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Contoh Soal UTS SEMESTER 6

1. The rooms in Graduate Towers are _____ Patterson Hall.

A. larger than
B. larger than that of
C. larger than those in
D. larger than in
Jawaban C

Untuk Soal nomor 1 memilih jawaban yang betul

2. The teacher whom book I have said that I could keep it.
Which is Wrong?
A. whom
B. said
C. that
D. it
Jawaban A

Untuk nomor 2, memilih jawaban yang salah

Coca-Cola was invented in 1886 by Atlanta pharmacist John S. Pemberton. The name for the
product was actually proposed by Pemberton’s assistant, Frank Robinson. The name was taken from
the two most unusual ingredients in the drink, the South American coca leaf and the African cola nut.

3. According to the passage, who created Coca-Cola?

(A) The Coca-Cola Company
(B) John S. Pemberton
(C) Pemberton’s assistant
(D) Frank Robinson
Jawaban B

Untuk soal nomor 3, jawaban dari bacaan.

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