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Ancient Science of Life, Vol. IV, No.

3 January 1985, Page 165-173



Ayurvedic Research Unit (CCRAS), National Institute of Mental Health &Neuro Sciences, Bangalore 560 029 India.

Received: January 2, 1984 Accepted: October 30, 1984

ABSTRACT: An attempt is made to project at one place the available Ayurvedic material on
manas and treatment of manovikara in an orderly manner which would be both easy to
understand and rewarding in the field of treatment, by describing the definition of manas, its
functions, qualities, concept of psychosomatics, classification of mental disorders, treatment of
mental illness prevention of mental illnesses, method of examination of mental illness and other
important aspects.

Introduction carefully collated in view of our present

needs. It is also a fact that various mental
Ayurveda aims at preservation and disorders are being treated for centuries
promotion of heath, and prevention and cure over, by Ayurvedistis with the help of these
of diseases through the concepts of positive ancient literary descriptions.
physical and mental health. Management of
mental disorders or psychological medicine Ayurvedic Research Unit of the Central
was an area of specialization even during Council for research in ayurveda and
caraka’s time (500 B.C.) (1). Caraka suggests Siddha, New Delhi, located at the National
that, treatment for mental illnesses should be Institute of Mental Health and Neuro
south through an expert in the field of Sciences, Bangalore, has been studying from
mental illnesses (2). Chakrapani (11 A.D.) (3) 1971 the role of Ayurveda in understanding
commenting on this statement, uses the and the management of various mental
phrase ‘manasaroga bhesaja vetti’ (4) disorders.
(Knowers of treatment for mental illnesses).
These references fortify the above statement. In statute of Mental Health and Neuro
But unfortunately, due to historical reasons, Sciences, Bangalore, has been studying from
Ayurvedic literature dealing exclusively 1971 the role of Ayurveda in understanding
manas and manasavikara, are not available. and the management of various mental
However, the scattered aphoristic material
related to manas and manasavikara as In the following lines, it is attempted to
available in the Ayurvedic treatises are delve systematically on some of the
richly useful in understanding manas and important aspects of manas and manovikaras
treating mental disorders only if they are described in ayurveda.

Page 165-173
Ayurveda and Psychosomatics: health or the food is not properly placed in
the stomach and there is no appreciation of
Ayurveda has duly recognized the either the good or bad qualities of food taken
individuality of manas (psyche) and sarera (11)
. Further, indicating the need of mental
(body) and their inseparable and poise for drug action Ayurveda says that no
interdependent relationship in a living body. one who has not rid oneself of the evils of
The following descriptions available in the both mind and body beginning with the
classics of Ayurveda, bear proof to this gross ones, can ever expect to reap the
statement. benefits resulting from vitalization therapy.
While defining ‘Ayu it is said that ‘life is the Vayu which is one of the tridoshas (the three
combined state of body, senses, mind and bioentities viz., Vata, Pitta and Kapha which
soul (5). Further, the expectant parents are are generally more related to shareera) is
advised to contemplate on the physique, said to be the controller and prompter of
complexion, and mental traits they wish to manas. It is also said that the excited vayu
have in their child, in support of their depresses mind, gives rise to fear, grief,
desire,(6). stupefaction, feeling of helpness, delirium
Indicating the influence of manas even at the etc.
embryonic stage, Ayurveda states that ‘the These descriptions enable one to conclude
foetus grows steadily with the help of the that Ayurveda is perhaps the earliest system
reproductive element, the five protoelements of medicare to have certain clear concepts
namely, prthvi, Ap, Teja Vayu and Akasa, about the psychosomatics.
the subtle mind and sap of food taken by
mother (7). Manah Swaroopa: (Concept of mind):

