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468 © IWA Publishing 2015 Water Science & Technology | 71.

4 | 2015

A review on full-scale decentralized wastewater

treatment systems: techno-economical approach
Nitin Kumar Singh, A. A. Kazmi and M. Starkl

Nitin Kumar Singh (corresponding author)
As a solution to the shortcomings of centralized systems, over the last two decades large numbers of
A. A. Kazmi
decentralized wastewater treatment plants of different technology types have been installed all over Department of Civil Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
the world. This paper aims at deriving lessons learned from existing decentralized wastewater 247667,
treatment plants that are relevant for smaller towns (and peri-urban areas) as well as rural E-mail:
communities in developing countries, such as India. Only full-scale implemented decentralized M. Starkl
Competence Centre for Decision-Aid in
wastewater treatment systems are reviewed in terms of performance, land area requirement, capital
Environmental Management,
cost, and operation and maintenance costs. The results are presented in tables comparing different University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences/
DIB, Gregor Mendel Strasse 33,
technology types with respect to those parameters. A-1180 Vienna,
Key words | decentralized systems, performance indicators, small community, sustainability indi-
cators, wastewater


Rapid growth in population, urbanization, industrialization, wastewater treatment systems, which are often considered
and demand of energy has drawn attention of many as more sustainable options as compared with centralized
researchers towards the scarcity of clean water. Globally, alternatives, in particular in small towns and peri-urban
billions of people are suffering due to inappropriate sani- areas as well as rural communities in developing countries
tation and wastewater treatment and unavailability of (Nanninga et al. ). Further, many centralized treatment
useable water. The situation is particularly grave in smaller plants have been found to be unable to cope with stringent
towns (or peri-urban areas) and rural communities in devel- environment legislation in developing countries (Schories
oping countries. Worldwide, around 40% of the population ). Consequently, over the last decade many researchers
lacks basic sanitation and 25% of the developing country have studied various decentralized options for wastewater
urban dwellers lack access to sanitation services, with a management, for example, Beausejour & Nguyen (),
much higher percentage for the rural populations of devel- Galvao et al. (), Fane & Fane (), Starkl et al.
oping countries reaching up to 82% (Ho ; Massoud () and Meuler et al. (). Some of the typical advan-
et al. ; Chong et al. ). The adverse effect of this situ- tages attributed to decentralized systems are that they can
ation on hygienic, environmental and ultimately social be installed without requiring a huge budget especially at
aspects is well documented (Abegglen & Siegrist ; isolated locations or that they save money otherwise
Fach & Fuchs ). required for a sewerage network and increase the possi-
Limited financial resources demand environmental bility of reuse of treated water without extra expenditure
engineers to design environmentally and economically sus- required for the water supply network (Massoud et al.
tainable wastewater treatment systems. From an economic ; Wang ).
perspective in particular, the differentiation in centralized The objective of this paper is to summarize the infor-
and decentralized systems is of relevance. A definition of mation available in literature on full-scale decentralized
both types of system as well as an overview of their respect- wastewater treatment plants worldwide. The review will
ive advantages and disadvantages can be found in Starkl help in identifying current knowledge gaps with respect to
et al. (). This paper focuses on decentralized decentralized wastewater management.

doi: 10.2166/wst.2014.413
469 N. K. Singh et al. | A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems Water Science & Technology | 71.4 | 2015

