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twenty-seventh Path is the Active or Exciting

Intelligence and it is so called because through it every

existent being receives its spirit and motion .'

This Path joins Netzach and Hod and called Exciting

Intelligence because every being in existence receives its

impetus . Another title allocated to it is Active Intelligence

because it shows continuous active changes or transformations .

This of course relates to a fiery disposition because of the

constant changing activity which shows little or no rest . The

beginning of the Path shows excitement and stimulation both

mental and physical energy, while at its maximum point thi s

energy in abundance swells and gushes forth so strongly that it

reacts something like an exploding volcano .

Hebrew letter associated to this Path is Peh (which

means mouth) and has a numerical value of 80 . Some related words

f the same value are KS meaning "throne" YAa "shovel", VAaD

1 "union" and . YSUD "foundation" . The positive aspects shows

throne and foundation while shovel is neutral and GZAa meaning

"to cut" works on the negative side. The word Peh has a value of

83 and relates to YAaH "shovel away", NLH "to complete" and MYLH

"circumcision" . Broken down into abstract concepts one finds

that Peh can be analogous to an object that is a fundamental


basis for merging and splitting and is phallic in shape (due

MYLH) while a shovel relates strongly to stoking (a furnace) .

It is considered by de O'livet that Peh has two distinct

articulations . The' first i s that it reinforces Beth (by virtue of

its shape) which gives it an outlet . The second is that in Peh in

its final form we find a reinforced Vau . The link between Peh and

Beth also goes back to pronunciation which ties in closely with

ancient Egyptian usage . The Zohar says of this letter : 'I am the

beginning (Peragina) and deLiverence (Peduth) thou will execute

in the world . . . . but thou also givest rise to evil (Peshang), and

in thy form resembles those animals who walk with bowed heads, 1
like wicked men who go about with bowed heads and extended

hands .' This warns that Peh can be a dual edged sword that will

quickly cut the wielder i f he i s not careful, and warns of the

danger beneath the surface of things .

The Tarot trump related here is the 'Blasted Tower' . It

depicts a single tower (with three windows) struck by the light-

ning of Mars whichs takes off the crowned top of the tower . From

this disaster two bodies fall . On the right hand side of the

tower there i s the Tree of Life and on the left hand side the

Tree of Evil . The whole concept here is the application of an

external force (heat) which is used to separate the factor in the

tower . This card is very alchemical and relates heavily to the

anthor of the alchemist . In its general sense it foretells

disaster and the splitting up of a project .

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I Anher (Anhert) is the Egyptian godfarm of this Path and is a-

derivitive of Ra the Sungod and personifies . his most warlike

attributes . He is often depicted as a bearded warrior holding an

I upraised spear . His headdress was usually one with four tall

plumes mounted above it . Originally he was the god of the dead

but his title was taken over by Osiris . Anher's main function in

later Egyptian Dynastic periods seems to have been the avenger

for h hunted down the foes of his worshippers from his divine

chariot and showed them no mercy . The festivals of Papremis were

in honour of this divinity and were noted for their violent

exchanges between priests and worshippers alike .

Ares is one of the Greek divinities of this Path and has

already been described in the lesson on Geburah . Another set of

divinities that also could apply here as well are the Cyclopes,

who were Arges, Brontes and Steropes and represented the various

elements of destruction (such as thunder and lightning) and it is

they who in fact made the thunderbolts of Zeus . They were consi-

dered the repairmen of the gods and built fortresses for them

though their own home was in Hesiod . Legend has it that they were

destroyed by Apollo after his son was killed by the thunderbolts

of Zeus which were fashioned by the Cyclopes . The Roman associa- e

tion is of course Mars who is explained in the lesson on Geburah .

The Magical Weapon of this Path is the lightning flash which

in the old testament was delivered by Yahweh to destroy his

enemies . This is the tangible spiritual descent of power from

ones higher self which shows both the destruction of ignorance

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and •truth . In order to control and direct a force of nature

this magnitude one must be able to be in communion with ones

higher self or at least be able to petition it and be helped in

return . It is in fact far more than being able t direct an

aspect of the elements but shows that one is in harmony with ones

karmic destiny, for apart from the physical aspect of the light-

ning flash itself, it is also symbolic as being representative of

flashes of illumination, with this also a weapon in itself that

shows deep insight and understanding in a situation when all

appears to be lost which can completely reverse the outcome

ones advantage .

The Magical virtue of this Path is forgiveness and relates

forgiving those who have harmed you or those near you . To

forgive is not an easy thing when a wrong has been done to an

individual, and the greater the wrong the greater the virtue it

is to forgive those who have wronged you in the first place . To

understand the impact of hurt and injustice done to an individual

on karmic level is closely allied to the doctrine of

Catholicism on gaining grace which amounts literally to stockpil-

ing ones good traits . There are many practical reasons for this

which when placed on a mundane level have little with

holiness but first appear to come under the heading of hedging

one bets . In short we are all subject to the laws of cause and

effect and while we should try to protect ourselves from harm it

does not mean we go on a vigilante hunt after those who have hurt

us . The real hidden concept of forgiveness is to understand why

things have happened to us and with that thought in mind turn to

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workipg way at making the best of a bad situation and not

shifting the blame on people who also have their karmic act to

play in life .