The statement that ‘manifestation of manas According to caraka, ‘that entity which is
occurs during 5th month of pregnancy in the responsible for thinking is known as
foetal body’ indicates the coexistant nature manas’(13). It is said to have been inherited
of mind and body (8). from the previous birth and evolved from
the compination of vaikarika and tejasa
Indicating the direct influence of manas on ahankara(14). It is acetana (inactive) by itself
certain physiological functions, it is said that but gets cetana (activeness) from atma (soul)
anger, and fear could cause diaphoresis(9). (15)
. It is called a dravya (substance) (16).
Similarly grief and anger are counted among Although beyond sensory perceptions, it is
the causes of the loss of breast milk(10). called so since it has got both action and
quality, coexistent within itself (17). It is
Describing the role of manas in the connected to both jnanendriya sensory
digestion of food consumed, Ayurveda centres) and karmendriya (motor centres).
advises that food should be consumed with That is why it is called Ubhayatmaka
rapt attention. Defying this, is liable to (combined psychomotor entity) (18).
allow the food go wrong way or injure the

Page 165-173
Manovijnana (understanding of mind): (heart) is also said to e the seat of chetana or
atma(26). Since manas is always associated
Manas is understood by its actions which with atma an different emotions generally
are, indriyabhigraha (sensory and motor influence blood circulation, consideration of
perceptions and control), svasyanigraha hridaya will also be important while
(self-control), uha (speculation), and vicarya studying manas.
(thinking) (19). Its objects are those, which
are chintya (thought about), vicarya Jnanotpatti (mechanism of knowledge):
(discriminated from), uhya (speculated
upon), dhyeya (aimed at), and sankalpya Manas indicates both presence and absence
(decided upon) (20). of cognition(27). Knowledge occurs when
the sequential relationship in the order of
Manoguna (qualities of mind): indriyartha (sensory objectives), indriya,
(sense organ), and manas with atma (soul) is
Manas has two basic qualities viz., anutva established (28).
(atomic nature) and ekatva (unitary nature)
. But it is difficult to understand these Manasaroga Samprapti (pathogenesis of
qualities directly and clearly. Therefore, mental disorders)
manas is said to be constituted of 3 more
operational qualities viz., stave, rajas and Generally for all types of mental disorders,
tamas. These are understood by the role the alpasatwa (weak mind), manovahasrota
play in the emergence of three different (channels conveying manas/conveyers of
mental response patterns. For example, manas), manasadosha viz., Rajas and Tamas
satwa or kalyana bhaga is understood by self and tridosha viz., Vata, pitta and Kapha are
control, knowledge discriminative ability, said to be responsible, according to
power of exposition, etc. Rajas or ayurveda (28-a). Alpasatwa which is the most
rosabhaga is understood by violence, important component is indicative of
despotic envy, authoriatativeness, self premorbid personality. Involvement of
adoration, etc. tamas or moha bhaga is saririka dosa is more prominent in
understood by dullness, non-action, sleep Ubhayatmaka vikara like unmade apasmara
etc(22). etc., than in manasavikara viz., kama,
krodha, abhyasuya etc. similarly manadosa
Manasthana (location of mind): will be more vitiated in the latter group than
in the former.
Manas is said to be active throughout body
except nail ends, hairs, and such other Manoroga Nidana (Aetiology of mental
structures(23). Its seat of control is said to be disorders):
between siras (head) and talu (hard palate)
. Also it is said that siras is the seat of all Emotional disturbances, volitional
senses(25). Since the senses are controlled by transgression, unwholesome food are said to
manas, it is necessary to consider siras in be the causes of mental disorders, in general.
understanding manas. Similiarly Hrdaya