CLASSIFICATION OF DECENTRALIZED other treatment systems, and may produce bad odors not
WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS suited for hot climates where evapotranspiration from
plants takes place. Natural systems are also capable of
For structuring the review, the following classification of coping with shock load and load fluctuation by using the
(decentralized) wastewater treatment systems has been combinations of two or more natural systems. Availability
used: of raw material makes these processes a good choice for
wastewater treatment in low income countries (Surampalli
1. Natural treatment systems
et al. ; Yoon et al. ). An overview of natural waste-
2. Aerobic systems
water treatment systems in India can be found in Starkl et al.
(a) Suspended growth
(b) Attached growth
These systems are more appropriate for warm tropical
(c) Combined suspended and attached growth
and subtropical regions. Treatment capability of natural
3. Anaerobic systems
treatment systems, specifically CWs, are limited by various
(a) Suspended growth
components such as sunlight, wind, soil characteristics
(b) Attached growth
and geology, hydraulics, health and sustainability of veg-
4. Combined (aerobic/anaerobic/natural) systems
etation, and seasonal variations in water surface elevation
(a) Anaerobic–aerobic (Thullen et al. ). Adoptability of these systems is also
(b) Anaerobic–natural limited due to lack of awareness, lack of knowledge of tropi-
(c) Anaerobic–aerobic–natural cal wetland ecology and native wetland species, prevalence
of mixed domestic/industrial wastewaters, and limited
The following sections give a brief overview of those knowledge and experience with design and management
systems. (Kivaisi ; Smith & Moelyowati ). Major problems
associated with adoptability and faced by designers and
Natural treatment systems operators of natural treatment systems include disordered
vegetation growth, nuisance control (e.g. insect vectors, nui-
Natural wastewater treatment systems can provide cheap sance animals), slow treatment rate, wastewater exposure,
solutions for wastewater treatment. The simplest system is and fast macrophyte growth rate (Verhoeven et al. ;
a pond system, where the algal–bacterial symbiotic relation- Vymazal ; Jing et al. ).
ship is used for wastewater treatment. Other common
systems are designed to work with natural media like soil Aerobic treatment systems
and plants for filtration and biochemical reactions. These
systems are generally adopted in developing countries due Aerobic treatment methods involve the use of oxygen uti-
to their low operational and maintenance cost and can be lized by microorganisms for degradation of organics into
used either as a secondary treatment or as a combination the simplest degradation products, i.e. carbon dioxide and
of primary and secondary treatment. Some have also been water. Further, these systems can be classified as those sys-
used for tertiary treatment, such as duckweed pond systems tems which requiring forced aeration or mechanical
(DPS), waste stabilization ponds (WSP), facultative pond, aeration equipment. The footprint of these systems is small
and constructed wetlands (CWs) (Vymazal ). These sys- in comparison to natural systems but energy consumption
tems involve combined treatment by earthen material, is high. In comparison with natural systems, aerobic systems
plants and microorganism. Besides the chemical and bio- are capable of providing good quality effluents which can
logical action, these systems are supported by some easily meet the effluent discharge standards. The biggest
physical and chemical methods like precipitation and advantage of aerobic systems is that they require only
adsorption (Surampalli et al. ). Like other treatment sys- semi-skilled personnel, which make them a good choice of
tems, these systems are capable of removing the nutrient and wastewater treatment technology in low income and devel-
organic load from wastewater. Natural systems are generally oping countries. These systems are considered as high rate
used in those places where there large space is available and systems and can be categorized as attached growth pro-
funds are limited. Despite their low cost and satisfactory cesses, suspended growth processes, and hybrid processes.
wastewater treatment, natural systems require a large These systems are also capable of satisfying the discharge
space and longer hydraulic retention time (HRT) than standards of various developed countries. Sometimes
470 N. K. Singh et al. | A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems Water Science & Technology | 71.4 | 2015

aerobic systems are practiced as a post-treatment option for systems requiring post-treatment for removing the remaining
the effluents of anaerobic systems. Some well-documented COD, nutrients and pathogens (Al-Rekabi et al. ), while
and full-scale implemented aerobic systems include potential problems of these systems include slow start-up
extended aeration process (EA), moving bed biofilm reactor and potential odor problems and corrosion (Eckenfelder
(MBBR), oxidation ditches, membrane bioreactor (MBR), et al. ; Cortez et al. ).
submerged aerobic fixed film (SAFF) reactor, rotating bio-
logical contactor (RBC) and sequential bioreactor (SBR). Combined (aerobic/anaerobic/natural) systems
These systems are generally practiced for the treatment of
domestic wastewaters (having chemical oxygen demand These systems incorporate the features of all three natural,
(COD) concentration of less than 1,000 mg/L). Aerobic treat- anaerobic and aerobic systems. Such systems often are
ment systems are also able to produce high quality effluent based on a combination of various technical components
with good sludge settling characteristics (Seghezzo et al. such as septic tank, Imhoff tank, anaerobic filter, baffled
; Fane & Fane ; Abegglen & Siegrist ; septic tank, trickling filter, hybrid and some natural systems.
DeCarolis & Adham ; Meuler et al. ).
Usage of these systems requires more sophisticated oper-
ation control, knowledgeable operators, higher level of TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL EVALUATION OF
maintenance, semi-skilled personnel, high specific energy WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS
consumption, high biomass production resulting in frequent
sludge disposal (Eckenfelder ; Al-Rekabi et al. ). The present review focuses on full-scale implemented decen-
Major problems associated with these systems include plug- tralized wastewater treatment systems in terms of cost
ging of aeration devices during operation, difficult scale-up, (capital, land and operation and maintenance (O&M)) and
and mechanical failures (Cortez et al. ; Singh & Srivas- performance in terms of their targeted pollutant removal.
tava ).
Technical evaluation of decentralized wastewater
Anaerobic treatment systems treatment systems

