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The Correlation Between Student

Vocabulary Mastery and Their Ability

in Writing dialogue


A. Background of The Problem

Vocabulary is set of words which know the meanings when we speak or read

orally and the set of words also that an individual can use in writing. 1 Its means that

vocabulary is very important factors of language component that always be used both

oral and written form. We can do anything in listening, speaking, reading and writing

without vocabulary.

Vocabulary must be understood and the words of language are used by rules. So

it is clear that vovabulary must exist in a language. The explanation is support by theory

of Hatch and Brown Vocabulary as list of set of words for a particular language or a list

set of word that individual speaker, reader and writter of language might use. 2 In english

second language learning vocabulary item plays as a vital role in all language skills,

Rivers and Nunan argue that acquisition of an adequate vocabulary is essential for

succesful second language use because without an extensive vocabulary, we will be

unable to use the structures and funcitions we may have learn for comprehensible


Elfreida H. Hibert, and Michael L. Kamil, Teaching and learning Vocabulary Bringing Research to Practice,
( New Jersey : Mahwah, 2005 ), p.3.
Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown.Vocabulary, Semantic and Language Education
 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1995), p. 1
Mofareh Alqahtani, The importantce of Vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught, International
Jaournal of Teaching and Education, Vol. 3 No. 3/2015, P.22
Thornbury explain that some factors that make some words more difficult as

follows: Pronounciaticion, Spelling, , Length and complexity, Grammar, Meaning and

Range, connotation and idiomaticity

In this research the researcher took three previous research the first one is by Yuyun
Azizah the tittle is The correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their writing
ability in descriptive text (a study for the seventh grade students of smp islam sudirman 1
bancak semarang district in the academic year 2016/2017). The resulth of this research is
The average score of English vocabulary mastery for the seventh grade students of SMP
Islam Sudirman 1 Bancak, Semarang District in the academic year 2016/2017 is good. It
showed about 57% or 15 students get the score between the ranges of 66 - 85. It is able to be
concluded that the score is categorized in good. There is a significance correlation between
the students‘ vocabulary mastery (X) and their writing ability in descriptive text (Y) for the
seventh grade students of SMP Islam Sudirman 1 Bancak, Semarang District in the academic
year 2016/2017. It is obtained the result of multiplication by using pattern of product moment
correlation. The correlation score is 0.563. It is able to be shown in the index correlation. The
index is 0.600 – 0.800. It is able to be concludes that the high and the low writing ability
correlate with the high and the low of English vocabulary mastery.4
The second previous research is by Muslikah the tittle is The Correlation Between
Students Vocabulary Mastery and Their Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition Text at the
Second Semester of the eEeven Grade at SMA karya Mataram South Lampung in the
Academic Year of 2016/2017. Based on the result of hypothesis, the result was high and
reliable. The researcher assumed that the data vocabulary mastery and analytical exposition
have positive correlation, because after the researcher gave the test of vocabulary to the
students and the students who have adequate vocabulary most of them have produceda good
writing analytical exposition text. At the beginning of the test, the students gave 20 items of
multiple choice tests that contain with the questions related with the vocabulary mastery in
analytical exposition text. The vocabularies are about modality, emotive words and adverbs.
In this research the students also asked to write analytical exposition text. From the result of
the test, the ability of the students to write analytical exposition text was good, when their

score of vocabulary was high. Its means the vocabulary mastery and the ability of writing
analytical exposition text was related to each other.
The Third previous research by Muslim the tittle is The Correlation between
Vocabulary Mastery and Students Writing Ability in Narrative Text of Second Year Students
of SMPAl- ISLAH Pekanbaru. The resulth of this research that the coeffecient correlation
between vocabulary mastery and students writing ability in Narrative Text is 0.759, sig. (2-
tailed ) is 0.000. the interpretation is there probability or sig. (2-tailed) is 0.000<0.05. it
means Ha is accepted. Meaning that there is significant correlation between vocabulary
mastery and students writing ability in narrative text of SMP AL-ISLAH Pekanbaru.



A. Concept of Vocabulary
1. Definition of vocabulary
Hocket in ( Celce Murcia dan Mc Intosh ) said that vocabulary is an aspect of
language that is easy to learn and difficult requires formal attention in the classrom.
According to Hatc and Brown “ vocabulary is a list or set of words that individual
speakers of language migh use” .

Schmitt explain that vocabulary as a list of words arranged in alphabetical order

with their definitions. A word, in most linguistic analyses, is described as a set of

properties, or features, each word is the combination of its meaning, register,

association, collocation, grammatical behavior, written form (spelling), spoken form

(pronunciation) and frequency. To master a word is not only to learn its meaning but also

to learn other aspects. All these properties are called word knowledge. 5

Vocabulary is important aspect in language to develope the process of language

teacing focus on student such as matering vocabulary. According to harris and Hodges

vocabulary is a tool to communicate known words with others .