Page 165-173
Lakshana of Manasaroga (Symptoms of body and mind are affected) like, unmade
mental disorders): (psychosis), apasmara (epilepsy) and the
For Ubhayatmaka vikara like unmade,
apasmara, mada, murcha etc. symptoms and However, these arbitrary demarcations are
signs have been described in detail, in the made only for the clinical advantages. It is
texts. But for nanatmaja manasavikara and not possible to strictly categorise the
manasavikara or kevalamanasa vikara, no diseases as physical, mental etc., since the
descriptive details are available regarding diseases effect the living body which is a
their symptoms. This may be because of the combination of sarira (body ), indriya
fact that these conditions are well (senses), satwa (mind) and atma (soul), (30)
understood by the terms used to describe wherein even if one of the is deranged, the
them. For example, Krodha, soka, Udvega remaining three are also affected.
etc, However, it would be a rewarding
exercise if each of these conditions is taken It is said that in sariraka vikara, sareera gets
up separately and studied. Then it would affected first and the manas next. In
also be possible to understand and record manasika vikara namely, udvega (anxiety)
which are other psycho-physical signs/ kama, soka, abhyasuya etc., manas is
symptoms that are related to each of these affected initially and sarira later(31). Since
conditions. the involvement of manes will be
predominant clinically they are also termed
Manasavikara Vargeekarana (Classification as manodhisthika (kevala manasa ) vikara(32)
of mental disorders):
Certain disorders like visada (depression),
The different types of disease classification tama (withdrawal), asabdasravana (auditory
found in the classics mainly pertain to the hallucinations) and others, are caused
physical illnesses, no description on exclusively by one of the three sarira dosas
classification of manasaroga are readily viz., Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Some of them
available in the Ayurvedic works. Still, by are comparable to certain neurotic
studying the diseases wherein the manasa conditions and some to affective disorders.
dosa viz., rajas (passion) and tamas These may be termed as nanatmaja manasa
(inertness) are involved, it is possible to vikara(33).
classify and enumerate the mental disorders
described in Ayurveda. In ubhayatmaka vikara like unmade,
apasmara, madatyaya, etc., which are also
Diseases have been broadly classified into 3 termed as manassariradhisthita vikara,
broad catagories viz., sarira vikara (physical basically the sarira dosas are affected. But
diseases) like jvara (fever), atisara since mental disturbances are more
(diarrhoea), etc., manasavikara (mental prominently presented clinically, they are
disorders) like kama (desire), soka (grief), also termed as manovikara. These can also
abhyasuya (jealousy) an others and be called as anubandhajamanasa vikaras.
ubhayatmaka vikara (diseases wherein both

Page 165-173
Yet another group of diseases like sokaja the initial impairement of rajas and tamas
atisara (diarrhoea caused by grief), bhayaja although clinically they are present as
atisara (diarrhosa caused y fear) kamaja physical illnesses. They are relieved only
jwara (fever caused by lust), krodhaja jwara when the manodosa are treated. Therefore,
(fever caused by lust), krodhaja jawaa (fever these diseases which refer to some of the
caused by anger) and sokaja udavata and somatised neurotic refer to some of the
others, which are also ubhayatamaka vikara, somatised neurotic conditions can also be
are found in classics, these are caused due to considered under manovikara.

Thus, a critical study of the classics offer certain clinically useful descriptions pertaining to the
classification of manasavikara in ayurveda. The classifications are depicted in the following

Table Showing Manasa Vyadhi (Mental disorders) Described in Ayuveda

Manasavikara Nanatmaja manasavikara Ubhayatmaka Kamajwara

(neurosis) manasavikara (fever caused by
Chittodvega (anxiety) passion)
Abhyasuya visada (anguish)asabda Unmade krodhaja jwara
(jealousy): bhaya sravana (auditory (psychosis) (fever caused by
(fear), chittodvega hallucinations) tama anger) bhayaja
(anxiety): dainya (withdrawal) atipralepa Apasmara
(epilepsy) atisara(diarohoea
(meanness of (prating) aswapna caused by fear)
inferiority (insomnia) Apatanaka, sokaja atisara
complex), harsa anavasthitacittatwa atrpti apatantraka (diarohoea
(exhilaration) (discontentedness) tandra (hysteria) caused by grief)
kama(desire); (stupor) atinidra atatwabhinivesa
krodha (anger): (excessive sleep) bhrama (obsessive
lobha (greed): (confusion) Ch. Su.20 syndrome):
mada (arrogance): madatyaya
mana (pride): (alcoholic
moha (confusion): psychosis):
soka (grief): sanyasa (coma)
visada (anguish):
and irshya (envy).

