learner School staff communicate with parent/
H Permission, Presenting the learning competencies needed to be learned guardian regarding the scheduled date
1:00-3:00 PM Obligation and Testing prior knowledge about the topic through accomplishing initial tasks and place of distribution and retrieval of
Reading and analyzing the text module and answer sheets
Prohibition Using Answering the comprehension questions
Modals Discussion of expressing permission, obligation, and prohibition using *Strict implementation of the minimum
EN9G-IVc-23 modals health protocols will be followed as
prescribed by the DOH and IATF.
Accomplishing the following learning tasks:
1. Study the pictures and tell whether the people must, mustn’t, or can do Monitor learners’ progress in
each given activity. accomplishing the activities in the
2. Match the first part of the sentence with its appropriate part. module/LAS through text, call, fb and
3. Complete the given statements with appropriate modal. internet
Learner may contact the teacher in any
Summarize learning through a reflection about the topic by simply copying
form of communication if there are
and completing the line on a Facebook template.
questions/ clarifications about the lesson
Answering the assessment part Provide feedback every week about the
Accomplishing the enrichment activity on modals learners’ status
3:00-5:00 PM Learners may watch programs online or on television and listen to radio as supplementary resource of the lesson

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