2. Kinds of Vocabulary

There are two kinds of vocabulary according to Nation (2001: 24) in relation
to the language skills of reading, listening, speaking and writing. They are receptive
and productive or passive and active vocabulary. Receptive or passive vocabulary
refers to the words that native speakers and foreign learners recognize and understand
but hardly ever use, it is used passively in either listening or reading. Productive or
active vocabulary is utilized actively either in speaking or writing.

3. The Purpose of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is basic to communication. To express an idea or ask some

information, a person must be able to produce lexical items to convey his/her
meanings. Cameron (2001: 72) believes that building a useful vocabulary is central to

Iman Alizadeh, Vocabulary Teaching Techniques: A Review of Common Practices. International Journal of
Research in English Education, Vol. 1 No. 1 ( November 2016 ), p. 22
the learning of a foreign language at primary level. Vocabulary mastery is important
in writing. Without enlarging their vocabulary, students cannot write successfully.
Therefore, anyone who learned a language successfully must enlarge her or his
vocabulary mastery.
4. Factors influencing in learning vocabulary
There are seven factors which influence students to learn vocabulary
according to Thornbury: Cognate and loan word, Pronunciation, Spelling, Length and
complexity, Grammar, Meaning, Range, connotation, and idiomaticity

5. Vocabulary Mastery
In order to understand the language, vocabulary is crucial to be mastered by
the learner. Vocabulary mastery in needed to express our ideas and to be able to
understand other people sayings. According to webster mastery refers to 1). a. The
authority of a master:dominion, b. The upper hand in a contest or
competition;superiority,ascendancy. 2). a. Possesion or display or great skill or
technique, b. Skill or knowladge that makes one master of a subject comment. While
Hornby drfines mastery as a complete knowladge or complete skill. 6 From that
definition, mastery complete knowladge or great skill that makes someone a master in
a certain subject.
B. Concept of Writing
1. Definition of writing
2. The purpose of writing

3. The Purpose of Writing

According to Grenville (2001:1), writing has some purposes as follows:
a. Writing to entertain

Mofareh Alqahtani, The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and how to be Taught, International
Journal of Teaching and Education, Voll. III, No. 3, 2015, P. 26
Writing to entertain is a writing that may engage the readers‘ feeling through
its plot or the emotion provided in the writing. Some examples of the writing in which
purpose is to entertain are novels, stories, poems, song lyrics, plays, and screenplays;.
b. Writing to inform
Writing to inform is intended to tell readers about something. For example,
newspaper, articles, scientific or business reports, instructions or procedures, and
essay for school and university.
c. Writing to persuade
Writing to persuade means the writing that aims to convince the readers of
something through providing evidence, for example: advertisements, articles,
newspaper, and magazine
4. The process of writing

5. Writing Aability
6. Writing dialogue
C. Hypothesis



This research is correlation research in which the researcher want to find out whether
there is any significant correlation between vocabulary mastery and students ability in writing
dialogue or not. The researcher feels necessary to emphasize that this research is not an
experimental research because there is no teaching technique use to prove the students ability
in writing based on the certain teaching approach that is practice by him toward a group of
students. Sugiono said that “in experimental research has a treatment, whereas a naturalistic
research (Correlation studies) han no treatment.7

There are two variables in this research, the first one is Vocabulary mastery which is
symbolized by X and the second variable is students ability in writing dialogue which is
symbolized by Y.

B. Technique data analysis

In this research, for analyzing the data the reseacher use product moment correlation
coeffecients.8 To find out the correlation between vocabulary mastery and students
ability in writing dialogue.

Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R dan D . Alfabeta, Bandung, 2010, p. 72
Hartono, Statistik Untuk Penelitian, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2010, p. 84

Hartono. 2010. Statistik Untuk Penelitian, Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta

Kate, Granvile. (2001). Writing from start to finish: A-Six Step Guide. Crows Nest: Allen & Unwin.

Muslikah,2017. The Correlation Between Students Vocabulary Mastery and Their Ability in Writing Analytical
Exposition Text at the Second Semester of the eEeven Grade at SMA karya Mataram South Lampung in the
Academic Year of 2016/2017. Lampung: UIN Rdaen Intan Lampung

Yuyun Azizah,2017. The correlation between students’ vocabulary mastery and their writing ability in
descriptive text (a study for the seventh grade students of smp islam sudirman 1 bancak semarang district in the
academic year 2016/2017), Salatiga: IAIN Salatiga

Hasan; Nanang Bagus Subekti. The correlation between vocabulary mastery and writing skill of
secondary school students.2017. Journal of English Language and Language Teaching (JELLT)│Vol.1,
No.2, 2017

Sugiono. 2010. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R dan D . Alfabeta. Bandung

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