These treatment systems govern the biological treatment by Tables 1–3 summarize the common performance par-
the production of methane and biomass through a basic ameters of various wastewater treatment systems
mechanism involving hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis implemented at full scale across all over the world. The per-
and methanogenesis in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic formance of each technology is presented in terms of
treatment systems are low energy consuming biological removal of their targeted pollutant.
treatment systems. Despite the low organic and nutrient From Table 2, it can be stated clearly that aerobic treat-
removal, anaerobic treatment systems are cheap and ment systems are capable of providing the highest level of
simple and can be an energy provider. However, these sys- efficiency among all systems. Aerobic systems are efficient
tems achieve only poor to moderate effluent quality and to produce treated effluents which can meet the discharge
take a long time to start up (around 3–4 months), while standards, and anaerobic processes are energy providers
aerobic systems have much shorter start-up time (around but less efficient than aerobic and advanced aerobic pro-
2–4 weeks) (Alexiou & Mara ; Melidis et al. ). To cesses. Based on the performance efficiency data of
meet the discharge standard most of the anaerobic treat- natural systems (Table 1), it can be clearly stated that natural
ment systems are followed by aerobic systems (Yeoh ; treatment systems can be a good option and are comparable
Chan et al. ). Examples of these types of system include to aerobic processes.
upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB), anaerobic baffled
reactor and septic tank, but most of the anaerobic systems Economic evaluation of decentralized wastewater
are practiced with other aerobic/natural processes. Many treatment systems
anaerobic systems are also practiced in combined treatment
systems. Further, these systems are most suitable for treating Tables 4 and 5 provide an economic evaluation of these sys-
high strength wastewaters (having COD >4,000 mg/L). tems in terms of capital or investment cost, and O&M cost.
Treatment efficiency of anaerobic systems is limited by Capital costs include cost incurred in land acquisition,
low temperatures zones, long HRT and effluents of these and construction and design cost of facilities.
Table 1 | Performance inventory of full-scale natural treatment systems

Removal (%)

N. K. Singh et al.
Treatment process Capacity Unit BOD COD TSS TN TKN NH3-N TP TC/FC Country References Remarks

DPS 5,000 p.e. ∼ 95 ∼ 90 – 87 – – 43 – Zimbabwe Nhapi et al. Treatment scheme includes

10,000 p.e. – – – 56 – – 11 – () anaerobic and maturation

A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems
2,000–3,000 p.e. – – – – 74–77 > 90 – – The Netherlands Alaerts et al. –
WSP 2,000 p.e. 75 70 60 51 – – 51 – Spain Rodríguez () –
30–60 m3/d 94 – 63 – – 72 – – Greece Papadopoulos & WSP utilizes duckweed plants
3,000 p.e. 50.6 48.9 44.3 – – – – 98.8 and Egypt Ghazy & El- The scheme comprises
95.6 Senousy anaerobic, facultative and
() maturation ponds
5,000 m3/d – 6.7 (sol) 16.3 – – 3.6 18.1 – Israel Avsar et al. Scheme comprises two
() sedimentation tanks followed
by a pond
– – 75 55 48 44 – – 46 1.6 log Brazil Sperling & –
unit FC Oliveira
Horizontal flow 1,750 p.e. – 98.7 93.1 94 – 91.9 92.4 – Ireland Dzakpasu et al. Combined treatment of
constructed () domestic sewage and
wetland mountain water river
(HFCW) – – 96 – – – – 88.4 87.8 – China Wu et al. () Preceded by a settling tank
< 2,000 p.e. > 78 – > 78 40–60 – – 40–60 – Spain Vera et al. () Treatment scheme includes
septic tank as pretreatment
followed by HFCW and WSP
as post-treatment unit
350 p.e. > 90 > 90 95.6 – – – – – France Merlin et al. Septic tank followed by HFCW
100 p.e. 97 94.5 99.4 – – – 62.5 – Czech Republic Vymazal () Pretreatment by septic tank and
screen followed by HFCW
20 p.e. – 79.2 64.7 – – – – – Italy Pucci et al. Imhoff tank followed by
() HFCW

Water Science & Technology

Vertical flow 1,000 p.e. 92.3 91.7 93.2 – 80.3 87.5 61.3 99.9 France Gikas et al. Treatment scheme includes
constructed () screening, primary
wetland sedimentation tank (PST)
(VFCW) and sludge tank followed by
72 p.e. > 60 > 55 > 80 – – – – – Tunisia Sellami et al. Septic tank followed by VFCW
– – – 93 96 – – 86 75 – Nepal Bista & Septic tank followed by reed

Khatiwada bed based vertical and
() horizontal wetland

BOD: biochemical oxygen demand; COD: chemical oxygen demand; TSS: total suspended solids; TN: total nitrogen; TKN: total Kjeldahl nitrogen; TP: total phosphorus; TC/FC: ratio of total coliforms to fecal coliforms; p.e.: population equivalent.