Page 165-173
MANAH PARIKSA (Mental examination) vyavasaya (purposeful nature of action),
dhairya (courage) by avisada (fortitude),
As mentioned already, manas is a very rajas (passion) by sanga (strength of
subtle entity beyond sensory perceptions attachment), preeti (preeti (pleasure) by
whereas the tools of clinical examinations tosha (sense of satisfaction), soka (grief) by
are limited to sensory transactions only. dainya (helplessness), bhaya (fear) by visada
Secondly, it is only the manas (with atma) (anguish etc, (35) also appear very brief and
which is the ‘knower” and there is no other hence inadequate.
entity to ‘know’ this ‘knower’. This
situation makes the understanding and In view of this situation this unit has
examination of manas very difficult. prepared a detailed scheme of examination
Therefore, the only was to understand it, is based on the Ayurvedic basic concepts and
through its functions are reflected in the Caraka’s definition of Unmada, which is
form of sila (habit, temperament, etc), cesta diagrammatically depicted (annexure-I). in
(psychomotor activity and acara conduct), this scheme, the Ayurvedic meaning of each
which is turn are grosser sensory of the eight factors are laid down, and
transactions Here, the definition of Unmada simple questions/tasks to be given to the
put forth by Caraka becomes very useful. patients considering their socio-economic,
Unmada is defined as the unsettled condition and cultural background, are suggested in
of manah (mind), budhi (decision), smriti order to elicit the state of these eight aspects,
(memory), sanjnana (orientation and with provision for suitable modifications.
responsiveness), bhakti (desire), sila (habit
and temparement), cesta (psychomotor The descriptions available in the chapters on
activity), and acara (conduct). (34). Of these dinacharya (daily regimen), rtucharya
eight factors, the first five are the five (seasonal regimen), sadvrtta (code of
different conceptual dimensions of manas virtues, are grouped under sila, cesta and
which in turn are reflected through the later acara to aid the clinical elicitation of these
three. aspects, Besides these, the patient’s behavior
during interview is observed and recorded.
The various clinical examination schemes If the patient is non cooperative and not
like trividha pariksa, dasevidha pariksha and communicative due to his disease condition,
astasthana pariksa (threefold, tenfold and his close relatives who are familiar with his
eight fold clinical examinations), and the premorbid nature and his disease conditions
nidanapancaka (the aetiodiagnostic factors) are interrogated in order to elicit the state of
described in the classics do not apply with these eight aspects.
the same force while examining
manasavikara as they do while examining This scheme of mental examination is hoped
physical diseases. to be of immense help particularly to the
Caraka’s description about the examination
of certain mental aspects by anumana MANASAVIKARA CIKITSA ( Treatment
(inference) like, vijnana (understanding) by of mental disorders)

Page 165-173
Ayurvedic treatment for the mitigation of mahakusmanda (41) ash gourd) kapittha
the diseases has always been through (wood apple) matulunga * and others are
‘whollistic approach” while it has only recommended as bebeficial in various
recently ushered in the west as big mental disorders(38). *(Citrus medica).
movement in the field of treatment.
Recently according to an Ayurvedic
Ayurveda recommends three types of physician cuckoo meat is found to be useful
chikitsa viz., daivavyapasraya chikitsa in cartain mental disorders.(39).
(divine or spiritiual/therapy),
yuktivyapasraya chikitsa (logical therapy), Thus, these and other descriptions available
and satwavajaya chikitsa (psycho therapy), in the classics on ahara particularly in
for treating mental illnesses as well. (36). Let relation to mental disorders are worthy of
us examine them in brief. scientific study.

