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For almost a hundred and twenty-nine years that the game basketball has been invented by the
physical educator Dr. James Naismith, it is undeniable that the game basketball is one of the top and most
played team sports activities in the world at present. Probably, one of the reasons why Basketball is one
of the most played team sport activities because of its fun and interesting nature and also basketball
provides benefits to our health and this also enhances socialization skills, discipline, and teamwork and as
well it helps us to boost our strategic thinking by thinking of a strategy that could help the team won over
its opponents.

Ever since when I was a kid, I always hear the word “Basketball”, as this has been the word of the
mouth of my older cousin back then, according to my parents I always wanted to be like LeBron James, a
great basketball player and that time, that time I was fond of balls, I always enjoyed shooting and
dribbling the ball in my room, They even thought that I would be playing the sport when I grow up,
However, this dream did not continue, As I grow up I preferred to stay at home and play game boy and
play station all day out, which I know is unhealthy to do, that time my interest for ball was lost all of a
sudden, leading me to become a not so sporty person, But as time passes by, I get to play basketball
sometimes but I don’t give too much attention to it because I don’t really understand its rules and
mechanics, all I know I just have to shoot in the team’s ring and protect the ball,

Last meeting, we had discussed about the history and founding rules of the game basketball,
wherein I was actually surprised that, the game was played before with a basket and a soccer ball, I guess
having a basket as the ring and the soccer ball, I guess it is difficult to shoot there because the basket is
not loose as the rings that we have right now. But on the other hand, I was amazed with Dr. James
Naismith creativity and ingenuity that he was able to create a game using a basket and a soccer ball, With
regards to the 13 founding rules of basketball. I believe most of the rules were still applicable because of
its practicality of application and usage throughout the time but I found some of the rules before as
awkward and quite funny especially the fourth rule which states that “The ball must be held in or between
the hands. The arms or body must not be used for holding it.”, For me, this should not be included in the
rule since it’s a common knowledge that the goal of the game is to earn the highest game score and
protect the ball so it cannot be grabbed by the opponents. Therefore, I guess no player despite of having
no knowledge in the rules of basketball will held the ball in his body parts aside from his hands.

After the discussion, I have become more appreciative of the game basketball as I have realized
that the game basketball was been a product of someone’s creativity, ingenuity, and desire to create
academic distractions to students that will promote a well-balance life to students and also players of this
game and as well. In addition, I realized that the founding rules of James Naismith played an important

rule in the development of the game basketball, even though some of the rules there are outdated but it
become vital in the improvement of the sports.

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