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The parties undertake to improve the existing measures aimed at
SOME DOCUMENTS REGARDING preventing illegal crossings across common borders.
PROTOCOL OF COOPERATION ON MATTERS OF Both parties undertake to precnt the activities of organisations, groups and
SECURITY BETWEEN THE ARAB REPUBLIC OF individuals to be carried out on their territories aimed at threatening or
SYRIA AND THE REPUBLIC OF TURKEY undennining the security and stability of the other party and undertake to secure
DAMASCUS, JULY 17, 1987 every kind of direct cooperation and exchange of information between the
authorities concerned.
Desirous of further developing relations of good neighbourliness and
friendship and with the aim of securing an effective cooperation based on mutual ARTICLE 6
respect and interests and in conformity with the principle of non-interference in The parties, at least once a year or any time upon the request of one party
internal affairs; and the acceptance of the other, will h9ld meetings within the framework of this
Protocol and on matters contained therein.
Aiming at taking the necessary reciprocal measures and cstiblishing an
effective cooperation on matters of close concern to the two countries in the field ARTICLE 7
of security; The parties accept to sign new protocols to regulate matters pertaining to
cooperation in the fields not covered by this protocol and to revise, if necessary,
Within the framework of the subjects discussed during the meetings held the existing ones.
in Ankara on March 4, 1986 and in Damascus on July· 16th, 1987 between His
Excellency Mohammed Gab bash as the Head of the Syrian Delegation and His ARTICLE 8
Excellency Y1ldmm Akbulut at the Head of the Turkish Delegation, following This protocol will enter into force following three months of its signing
the meetings held in Damascus on March 2, 1985; and will remain in force for two years. Unless one of the parties notifies in
writing the other party of its desire to end the Protocol withi one month prior to
The Governments of Arab Republic of Syria and of the Republic of its expiration, the validity of the Protocol will be automatically extended for one
Turkey have agreed upon the following; year periods consecutively. Interior Ministers in both countries will be
responsible for the implementation of this ProtocoL
The parties accept to prevent illegal crossings of persons and goods from ARTICLE 9
one side to the other and exchange information in this field. This Protocol is signed in Damascus on July 17, 1987, in Turkish,
Arabic and English in two copies of each. In case of difference in the
ARTICLE 2 interprelation of the Turkish and Arabic texts, English text will prevail.
The patties will assist one another in their efforts to prevent forgery and
falsification of official papers and documents as well as their use against one In the name of the Government In the name of the Government
another. of the Syrian Arab Republic of the Republic of Turkey
His Excellency His Excellency
ARTICLE 3 Abdul Rauf El Kassem Turgut 6zal
The parties will exchange information and documents concerning the Prime Minister Prime Minister
arrest and extradition of the accused and the convicts who escape from both
countries and will extradite them to one another as rapidly as possible through
their interpol offices.
14 15

DAMASCUS, JULY 17, 1987 *Both Parties have reached full conccnsus over all security issues.

6. During the filling up period of the Atati.irk Dam reservoir and until the * Both Parties blame terrorism in all its forms and sources, including its
final allocation of the waters of Euphrates among the three riperian countries, the international dimension.
Turkish Side undertakes to release a yearly average of more than 500 Iv{'JSec. at
the Turkish~Syrian border and in cases where the monthly flow falls below the *The Parties have agreed to fight against terrorism collectively.
level of 500M 3/Sec., the Turkish Side agrees to make up the difference during
the following month. * Both Parties consent to deny shelter and temporary quartering to all
terroristic actions directed towards each other within their respective territories.
7. The two Sides shall work together with the Iraqi Side to allocate the
waters of the rivers Euphrates and Tigris in the shortest possible time. * In case, one of the Parties declare a particular organization as illegal, the
other Party will not pennit lhe members of that organization reside, transit, hold
8. The two SideS agreed to expedite the work of the Joint Technical meetings and conduct training in its territory.
Committee on Regional Waters.
*In case, lhe arrested members of the terroristic organization are nationals
9. The two Parties agreed in principle to construct and operate jointly of one of the Parties, the arresting Party will repatriate the terrorists to the other
projects in the lands of both countries on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers for under the condition that they would be tried appropriately.
irrigation and power generation provided that the technical and economic
feasibility studies of these projects arc carried out in cooperation by the experts *The Parties have agreed to put up at once a new comon mechanism for
of the two countries. the handling of lhe security issues. This mechanism will consist of a chairman
and four members who will meet in turns every month as a working group.
10. The Turkish side explained the details of the "Peace Pipe Line"
planned to carry a portion of the waters of the Seyhan and Ceyhan rivers in * Syria declares the PKK as a terroristic organization and assumes to
Turkey, through Syria by two pipc~lines, one going to countries of the Gulf and repatriate all arrested PKK members to Turkey.
the other to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to
supply water for household purposes and limited irrigation for the region. Mchmet Agar Major General Ad nan Bedir El~Hassan
Republic of Turkey Syrian Interior Ministry
The Syrian Side agreed in principle to the project and showed interest Director General, Dept. of Security Vice-Chairman of the Dept. of Security
provided that the Turkish Side carries out its techinica! and economic feasibility
study by an international Consultancy t1nn.
The Syrian Side undertakes to facilitate the feasibility studies pertaining COMMUNIQUE, DAMASCUS, 21 AUGUST !994
to the Syrian portion of the project.
The Foreign Ministers of the Syrian Arab Republic, the Republic of
In case of its positive conclusion, the Syrian Side wiH enter into Turkey and lhe Islamic Republic of Iran held their sixth meeting in Damascus on
negotiations for the tina! realization of the project. 21 August 1994, in the framework of their periodical Tripartite consultations as
a follow~up to their meeting in Istanbul on 5 february 1994. The discussions
they held were conducted in a friendly and constructive spirit.

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