The vice associated here is Wrath, which is a cross between

cruelty and vengeance, but hints that the meaning of the word

relates to having to retaliate in a an overly zealous manner or

rage . Wrath is the point where indignation ends and vengeance

begins but it is a vengeance so soul destroying and encompassing

1 that it becomes the focal point for almost the entire existence

of the individual and gradually consumes him or her . Many of us

have heard the saying 'wrath of god' and in some ways this is

quite frightening, for the Yahweh of the Old Testament smited the

foes of the Israelites left, right, and center and used every-

thing from thunderbolts and plagues to good old common battle

strategy . The point to be made here is that only those who are

considered omnipotent' can afford the luxury of wrath and there

are not too many of them around today .

magical attainments of this Path are works of Wrath and

Vengance which have already been discussed at length in the two

previous paragraphs . The main point of consideration is that

like the curse of the previous path, works of wrath are an

attainment and can only be accomplished (from a magical perspec-

tive) through spiritual growth, it i s .a n energy that is given to

us so that we may comprehend power and its uses and misuses, for

without our coming into contact with this type of energy on the

path of the Magus it would never be able to be handled

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ob j ect i Vel y .

A mineral drug associated here is Sodium which can be repro-

duced in many forms such as Sodium Chloride which is table salt .

This differs slightly from the esoteric alchemical description

which describes the state the primea materia is in and not the

effect the ingredient has . This mineral can be found in the sea

and in kelp as well as vegetables, fruits and nuts, dairy pro-

ducts and herbs . It can be used as a diuretic, anticoagulant,

analgesic and as an antidote for some poisons . Salt is necessary

for nerve and muscle repair though too much of it can cause many

problems, such as high blood pressure .

Garlic oil is one of the vegetable drugs of this Path and is

considered as a sulphide of allyl . Apart from stabilising both

and high and low blood pressure garlic oil will rid the blood of

excess glucose as well as helping to quell bronchial complaints .

It helps promote better blood circulation and is good inhelping

to clear sinus congestion .

One of the gods of Indian mythology related to here is that

of Rudra who was considered a vedic god of storms whose arrows

acted like lightning bolts to his enemies He is also called lord

of animals after being named as such by a terrified Prajapati who

was caught in the act of incest by Rudra . In many ways a number

of the attributes of Shiva the destroyer were associated to Rudra

whose fame was at an early stage in . Indian history .

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One the gems associated to this Path is the Loadstone

which is a brownish red in colour and composed mainly of magne-

tised iron . Legend has it that this stone was worn by Alexandra

I the Great and some of his men as - a talismanic protective device

that attracted and gave power to the wearer . Because f its

magnetic . contents that Loadstone was also associated the

reconciling f friends or lovers which ancients considered

powerful pull of attraction . With the recent studies on magnetic

auric fields the Loadstone could indeed (depending on the

strength of the magnetism) alter the aura so that it could liter-

ally attract certain etheric forces to it . On a medicinal point

this gemstone also was said to bring down swellings and help

gout .
plant associated here is Rue (from the Greek word Ruta

meaning "repentance") and its botanical name is Ruta graveolens .

A large number of legends have sprung up about this plant which

have been recorded since Hippocrates where it was a recognised

medicinal plant that acted on the nervous system and produced

calming effect . Greek soldiers used it the night before a battle

to dispell their fears . The plant was also a well known antidote

against poison and the plague .

aromatic of this Path is Pepper. which is made from

crushed berries and is associated here due to its fiery nature

which when brought into contact with the nostrils produces a

violent reaction . Pepper is usualy used as one of the main ingre-

dients for any type of Martian incense . Stories associated the

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use of -Pepper in witches rituals for dispelling an evil demon of

sickness from the body by forcing it leave through the

nostrils .

The Order of Beings associated here relate to the Chimaera

who was a monster that sprung from Typhon and Echidna . It was

said to be so terrible that it had three heads, a lion, dragon

and goat, but was eventually slain by Bellrophon and Pegasus . The

Calydonian Boar isanother association to this Path . Legend has

it that it was sent by Diana to ravage the countryside (because

her worship had been neglected by the King) and went unchecked

because of its great size and strength . Eventually it was slain

by Meleager who offered its hide to Atalanata .

The Olympic planetary spirit of Mars is Phaleg who is said

to give honour in warfare . He is often depicted as a king armed

and riding on a wolf, horse or stag .

The archangel this Path is Samael (Zamael) who rules

Mars . His name is derived from the root SM meaning "spice or

poison" . He is known for more dark traits than good ones and was

the angel who wrestled Jacob at Peniel and has often been called

the angel of death and destruction . He is often interchanged with

fallen angels because of the destruction he causes but this is

because he directly organised the wrath of god . For the ignorant

this was misinterpreted as evil and he was associated as an angel

of hell . Among his better duties Samael was the guiding angel of

John the Baptist when he entered the desert . He is considered a

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I teacher of theology and the guiding light of missionaries .

The animal of this Path is the horse due to his swiftness

I and association t war as a tool to carry both soldiers and

weapons . It has a variety of meanings associated to it from the

lofty spiritual to the lustful Renaissance concept . In many

I symbols it is closely linked with the solar power and the mascu-

line struggle for supremacy . However if one is more discerning

I about its colour one then gets into a maize of associations .

















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