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Divorce - Sociology

One reason for the general rise in the divorce rate in Britain since 1945 includes
the decline in the influence that religion has on society.

This includes factors such as same-sex marriage and civil weddings - more
weddings being allowed/taking place will result in a higher divorce rate overall.

Also, in the past, people may have remained in an unhappy relationship as the
church frowned upon divorces, whereas this factor does not generally exist in
todays society.

Two social consequences of divorce may include loss of income and loss of emotional

- Loss of income may prove a problem as they lose the financial help of the other
partner, which may result in poverty in some single-parent families.

- Loss of emotional support would also be an issue as when one partner leaves, their
social groups may change as a result, and without them having the emotional support
of the other partner, they may not be able to cope with the change.

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