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Midterm Exam – Methods of Social Research D

This test aims to check your understanding regarding aspects of social research
methods, covering elements in journal articles, theories, nature of data, hypothesis,
and research design. Your task is to read the article and give comments on the
aspects relating to the ones mentioned previously.


Read the following article about fear and learning in student teaching written by Lydiah
Nganga, Amy Roberts, John Kambutu, and Joanie James. This article discusses the
preparedness and perceptions of pre-service teachers in teaching controversial global
and local topics. This article was published at The Journal of Social Studies Research.
Below is the bibliographic information of the artice:

L, Nganga et al (2020). Examining pre-service teachers’ preparedness

and perceptions about teaching controversial issues in social studies.
The Journal of Social Studies Research, 44. pp. 77 - 90. DOI:

Your task is to read the article and give comments on the aspect relating to
research background taken by the article; types of data that the author collect; ways of
analysing the data, and broad research design used in the article.

You need to provide evidence of your responses from the article you read. The
following questions can be used to guide you when responding to the aspects
previously mentioned.

1. What is the urgency or problems underlying the study?

2. What is the study trying to achieve?

3. Why is the study important?

4. Are the research questions explicitly stated in the article?

5. In terms of methodology, which approach does the study use? Which design
does the study employ? Explain.

6. Where is the study carried out? Why do you think the site is of the
importance for investigation?
7. Who are the participants in the study? How are they selected?

8. How is the data collected? Which types of data do you think the study mostly
collected? Are there any primary and secondary data? What are they?

9. Do you think the data collection support the aims of the study? Elaborate.

10. How is the data analysed? Are they sufficient to achieve the aims of the
study? Elaborate.

11. What are the general findings that the study has discussed?

12. Are there any implications that can be further applied from the study? What are

You can write your responses either in English or Bahasa Indonesia. Your response
in the form of Word Document must be submitted no later than 14 November
2020, 11.30 AM through our Google Classroom. Please include your full name,
Student ID, and class on your document.

Good luck.

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