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Expression of Greeting and Leave Taking

In communication it is normally to start and also finish our communication when we meet someone.
There are many expression that we use to start communication and finish communication. Here I
want to share about it.

When we meet someone we know, we usually greet him/her whatever formal or informal.

The formal greetings are usually used when we meet someone whom we respect.

Informal greeting is used when we meet someone we already know each other, like classmates,
close friend, or friend. The greeting expression, are:

Formal Greetings (SapaanSopan/Formal)

Formal Greetings Response

Good morning Good morning

Good day/noon Good day/noon

Good afternoon Good afternoon

Good evening Good evening

Informal Greetings (SapaanSantai/Informal)

Informal Greetings Response

Hello Hello
Hi Hi

Question of Greeting
Greeting is usually followed by asking the condition of someone.

Asking Question Answer

How are you? I’m fine

How is life? Not bad, thanks

How do you do? How do you do?

How is everything with you? Pretty well. Thanks

How are you doing I am very well thanks

Leave Taking/Partings
Leave taking usually used if we part with someone we know. It’s divided into formal and informal

Formal Partings

Formal Partings Answer

Good night Good night

Nice to see you Nice to see you, too

It’s nice to meet you It’s nice to meet you, too

Good bye Good bye

Informal Partings

Informal Partings Answer

Bye Bye

Bye-bye Bye-bye

See you later See you

See you tomorrow See you

Good luck Thank you

Take care You too


Good morning: since get up in the morning until have lunch (00.00 – 12.00)

Good day/noon at about 12.00

Good afternoon: since 12.00 up to 18.00

Good Evening: since 18.00 up to 24.00(00.00)

Good night is used before sleeping.

P.m. (post merediem) = 12.00 up to 24.00

A.m (Ante merediem) = 24.00 up to 12.00

Examples of Greeting and leave taking :

Dialog 1

Teacher : “Good morning students”

Students : “Good morning sir”

Teacher : “How are you today?”

Students : “We are fine. And you?”

Teacher : “Fine, too.

Dialog 2

Andri : “Hi, Nina.”

Nina : “Hello Andri.”

Andri : “How are you doing?”

Nina : “Pretty well. By the way, Where are you going?”

Andri : “I’m going to Bandar Swimming pool. Will you join me?”

Nina : “Oh, Sorry I must help my mom in the market.

Andri : “It’s Okay. See you next time”

Nina : “See you. Have a nice day.”

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