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Report on Public Speaking Activity

Jibin Abraham – 1927009

Public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience. Public

speaking will help you increase your self-confidence dramatically. By doing public speaking
you are increasing your skill at communicating with others, making you more confident
around people automatically, and it also increases your skill at perceiving people’s reactions
to your message.

Nimishamba organized the activity very well and she did a good job in moderating
and providing feedback about our public speaking skills. The activity helped each of us to
improve in our self-confidence and makes ourselves more comfortable around other
people. There were individual feedback given to each individual at the end the session
which have the potential to help many of us in the future. The co-ordinator also motivated
and encouraged each and every one of us to speak.

The event was organized in a planned structure and which helped each of us to
realize how we are comfortable to speak in different situations. First we were asked to
speak on any topic without any language or topic restrictions. This helped me to understand
how more comfortable we are to talk in our own regional languages and about a topic
which we were already aware about. Then in the second round we were asked to talk about
any interested event or experience where language was restricted only to English. This
helped us to realise what are the issues each of us were facing while using English for
communication, the fillers which I am using and problem of getting right words at the right
time to speak. And in the final round there was restrictions on topic and language. This
round was useful to realize the lack of knowledge about a specific topic and because of that
what all difficulties each of us were facing during our presentation.

The corrections which I received was about usage of fillers, lack of knowledge about
the topic and mumbling in between. She also given tips and suggestions on how to
overcome these issues which I faces during a presentation. Also I learned about the
importance of gaining attention of the listeners and how it can be achieved while presenting
using different methods.
The session was filled with a lot of learning and every person was engaged in the
activities properly. Public speaking is a required skill for management students as there are
many situations in which one has to present their views to a large crowd. There was time
constraint which was limited for personal feedback otherwise the workshop went well and

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