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Dear Design & Society,

Each term (fall, winter, spring) we will keep a weekly written journal. This fall we will be
writing a letter each week for a grand total of 10 letters. Some of these letters will actually be
sent via the mail.

What is the goal for our journals (why are we doing this)?
Part of FrinQ is writing - practicing new forms of writing and improving old forms(that you’ve been taught). To this
end, we will engage in different forms (kinds) of writing each term. Creative nonfiction writing is an impactful way
to solidify your thoughts and explore how subjects(course content) intersects and overlaps with you, your identity,
your personal background and your critical thoughts. It’s also valuable to develop informal writing skills alongside
more formal approaches to writing.

How much do I need to write?

Like most things in Design & Society - there isn’t one answer in terms of prescribed length. Some letters you write
this term will be longer than others. I will provide some examples in the beginning of the term, both for inspiration
and a way to see how many different ways a letter can be written.

How will I be graded?

At mid-term (week four/five), I will ask you to assess yourself with two things in mind. The first is your effort/time
spent - are you doing your best work in terms of engagement (why or why not). The second is creative engagement -
are you stretching yourself by trying new ways/approaches to letter writing (why or why not). I will provide you
with feedback too using both of these criterias - effort/time and creative engagement. When we meet at mid-term,
we will compare “notes” and see if we’re on the same page as far as assessment aka your grade.

How will I submit my work?

By using one Google document - that you can add your letters each week. You are welcome to handwrite your letters
(I love writing with a pen on paper) but you will need to take photos or scan it and then insert images into your
Google document so that I can access your letters.

Will I be asked to share my letters?

You will have a chance to choose one of your favorite letters to share with other students later in the term.
Letter #1
What drove you to college, to PSU? What are you bringing with you (from your family, culture, history, identity)?
How will this serve you as you experience ups and downs this term? What do you hope for? Why? These questions
are starting points - you don’t have to answer them all in your letter. Please let your letter take its course and be
original and authentic.

Dear Karina,

Soon you will be going off to Portland State University to live on campus. I hope you have enjoyed your
first few weeks of being a student again, six or more months of not doing anything but watching Tik Toks and the
Dream Team. A few months ago you and your sister, Nagelli, ended up spending an enter day going around stores to
purchase dorm necessities and decoration, as of now your mom has them labeled in a box in the garage waiting until
the new year when she will have to temporarily say goodbye.

p.s I think I saw a spider in the box while I went into the garage to get a few bottles of water. Hopefully it either left
or passed away. If not congratulations on being a mother of many to both you and Nagelli.

You both picked out some cozy and home warming pieces. However, I challenge you both to take your family,
friends, culture, memories, and hobbies with you. Based off your last tip to Mexico back in 2018, I saw you felt a
little homesick a few weeks in. During the night your tears would fall onto your pillow because you missed being
home with mom, even though you knew if you stayed home she would have taken you to work with her. You cannot
physically bring your mom with you to PSU in the winter. When I think about your mom I remember a short lady
that can be warm and full of attitude at times… perhaps adopt a chihuahua (Mom this is a joke… not really I have
told you that you remind me of a chihuahua at times). Karina please remember to call your mom as much as you
possibly can and try to go back home as often as you can. There is no replacing mama and you know that.

The Council has been the group of friends you have been able to develop and grow alongside since 6th grade. I
know you bought picture frames to frame some of the best moments you have spent together. We both know that is
not enough. The Minecraft server can only connect you all to an extent. Make sure you invite them to explore the
pacifc northwest with you.

It will be difficult to explore a new experience, new people, new places, etc. without those whom you love. Keep in
contact with those who you love dearly. They will always be there to love and support you every step of the way.
Make new friends wherever you go… you will be in Portland for a few years.

Do not be afraid.
Ekphrastic Art + Letter #2
This is one part art + one part letter...

Please follow the instructions below using YOUR song you shared a story about…

Ekphrastic Art Activity

Ekphrastic art is often defined as written art born out of visual art. But ekphrastic art is really about one art form
giving birth to another. In this activity, we challenge you to turn that around: use written art (your song lyrics) to
create visual art.

Now that you did your song story exchange, follow these guidelines for the activity:

Step one: Print or write out the lyrics of your song. Which lyrics stick out to you? How do they make you feel?
Where’s the source of energy?

Step two: Think about the different ways you could convey the feelings these lyrics give you to someone else. You
might want to convey the literal meaning of the lyrics. Could you highlight certain words? Would a certain color
represent your feeling(s)? Perhaps, it’s just one moment or phrase in the song that touches you?

Step three: Create your art! Have fun with it.

Step four: Document your art and upload it to your Google folder.

Your original art will be displayed in a “remote” Design & Society exhibit!
Letter #2
It’s pretty simple. Write a letter to your story exchange partner. In it, tell them one hope or wish you have for them.
This could be related to their song or story but it can also be related to our year ahead. What kind of letters would
you like to receive? Try and channel this when you write to your story exchange partner…

Dear Ally,

First and foremost I would like to thank you for exchanging a song and memories with me last week. I am extremely
bad at remembering songs that I haven’t heard in years. I did recognize your song! Walking on a Dream. Just like it
brought memories to you, it brought memories as well. Mainly just running in PE class in elementary school. My PE
teacher had the same 5 songs on repeat.

1. Walking on a dream
2. I like to move it
3. Airplanes
4. Don't you worry child
5. I am yours

Those are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. ANyway your song brought back a lot of childhood
memories in PE class.

Thus far into the school year you have been my favorite person I have been able to interact with. You are what
people would describe as a ray of sunshine that could light up any room you walk into. Your energy is unmatched…
could be the coffee. I enjoyed that we were able to share our songs together and still talk about our favorite drinks, a
bit about our siblings, driving, etc. Thank you for sharing your cat!

For the future I hope you are able to reconnect with Britney. We all need a Brinity in our life that makes even the
most dreadful moments feel joyful.


Karina Soltero

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