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Almaden, Aldem Aldrick G.


The Speech technically embodies a figurative structure of evets and emotion related alteration of
experiences and points of views. Corazon Aquino’s Speech was made deliberately in detailed structured.
It was a direct to the point and all out speech with no barrier on hold. She expressed everything of what
was being felt during her term as a president and being the wife of Benigno Aquino, at the same time
Benigno experiences during the Marcos Regime.

The Speech was subconsciously made to awaken and give an impact of how every events turns
out significant in our history, to some the speech may be as lightly intense but was substantial hence
equates as pure intent to express relatively what the nation should know

Overall the lead of her speech was mastered as it begins with a solid lead. It effectively uses one
of the types of leads that we learned in class but points out as what is interesting issue in our society. She
also denotes a clear message even in her first part of the paragraph. It entails something to grasp the
interest of the succeeding part which was deliberately push through to enlighten the public on the detailed
of events discussed in her speech. Aquino made it clear relatively in terms of her points of views in the
series of events during the martial law and how dictatorship of Marcos with deal dealt by Benigno

In the Speech he also deliver an inspirational message that despite the hardships and challenges of
every event that took place it made it clear that during the time of martial law anyone can be liable and
suffer regardless of being innocent, she also entails how important to our country democracy, It also
pointed out Aquino’s gratitude towards the American government who supported her and our country in
such chaotic journey.

Corazon Aquino was the 11th President of the Philippines she has several contribution in our
country, one of the most prominent figure of the 1986 People Power Revolution, also Cory Aquino
encourage scientists and inventors to bring Philippines to its former position as second to japan in the
field of science and Technology and one of the goals of her administration was to achieve the status as
being industrialized country by 2000. There are more several contribution to the Philippines during his
administration, International Trades, Relations, Tourism and more, although she failed to undertake
fundamental economic or social reforms and her popularity steadily declined as she faced continual
outcries over economic injustice and political corruptions. Cory’s time has a significant increase of
number of NPA, New People’s army, CPP, Communist Party of the Philippines, and NDF, National
Democratic Front of the Philippines, that grows more and stronger. In addition despite being champion of
liberalism, Cory was still subject to Human Rights Violation in the certain issue of Hacienda Luisita
massacre towards the rally seven of the people participating in the rally were killed, an estimated number
of 121 people, adults and children, were injured, and 133 people were arrested and detained. Overall
Corazon Aquino was the president she has the power which give significant contributions to our country,
but she should consider the life of the farmers that put sacrifices to the land.

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