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LB -Reading Challenge 2021

Celebrating and Inspiring Reading

World Book Day is going to be every different for most of us this year. We may not be able to share
fun activities with large groups of friends like we normally do. However, we can still celebrate our
reading and share our experiences to inspire others.
I am launching a challenge. I would like as many of you – or if parents/carers reading this get your
children to – send me some of your work that I can put together in a document/book and share. I
know that many TV shows and such like ask for work to be sent and show a selection. This is
different. I will be aiming to show and share everyone’s work. I would like it if you could include
your (your child’s name and age if you are happy for this to be shared.

You can send as much as you want (although depending on the amount I receive I may only include
one or two of yours. I am intending to upload the document by 9:00am on World Book Day (4 th
March 2021) so, please send your work to me by Monday March 1st at 9:00am by the latest.

I have listed some suggestions of the work that you should send – in age categories. Please feel
free to select from different categories – these are only guidelines.

In addition, we all like to put faces to names – in the current lockdown we may not be seeing as
many smiley faces as we usually do. It would be great if you could send a photograph of you/your
child reading. This might be funny (e.g. in fancy dress), cute (e.g. with a pet); extreme (e.g. in a
tree, with someone else (e.g. nannie via zoom) or any other idea of your choice.
Send all submissions of work and photographs by Monday 1 st March 2021 – to guarantee being
included in the shared work.

Send to
In the subject of the email please put World Book Day Work.
By sending the work you are agreeing to me sharing this.

I can’t wait to see all of the work

Have fun

Private Tutor

Challenge categories
Pre – school and reception (ages 0-4)
Draw a picture of your favourite book cover or a scene from the book or a character.
(Parents/ carers – a brief description with it would be great)

Key Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 (Ages 5 – 7)

Draw a picture of your favourite book cover or a scene from the book or a character. Then, if you
can, write about why this is your favourite book.
(you can get someone older to help you)
Key Stage 2 – Years 3 -6 (Ages 7 – 11)
Choose either or do both
Draw a picture of your favourite book cover or a scene from the book or a character. Then, write
about why this is your favourite book.
Write a review of a book that you have read. Include a description of the characters, the setting
and the plot.

Key Stage 3 – Years 7-9 (Ages 11- 14)

Choose either or do both
Draw a picture inspired by your favourite book. Then, write about why this is your favourite book
and why it inspired this picture.
Write a detailed review of a book that you have written. Include a summary of the book, its
characters, setting, plot, theme and genre. Would you recommend this book to others? Who?
Key Stage 4 – Years 10-11 (Ages 14- 16)
Choose either or do both
Illustrate(optional) and write a detailed review of a book that you have written. Include a
summary of the book, its characters, setting, plot, theme and genre. Would you recommend this
book to others? Who? Why?
Write a quiz about a book that you have read. Make your quiz appealing with images. Include
between 5 and 10 questions. Include the answers. State what ages you think the book/quiz
would be suitable for – you can select any age from pre-school – year 11.

Private Tutor


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