1. Daivavyapasraya chikitsa: This refers to Under drug therapy, it is said that, in all
measure like mantra, (incantation), Ausadhi types of mental diseases where vata, pitta
(wearing scared herbs), mani (wearing and kapha are deranged, dosha shodhana or
precious gems), mangala (propitiatory rites), srota suddhi (elimination of dosha or
bali (oblations), homa (sacrifice), upahara shodhana or srota suddhi (elimination of
(offerings), niyama (vows), prauascitta dosha or cleansing, the cells) has to be done
(ceremonial penitence), upavasa (fasts), by adopting various sodhana (purificatory
swastyayana (prostrations), pranipata measures). When the cleaning is properly
(surrender), gamana (pilgrimage), etc,(37). done, samanausadha (palliatives) and
These measures are recommended in mental rasayana (tonics) are given in order to bring
disorders caused by agantu(extraneous) back the deranged manas to normalcy. (40).
factors and administered judiciously after The following are some of the Ausadha
considering the nature, faith, religiosity, (medicines), rasayana (tonics) and upakrama
culture and educational level, of the patient. (treatment processes) that are being used in
(Ch. Shi. 9/93-4). These may be useful in the Unit in treating various mental disorders.
all types of manasavikara, i.e. both
psychosis and neurosis. Medicines Tonics
2. Yuktivyapasraya chikitsa: This refers to the
1. Brahmi ghrita 1. Aswagandha
use of ahara (diet) and oushadha (drugs).
2. Kalyanakaghrta. 2. Kusmandarasayana
Under ahara, it is interesting to note that 3. Pancagavya ghrta 3. Cyavanaprasa
different food articles like ksira (milk), ghrta 4. Sarasvatarista 4. Brahmi Rasayana
(ghee), draksa (grapes), panasa (jack fruit 5. Asvagandharista 5. Asvagandhavaleha
Brahmi (Centella asiatica- plant), 6. Sarasvata curna 6. Satavari leha
mahishamamsa (buffalo meat), sarpamamsa 7. Smritisagara rasa
(snake meat), kurmamamsa (tortoise meat), 8. Caturmukha rasa
vastuka (goose foot, kakamaci (solanum 9. Manasamitra vataka
nigirum), barhimamsa (cuckoo meat), 10. Brahmyadiyoga

Page 165-173
11. Ksirabala taila goal of satwajaya ckitsa as mentioned earlier,
12. Dhanvantara taila is through jnanam (knowledge), vijnanam
13. Asanabilvadi taila (analytical thinking), dhairya, (courage),
14. Brahmi smrti (memory), and Samadhi
15. Tagara (concentration), according to Caraka (43).
16. Vaca
17. Sarpagandha Mental disorders causes by kama (excessive
18. Jatamamsi desire) Soka (grief), bhaya (fear) krodha
19. Bala (anger), harsa (delight), irsya (jealousy),
moha (agreed) should be countered by
Treatment processes: inducing the opposites passion in order to
1. Virecana (purgation) neutralize the causative ones (44).
2. Basti (enema) The above two approaches can be said to be
3. Nasya (nasal instillation) more useful in manasaroga caused on
4. Abhyanga (aneling) account of certain external psychological
5. Takradhara/Ksiradhara/tailadhara, reasons which refer to certain manasavikara
Kasayadhara (streaming of medicated (kevala manasavikara) related to neurotic
buttermilk/milk/oil/decoction on the conditions.
forehead of the patient)
6. Mastishka (application of medicated wet Apart from these, measures like calming the
cakes on the head) patient with assurances and words of eligious
7. Sirolepa (application of medicated wet cakes and moral import, shocking him by
on the vertex) announcing the lose of some thing he holds
dear or showing him some wonderment,
threatening him by physical torture have been
3. Satvavajaya chikitsa: The aim of this mentioned (45). These are more useful in
therapy is to restrain mind from desire for nanatmaja and manosariradhisthita manasa
unwholesome objects (41). This permits vikara or certain psychotic conditions. The
considering, occupational, behavioural and underlying principle is to create fear of
like therapies as well, since the ultimate aim physical torment which the patient may not
of them also would be to restrain mind from like to bear, and fear of death, which is the
unwholesome objects. strongest of all fears, in order to provide
insight to the patient to regain mental
Speaking on the role of the therapist, it is equipoise. These are more applicable in
stated that, the therapist should be ‘suhrt’(42) excitatory conditions where disciplining that
implaying that he should be compassionate to patient becomes unavoidable. Needless to
the patient and involve himself in solving the add that these measures were told centuries
problems of the patient. This clearly ago considering the conditions that prevailed
indicates the importance of the therapist if the in that society. We may modify them
therapy administered has to be beneficial to suitably and perhaps find their underlying
the patient. The best approach to achieve the principles useful even today.

