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A. Replace the words and phrases in italics with words of similar meanings.
The first letter of the word is given.
1. Reserves will be used up depleted within the next 20 years, experts predict.
2. Companies are being encouraged to develop alternative renewable energies.
3. Energy companies claim there is currently no lack shortage of oil
4. The increase in energy use consumption is resulting in high levels of pollution
throughout the world.
5. The price of getting oil out of the ground extraction looks set to soar.
6. Many countries are reliant dependent on fossil fuels.
7. We need to find new origins sources of energy.
8. Discharge e_________________________of waste chemicals have never been so high.

B. Match the words from A with the words from B to make compounds.
fuel-cell technology
wind turbines
solar panels
carbon emissions
renewable energies
tidal power

Complete the sentences with a compound you formed.

1. Intelligent Energy has raised £20m to finance commercialization of its hydrogen
fuel-cell technology, which has been used to power motorcycles, propeller aircraft
and domestic boilers.
2. All countries should have international targets for reducing carbon emissions, not
just developing ones.
3. Bob Smith, Chief Executive of Pulse Tidal, says the UK is a good place to develop
tidal power having a long coastline that can boast some of the most powerful tidal
streams in the world.
4. Clipper Windpower, a California-based renewable energy group, will develop several
offshore solar panels each capable of generating 7.5 megawatts of electricity.
5. A photovoltaic installation typically includes an array of wind turbines, an inverter,
batteries and interconnection wiring.
6. Experts say that even though China is moving towards more renewable energies
coal will remain as a primary source of fuel for the foreseeable future.
C. Look at these word partnerships related to alternative energy. Which word in each
group cannot form a partnership with the word in bold?

1. wind / tidal / carbon / wave power

2. alternative / consumption / renewable / clean эко energy

3. reduction / carbon / gas / solar emissions
4. solar power / panels / turbine / energy
5. wind turbine / power / renewable / farm ветр. электростанция
6. fuel-cell technology / photovoltaic / energy / car

D. Look at the list of words that can be used to form collocations with the
words oil, energy and power. Which of these words can be placed before oil /
energy / power and which can be placed after?

solar (x2) plant crude policy renewable grid field

nuclear (x2) refinery cut

E. Complete these article extracts with an appropriate word or phrase from the box.

energy consumption energy efficiency energy watchdog fossil fuel

global warming greenhouse gas emissions renewable energy wind power

Germany introduced a package of measures in its National Climate Protection Programme in

2000. These include voluntary reduction agreements, minimum tariffs for electricity from

India 's population of about 1 billion represents about 16 per cent of the world's population, but
accounts for less than 2 per cent of its energy consumption. Nevertheless, the growth in energy IB ADV
consumption (1) in India is expected to result in a more than doubling greenhouse gas emissions
(2) over the next 25 years, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA), energy watchdog
(3) for the developed world.

energy efficiency (4) and legislation to encourage renewable energy (5). As a result of these
and earlier policies, Germany has become the world leader in wind power (6) installations.
The benefits are counterbalanced, however, by the burden on taxpayers and consumers.

Nuclear energy offers the hope of producing power on a large scale without burning fossil fuel
(7). That would solve what many regard as the biggest threat the planet faces: global warming
caused by a dramatic rise in the level of carbon dioxide since industrialisation.

F. Write expressions for the following definitions.

1. the gap between limited resources and theoretically limitless wants - scarcity
2. a productive asset such as equipment, inventory, and plant, that is man-made and employed in
generation of income - capital resources

3. Basic substance in its natural, modified, or semi-processed state, used as an input to a production
process for subsequent modification or transformation into a finished good - raw materials
4. Network of powerlines, transformers, and associated equipment employed in distributing
electricity over a geographical area - energy grid
5. a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth from plant or animal remains - fossil
6. oil and gas reserves that are economically and technically feasible to extract at the existing price
of oil - recoverable reserves
7. a system for controlling carbon emissions and other forms of atmospheric pollution by which an
upper limit is set on the amount a given business or other organization may produce but which
allows further capacity to be bought from other organizations that have not used their full
allowance - cap & trade scheme
8. a permit that gives a company, country, etc., the right to emit a specified amount of carbon
compounds into the atmosphere, and may be purchased if emissions are expected to exceed a
quota or sold if the quota is not reached - carbon credit
G. Alternative Energy Sources. Complete the table with the missing information.

