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Nama : Ni putu young yenyuo A

Nim : 2440007043
Kelas : LC24

Assignment 1:
How might the cultural differences in the GLOBE dimensions affect how managers (a)
use work groups, (b) develop goals/plans, (c) reward outstanding employee performance,
and (d) deal with employee conflict?

How a manager's culture differs in:
a. Using group work
On the globe dimension, in organizing group work plans are developed using shared values
that are used to measure and justify activities within the organization. The manager
evaluates the employees in the group who adjust themselves according to the norms / rules
that exist in the organization / group. Then controlling from standards and expectations is
not recommended because it creates pressure on the group.

b. Develop goals / plans

On the globe dimension, in developing company goals / plans they carry out long-term
plans, organize work and resources which are shared and coordinated to meet long-term
goals and projections for the company's future. Then develop the vision and mission the
company wants to achieve with a focus so that the company's goals can be achieved. As well
as controlling the performance of employees in order to achieve the goals the company
wants to achieve.

c. Reward outstanding employees

By giving thanks, as a form of concern for the hard work of employees. Then giving flexible
time, such as office hours, has been determined and determined, but leaders must facilitate
when their employees have personal / family needs in order to increase employee loyalty to
the company. It can also recognize employees' abilities for their skills and experiences, so
that leaders can give greater responsibility and include it in big projects, so that employees
feel important and motivated to work even harder.

d. Deal with employee conflicts

On the globe dimension, dealing with employee conflicts can be in various ways:
wait until both parties calm down, then don't blame each other, listen to each other's
complaints, ask each party to come up with a solution / offer a solution such as: what is the
best solution for both parties, then as a manager acting as an intermediary should not siding
with anyone must think objectively and professionally about the problem at hand.

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