Table 2 Performance inventory of full-scale aerobic treatment systems

N. K. Singh et al.
Removal (%)

Treatment process Capacity Unit BOD COD TSS TN TKN NH3-N TP TC/FC Country References Remarks

Oxidation ditch – – 91.3 81.6 79.7 – – 41.3 51.5 – Nepal Sah () –
Conventional – – 85 81 76 50 – – 46 2 Log unit Brazil Sperling & –

A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems
and extended Oliveira
aeration ()
SBRa – – 90–98 – 84.7–97.2 – – 90.8–96.8 – – USA Surampalli et al. –
Aerated lagoon 637 p.e. 75 – 73 – – 59 – – USA Surampalli et al. Aerated lagoon
(AL)a () followed by
MBRa 95 m3/d > 98 > 91.7 – – – > 97.7 – – California DeCarolis & –
Adham ()
– – > 99 > 91 – – > 96.8 – > 24 – The Krzeminski –
Netherlands et al. ()
240 m3/d – 94.8 – – – 98.3 – – – Zhang et al. –
RBCb 1,000 m3/d 76.2 – 70 41.2 – – – – Japan Tanaka et al. Grit chamber
() and primary
followed by
MBBRc < 2,000 p.e. > 90 > 90 > 92 – – – – – Norway and Rusten et al. Treatment
Sweden () scheme
includes PST
and MBBR is

Water Science & Technology

followed by
SAFF reactorc 250 p.e. 87–95 67–73 60–90 – > 94 > 65 – – Nabizadeh & –
et al. ()

Suspended growth systems.

Attached growth systems.

Hybrid growth systems.
473 N. K. Singh et al. | A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems Water Science & Technology | 71.4 | 2015

Table 3 | Performance inventory of full-scale anaerobic and combined treatment systems

Removal (%)

Treatment process Capacity Unit BOD COD TSS TN TKN NH3-N TP TC/FC Country References Remarks

UASB 250–500 p.e. 67 60 78 – – – – – Brazil Vieira et al. –
– – 72 59 67 –13 – – –1 0.6 log FC Brazil Sperling & –
35 m3 80 66 69 – – – – – Colombia Schellinkhout UASB
& Collazos followed
() by
Anaerobic 250–500 p.e. 82 79 83 – 40 40 – – Brazil Vieira et al. UASB
suspended () followed
followed by by
aerobic trickling
attachedb filter
Aerobic 10.8 m3/d 88 89 – – – 70 9 – Mexico Norouzian & AST
suspended Martinez followed
followed by () by RBC
Anaerobic – – 59 51 66 24 – – 30 1 log unit Brazil Sperling & Septic
suspended Oliveira tank þ
followed by () anaerobic
anaerobic filter
Anaerobic–suspended growth systems
Combined systems.

The presented inventory shows that performance is which are highlighted in the tables. Moreover, it may be
independent of size of plant, whereas total cost is directly possible that data may exist in governmental reports but
proportional to size of the community. not easily accessible to the scientific community. So
there is a strong need for the performance and economic
evaluation of decentralized treatment systems for both
developed and developing countries like India and

It can be seen that there is a large number of technologies

• Developing countries generally use anaerobic and com-
bined treatment systems for small communities;
available, which have been successfully implemented in a however, only limited performance evaluation data are
decentralized context. Whereas performance data and available, and economic evaluation is almost non-existent.
land requirement give a good comparison of the different
technology types, it is more difficult to compare the technol-
• It is very difficult to compare the cost of different waste-
water treatment systems because commodities prices
ogies with respect to their costs as these depend on the local and cost incurred in laying of sewers is much higher in
economic conditions. The following key lessons can be developed countries. So it is essential to include cost of
derived from the tables presented in this review. commodities and sewer systems in economic evaluation.
• Very limited information is available on the performance • On the basis of performance, it was found that aerobic
and economic analysis of decentralized wastewater sys- systems provide better quality in terms of organics and
tems operating in developing countries. However, some nutrients removal, and can be placed in a much smaller
information is available from developed countries, area, but higher O&M cost limits its use. However,
N. K. Singh et al.
Table 4 | Economic evaluation of natural treatment systems

