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Pulling Ideas Together

What is the cause of Nisbet's findings? What Is the solution to the current

disconnect? When I was writing my rhetorical essay I disscussed all the

problems that have come about because the majority of the population have

moved away from a church going family oriented lifestyle. The current paradigm

of scientific necessity for physical evidence, which I personally support, has

been one of the greatest causes of this shift. Everyone equates church solely

with the worship of God and disputes the existence of an invisible omnipotent

granddad in the sky, but they fail to take the societal repercussions and

considerations into account when they stop going to church. They forget that the

fundamental laws of our nation are predicated on the existence of God and the

church. In God we trust, one nation under God. The church is not just a place of

worship to a supernatural force. It is a center of community and moral obligation.

A cornerstone of the house of the larger society. Removing that common tie that

binds the community together only weakens the house. I am unsure how to solve

this problem. You can’t force people to go to church. But without a unifying moral

guideline supported by the bonds of family and neighbors America will never be

great again.

The dissolution of the family as a cohesive unit began with the vote for

women and the permittance of legal divorce. Before the 19th amendment only

men had the vote. The family had a single head who led by example and took the
needs of the family as a whole into consideration in his disisions. After the 19th

now there are two heads, a house divided, and the parents are now both more

likely to vote based on the benefit to themselves rather than the family. The

problem is exacerbated further when you take the relationships between men

and women into account. It doesn’t matter if it is FAIR to let women have an

equal say in things. The fact that they have a DIFFERENT say is in and of itself

the wedge that culminates in men and women seeing each other as enemies

instead of partners. This compromises the growth of the children, which should

be the central focus of marriage, and thus hollows out a nation. Next the

allowance of divorce and the lack of repercussions of adultery for both men and

women have led to a state of marriage where loyalty is not required and thus the

secondary trait of marriage, long term companionship, becomes null and void.

The solution to this is simple. Reinstitute the legal requirements and

repercussions of marriage and give the vote only to a single member of a married


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