Page 165-173
MANASAVIKARANUTPADANA in preventing and , treating many
psychosomatic conditions like peptic
(prevention of mental disorders) ulcer, bronchitis, blood pressure, eczema
In support of its concepts on and diabetes to mention a few.
preservation and promotion of health All these measures are aimed at
and prevention of illnesses, ayurveda bestowing relaxation and mental
lays due stress on various measures to be equipoise which are the basic
adopted in order to promote mental prerequisites of a sound mind. They are
health and prevention of health and particularly relevant to our times when
prevent mental disorders. These we are forced to battle continuously
measures find lucid descriptions in the against ‘stress’ and ‘strain’ for our very
chapters devoted to dinacarya (daily survival.
regimen) ritucarya (seasonal regimen),
sadvrtta (code of virtues), roganutpadana Summing up Vagbhata (48) states that one
(prevention of diseases) and who introspects daily once an reacts to
annapanavidhi (rules pertaining to food fellow beings and surroundings dawn to
and dinks), in he classics of ayurveda. dark would modify his behavior, remain
free from grief, and enjoy perennial
In order to be free from mental disorders happiness. (49)
Ayurveda prescribes that one should not
allow oneself to become a victim of ANNEXURE- I
impulses like greed, grief, fear, anger,
jealousy, impudence, vanity etc.(46) Ayurvedic Scheme of Mental
Further, it declares that, one who speaks Examination – Diagrammatic
truth, refrains from over indulgence in Representation
alcohol and meat, hurts none, avoids 1. Sila (Habits, Temperament etc.)
overstrain, fair spoken, always i) Habits
compassionate and given to wholesome ii) Temperament
eating, would enjoy the benefits of iii) Physiological functions
sound mental health.(47) iv) Leisuretime activity
In fact it would only be appropriate to
consider the Ayurvedic view points in 2. Chesta (Psychomotor activity)
this regard as a ‘socio-moral value i) General motor activity
system’ which if adopted with ii) Speech
modifications to suit our needs without iii) Facial expression
digressing from the core of these iv) Posture
concepts, would be of great aid in
warding off many a mental disorder, and 3. Acarah (Conduct)
promote the mental potentialities of i) Personal standards
mankind. It would also richly contribute ii) Social standards

