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Zhorif Taufiqul Hakim


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1. An ocean that vast may seem invincible. 1. Developing countries, including Indonesia and China,
2. We have systematically pillaged the Pacific of fish. are major overfishers, but so too are developing nations.
3. Most plastic debris from land is transported into the 2. Coral reefs cover less than 0.5% of Earth’s surface, but
ocean through rivers. house an estimated 25% of all marine species.
4. Plastic debris in the oceans presents innumerable 3. Research suggests simulated ocean acidification
hazards for marine life conditions do not impact early growth, development,
5. We must act urgently to stem the flow. and survival of embryos and neonates, nor do they
affect foraging behaviours or metabolic performance of
4. Just 20 rivers contribute two-thirds of the global plastic
input into the sea, and ten of these discharge into the
northern Pacific Ocean. Each year, for example, the
Yangtze River in China – which flows through Shanghai
– sends about 1.5 million metric tonnes of debris into
the Pacific’s Yellow Sea.
5. A small portion of this accumulates into giant floating
“garbage patches”, and the Pacific Ocean is famously
home to the largest of them all.

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