Type of Energy How it it generated? Advantages Disadvantages/Problems

Nuclear power nuclear power stations potential for catastrophe
Solar energy solar panels completely clean
and renewable; IB ADV
costs are
outweighed by

Wind energy wind farms, wind turbines restrict views, may be

dangerous to some forms
of wildlife

Water power hydroelectric power


Biomass plant or animal material

Tidal energy tidal stream generators

Geothermal very high costs

H. Translate from Russian into English.

дефицит ресурсов; resources shortage
неравномерное распределение ресурса; uneven distribution of resources
не возобновляемые ресурсы; non-renewable resources
солнечная энергия; solar energy
энергия прилива; tidal energy
отключение электроэнергии; energy blackout
нефть-сырец; crude oil
ограниченное количество; scarcity
извлекаемые запасы; recoverable reserves
испытывать геополитическое давление; to be subject to geo-political pressures
нереализованный объем разрешенных выбросов; carbon credit
пресная вода; fresh water
компенсировать выбросы углерода; to offset carbon emissions
заготовка древесины logging

I. Explain in English the terms below:

sustainable resources; is a resource that can be continuously replenished, or there is an endless
amount of it
hydrocarbon fuels;
water-stressed region;
overfishing; catching too many fish in an area of the sea, so that there are not many fish left there
deforestation; the cutting down of trees in a large area, or the destruction of forests by people
reafforestation the process of putting new trees in the ground in an area where trees used to

End of Keynotes Section

J. Translate from Russian into English.

жители Земли; вырубать дождевые леса; парниковые газы; пересыхать (о реке);
поддерживать высокие темпы роста; изменить модель потребления; отравлять реки
и водоносные слои; существенные субсидии; растрачивать ресурсы; очищенные
сточные воды; соблюдать закон; включить машину в розетку; сельскохозяй ственный
продукт; зарядить батарей ку; солнечный фотоэлемент; экономически приемлемое

K. Explain in English.
social license; venture capitalist; disruptive technology

L. Complete the text with the correct adverb.

hardly highly heavily hotly widely

The whole area of green subsidies for profitable companies has been
____________________ (1) debated in recent years. The practice of giving handouts to companies has
become _____________________ (2) accepted in a number of countries. Therefore, it is
_________________________ (3) surprising that some critics have begun to question the wisdom of
giving money to companies that are already __________________ (4) subsidized.
While most subsidies are tightly controlled some are given to companies which clearly do not
require this level of support. It would be _______________________ (5) impractical to check that each
individual subsidy is being used effectively.

M. Match the idioms and sayings with their meaning

1. a drop in the bucket a) to make a situation fair for all the people
involved in it
2. to go off the rails b) a way of making a very large amount of
money easily
3. to level the playing field c) something small and unimportant, esp. when
compared with something else
4. license to print money d) to no longer work as planned or intended or to
start behaving in a way that is not socially

Now, fill the gaps with the expressions from the table above. Change the form where

1. Cryptocurrency exchanges are __________________________________— with the top ten
exchanges generating up to $3 million a day in fees, according to Bloomberg.
2. The company makes a lot of their work in impoverished countries but that is just
____________________________________ compared to their exploitation of workers.
3. It has been suggested that a subsidy shift would help __________________________________ and
support growing energy sectors, namely solar power, wind power, and biofuels. The
plans for the first Polish nuclear power station _____________________________ after the 1986
Chernobyl disaster kick-started public opposition to the scheme.

N. Fill the gaps with the correct word in the correct form.

1. Capacity or facility

Kirtland contaminated water cleanup station will double its __________________________ (a) with the
addition of the new ____________________ (b).

2. Politics or policy
a) ______________________________is power in action.
b) A national energy ________________________must balance economic concerns and
environmental concerns

3. Publish or publicize
a) In the UK, academics are under pressure to ______________________regularly if they want to
keep their jobs.
b) She makes a point of not ____________________________ her charity work.

4. Effective or efficient
As Peter Drucker said, being ____________________ (a) is doing the thing right, while being IB ADV
_________________________(b) is doing the right thing.

5. Politician or policymaker
a) Wolfowitz was a key ___________________________ at the state department during the Reagan
years and is the administration's most senior Asian affairs expert.
b) “If _________________________ stopped meddling with things they don't understand, there
would be a more drastic reduction in the size of government than anyone in either party
advocates.” ― Thomas Sowell

6. Scarcity or shortage
a) ________________________ is a natural phenomenon. As opposed to the
________________________, which is created by market forces of demand and supply.
b) ________________________s are temporary,________________________ is forever.

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