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1. Listening Comprehension.

A. Suzan, Nadia, and Paul are in the library. They are talking about a picture from a newspaper
showing a little girl suffering from a severe burn. Listen and fill in the blanks with the correct
words you hear!
Paul : “Oh my God! Hey, look at the picture!”
Nadia : “Oh… poor little girl! She must be suffering from a severe pain because of the burns….”
Paul : “Do you remember Dr. Johansson’s explanation about burn? Look at the little girl’s
burns. I think she is suffering from the third degree burns. What do you think?”
Nadia : “How can you make such a conclusion Paul? Don’t you know that the third-degree burns
may look like the second-degree burns?”
Paul : “You are right Nadia, but look at the picture again. The girl’s skin looks (1)…….. ….. and
Suzan : “You’re right, Paul. This is third-degree burns. Just like what you said, the third-degree
burn is characterized by white or charred burns. They extend through all skin (2)…..…..,
and of course they are so deep.”
Nadia : “I think you’re right. The second-degree are characterized by (3)…..….. or mottled
burns. They look a little wet because of the loss of fluid through the damaged skin
(4) ………... I don’t see such characteristics in the picture. Hmm … I’m sure it must be
very (5)…….…..”
Paul : “Oh… come on Nadia. Sure it is!”
Suzan : “You’re right Paul, it is very painful, but if most (6) …..….. endings are destroyed, she
may feel (7)…..….. pain. In fact, the second-degree burns are often the most painful
because most of the nerve endings are still intact, even though the (8) ……….. damage
is severe.”
Nadia : “But, she’s a bit lucky, though. She isn’t suffering from serious burn on her face. There is
only small redness and mild (9) ……….. on her forehead.”
Paul : “Is it the first-degree burns?”
Suzan : Yes, I think so. Her face might get overexposure to hot objects or (10) ………... May be
she got it when the explosion happened.

B. Listen and answer the questions!

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................

3. ………………………………………………………………………………………………….................

Unit 7

2. Reading Comprehension

A. Read the text below and answer the questions!

Burns are classified according to their depth, or degree. The first-degree burns are

characterized by redness and mild swelling. They are commonly the result of overexposure to the sun,

light contact with hot objects, minor scalding by hot water or steam, or brief contact with chemical.

Second-degree burns are deeper than first-degree burns. They look red or mottled and a little wet from

the loss of fluid through the damaged skin layers. They are usually the result of contact with hot liquids,

or flash burns when flammable products burst. Second-degree burns are often the most painful

because most of the nerve endings are still intact.

The third-degree are the deepest burns. Burns of this type may look white or charred. They

extend through all skin layers, or even into the structures below the skin. Because they are so deep,

only the edges will heal; scars will eventually cover the rest of the burned area. Third-degree burns are

frequently caused by immersion in hot liquids and contact with flames or hot objects. The victim may

complain severe pain. However, if most nerve endings are destroyed, he or she may feel very little pain.

In general, care for heat burns as follows: First, for first-degree burns and second-degree

burns with no open blisters, flush with lots of cold running water. Second, for second-degree burns with

open blisters and third degree burns, apply dry dressings and bandage loosely. Finally, for chemical

burns, remove any clothing and jewelry on which chemicals have spilled. As you do the secondary

survey for electrical burns, check for more than one burn site.

B. Comprehension question

1. How many types of burns are there?

2. What are the characteristics of first-degree burns?
3. What is it caused by?
4. What do second-degree burns look like?
5. Why are second-degree burns considered as the most painful burns?
6. What happen if most nerve endings are destroyed?
7. In which type of burns do we need cold running water as one of the first aid instrument?
8. In which type of burns do we need to conduct the secondary survey to the victim?
9. As recommended in the first aid technique, how do we bandage the burns?

Unit 7

10.Identify the pictures and determine the type of burns they show!

C. Complete the paragraph using the words/ phrases provided!

a. located c. burns e. injuries g. spread i. hot

b. serious d. hazards f. flammable h. matches j. shock

Burns are (1) …..….. resulting from exposure to heat, chemicals, electricity, or radiation. The
severity of burns depends on their depth, size, and location. Burns are most serious when they are
(2) …..….. on the face, neck, hands, feet, and genitals; when they are (3) …..….. over large areas
of the body; or when they are combined with other injuries, such as fractures. Burns bring the
possibilities of (4) …..….., pain, and infection. They are also more (5) …..….. for the very young
and very old. ….. (6) ….. have many causes, including carelessness with (7) …..….. and cigarettes;
scalds from (8) …..….. water and other liquids; defective heating, cooking, and electrical
equipment; unsafe use of (9) …..….. liquids to start fires and clean floors; unsafe use of strong
alkalis such as lye, or strong acids; and fires. The (10) …..….. of fire include not only the visible
burns but also respiratory and circulatory emergencies.

D. Read the sentences and find the meaning equivalence of the bold words/ phrases!

1. The newspaper shows a burn’s victim with severe pain. a. syaraf

2. Her hand swells because her husband splashed her with hot b. lukabakar
3. The deeper the burns the more the pain a victim complains. c. api
4. His burns are caused by short contact with steam. d. membengkak

Unit 7 3.
5. That boy looks very hurt because his skin layers are damaged as e. mudah terbakar
the result of burns accident.
6. The victim of third-degree burns may only feel a little pain because f. parah
his nerve endings are destroyed.
7. Be careful with the flames, it can hurt you if you are careless. g. uap air
8. Her wounds start to heal after she is hospitalized for several h. melepuh
9. He was in the storage, where flammable materials were kept, i. lapisan kulit
when the explosion happened.
10. His skins turned red and blistered after he took the medicine the j. sembuh
doctor prescribed.

3. Sentence Building

Complete the table with correct forms of words. Make a sentence using each of the
underlined words!


injure ……………………………. …………………………….

……………………………. ……………………………. depth

……………………………. covered …………………………….

complain ……………………………. …………………………….

……………………………. ……………………………. immersion

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..........

3. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….........

4. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….........

5. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….........


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