Page 165-173
2. Acharya, Y.T.
4. Manaha (Mind) “Charakasamhita”,
i) Indriyabhigrahah (Perception and Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
Motor control) 9 (1941).
ii) Manonigrahah (mental control) 3. Paradh, Harishastri, “
iii) Uha (guess) Astanga Hriday”
iv) Vicarah (Thought) Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
368. (1939)
5. Buddhihi (Decision) 4. ......... Ibid Page, 362.
6. Smritih (Memory) 5. ......... Ibid page, 371.
7. Samjnajnanam (Orientation and 6. .........Ibid Page,259.
responsiveness) 7. ......... Ibid Page,778.
i) Orientation to: 8. Acharya, Y.T.,
a. Desah (Place) “Charakasamhita”,
b. Kalaha (Time) Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
c. Atmajnana (person) 247.
i) Responsiveness to external 9. ......... Ibid Page, 79.
stimuli 10. ......... Ibid Page, 57.
8. Bhaktih (Desire) Desire in relation 11. Acharya, Y.T., “Charaka
to: Samhita”, Nirnayasagar
i) Aharah (Food) Press. Bombay, 338. (1938)
ii) Vyavayah (sex) 12. Acharya, Y.T.,
iii) Vesham (Dress) “Charakasamhita”,
iv) Ranjanam Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
(Entertainment) 294. (1941).
v) Anya (Others) 13. .........Ibid Page,11.
14. .........Ibid page,13.
“Unmadam punarmanobuddhi 15. Acharya, Y.T.,
samjnajnana smrti bhakti “Sushrutasamhita”,
Sila cestacara vibhramsam vidyat” Nirnayasagar Press. Bombay,
Ch Ni. 7. 338. (1938)
16. Acharya, Y.T.,
REFERENCES “Charakasamhita”,
Dwivedi, V.N., “Ayurved Ki oushadhiya Va Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
unka vargeekaran”, Institute for Ayurvedic 288. (1941).
studies and Research, Jamnagar, - 18. (1966) 17. ......... Ibid, Page, 288
18. ......... Ibid,
Acharya, Y.T., “Charakasamhita”, 19. ......... Ibid, Page, 323
Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 77. (1941) 20. ......... Ibid, Page, 250

1. As against 1.

Page 165-173
21. Shukla, G.D., b) Shastry Rajeswaredatta,
“Bhelasamhita”, “Bhaishajya ratnavali”,
Chowkhambha vidya Chowkambha Sanskrit
Bhavan, Varanasi, 157. Series, Varanasi, 368. (1969)
(1959) c) Mishra, Brehma Shankara
22. Acharya, Y.T., Shastri, “Chakradatta”,
“Charakasamhita”, Chowkhambha Sanskrit
Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, series, Varanasi, 368. (1969)
716. (1941). d) Acharya, Y.T.,
23. ......... Ibid, “Charakasamhita”,
24. ......... Ibid, Page, 288 Nirnayasagar Press. Bombay,
25. .........Ibid, Page, 292. 165&166. (1941)
36. Chatterjee-Acharya-
27a. ......... Ibid, Page, 468 Paradhkar., “My experiments
26. .........Ibid, Page, 716. with Cuckoo meat”, Journal
27. .........Ibid, Page, 8. of Research in Indian
28. .........Ibid, Page, 254. Medicine, Vol. VII, No.2, 79
29. .........Ibid, Page to 81. (1972)
30. .........Ibid, Page, 113&115. 37. Acharya “Charakasamhita”,
31. a) .........Ibid, Page, 223. Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay,
b) Ramu, M.G., et al, “ An 470. (1941).
approach to mental 38. ........... Ibid, Page, 77.
examination based on 39. ........... Ibid, Page, 473.
Ayurvedic concepts, CCRAS 40. ........... Ibid, Page, 16.
New Delhi, 1981. 41. ........... Ibid, Page, 474.
32. Acharya, Y.T., 42. ........... Ibid, Page, 473 474
“Charakasamhita”, 43. ........... Ibid, Page, 50.
Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 44. ........... Ibid, Page, 383, 384
248. (1941). 45. ........... As against 1.
33. ........... Ibid, Page, 77. 46. Paradhkar, Harishastri,
34. ......... Ibid, “Astangahridaya”
35. a) Acharya, Y.T., ,Nirnayasagar Press,
“Sushrutasamhita”, Bombay, 34. (1939).
Nirnayasagar Press. Bombay,
227. (1938)

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