A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems
Capital Land Annual
Treatment process Capacity Unit cost Unit requirement Unit (O&M) cost Unit Country Reference Remarks

WSP 100–100,000 m3/d 854 US$/(m3·d) 16 m2/m3 19 US$/(m3·d) Thailand Singhirunnusorn & 1 THB ¼ 0.0231
Stenstrom (); US$ (2003), 1
Comas et al. THB ¼ 0.03
() US$ (2010)
1,500 PEa 0.298 M€ – – 0.011 M€/year Spain Senante et al. () 1 € ¼ 1.3197 US$
Facultative lagoon < 18,930 m3/d 1–4 $/GPDb 49–161 acre/MGDc 0.15–0.75 $/MGD USA Muga & Mihelcic –
along with WSP ()
– – 0.54 $/1,000 GPD 25 m2/m3 0.21 $/1,000 GPD USA Tecle et al. () –
Anaerobic lagoon < 18,930 m /d 1–4 $/GPD 49–161 acre/MGD 0.15–0.75 $/MGD USA Muga & Mihelcic –
Intermittent sand filter 1,500 PEc 0.172 M€ – – 0.022 M€/year Spain Senante et al. () 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$
HFCW 1500 PE 0.36 M€ 30 m2/m3 0.026 M€/year Spain Nogueira et al. 1 € ¼ 1.0503 US$
(); Comas (2003), 1 € ¼
et al. (); 1.3955 US$
Senante et al. (2009), 1 € ¼
() 1.3197 US$
124 PE 503 €/PE – – 58 €/(PE·year) Spain Puigagut et al. 1 € ¼ 1.3146 US$
() (2007)
100 PE 20,834 € – – 2,576 €/year Spain Nogueira et al. 1 € ¼ 1.3955 US$
() (2009)

Water Science & Technology

VFCW 98 PE 295 €/PE – – 28 €/(PE·year) Spain Puigagut et al. 1 € ¼ 1.3146 US$
() (2007)
PE: population equivalent.
GPD: gallons per day.
MGD: million gallons per day.

N. K. Singh et al.
A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems
Table 5 | Economic evaluation of aerobic treatment systems

Capital Land Annual

Treatment process Capacity Unit cost Unit requirement Unit (O&M) cost Unit Country Reference Remarks
a 3 3 2 3 3
AL 100–100,000 m /d 0.392 €/m 6 m /(m ·d) 27 US$/(m ·d) Thailand Singhirunnusorn & 1 THB ¼ 0.03 US$ (2010)
Stenstrom ()
SBRa 400 m3/d 0.632 M€ 353 m2/MLDd 0.020 M€/year Spain & India Kalbar et al. (a), 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013),
(b); Comas et al. 1 € ¼ 1.0503 US$ (2003),
(); Senante et al. 1 Rs ¼ 0.0188 US$ (2012)
EAa 400 m3/d 0.358 M€ – – 0.059 M€/year Spain Comas et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013),
Senante et al. () 1 € ¼ 1.0503 US$ (2003)
Oxidation ditcha 3,785–25,740 m3/d $2.5–$4 Per GPD – – – – – USEPA () –
MBR 400 m3/d 0.440 M€ 300–800 m2/MLD 0.048 M€/year Spain Kalbar et al. (b); 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013)
Senante et al. ();
Khalil et al. ()
RBCb 1,500 PE 0.533 M€ 3,266 ft2/MGD 0.025 M€/year Spain Comas et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.0503 US$ (2003),
Senante et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.3385 US$ (2011),
Williams & Williams 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013)
Trickling filterb 1,500 PE 0.522 M€ 1,620 m2/MLD 0.026 M€/year Spain Comas et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.0503 US$ (2003),
Senante et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013),
Khalil et al. () 1 Rs ¼ 0.0254 US$ (2008)
MBBRc 1,500 PE 0.533 M€ 450 m2/MLD 0.025 M€/year Spain & India Senante et al. (); 1 € ¼ 1.33 US$ (2013),
Khalil et al. () 1 Rs ¼ 0.0254 US$ (2008)

Water Science & Technology

Suspended growth systems.
Attached growth systems.
Hybrid systems.
MLD: million litres per day.

476 N. K. Singh et al. | A review on decentralized wastewater treatment systems Water Science & Technology | 71.4 | 2015

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First received 30 June 2014; accepted in revised form 19 September 2014. Available online 1 October 2014
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