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The Combinations and Clash of Ten 

Posted in Bazi and Four Pillars of Destiny Teaching by zipingbazi on January 29, 2010
Tags: Clash, Combinations, Ten Gods

Sorry guys these are the thick rules of Ten Gods which you have to memorize by heart:

The ten heaven stems: 甲 Jia (Wood) 、乙 Yi (Wood) 、丙 Bing (Fire) 、丁 Ding (Fire) 、
戊 Wu (Earth) 、己 Ji (Earth) 、庚 Geng ( Gold) 、辛 Xin (Gold)、壬 Ren (water) 、癸
Gui (water)。

The twelve earth branches: 子 Zi (water) 、丑 Chou (earth but containing gold)、寅 Ying
(Wood but contain fire and earth as well)、卯 Mao (Wood) 、辰 Chen ( earth but the storage
of water)、巳 Si (fire but contains earth and gold)、午 Wu (fire contains earth) 、未 Wei
(earth but contains wood and fire)、申 Shen (Gold but contains water and earth)、酉 You
( Gold)、戌 Xu ( eart but is considered as storage of gold)、亥 Hai (water contains wood).

Apart from the pure stems (子 Zi (water) 、酉 You (Gold) 、卯 Mao (Wood) 、), each of the
rest of the stems contains hidden branches. The heaven branches represent heaven, the earth
branches represent earth and the hidden branches represent people (humans). For example, 巳
Si is fire 丙 but contains earth 戊 and gold 庚.

There eight types of interactions between the Stems and Branches with each other, they are
produce, conquer (restrain), gather, combine, punish, clash, break (tear/breakthrough)
and frame (poison).

Produce means one element produces another element. Such an action means support/
produce/ protection. The product increases in capacity while the producer reduces its capacity
in the process. For example, the 甲 Jia produces fire 丙丁巳午.

Conquer (restrain) means one element restrains another element. Such an action means
attack/ rob/ killings. The conqueror and the conquered both decrease in capacity. For
example, the 甲 Jia conquers earth 戊己辰戌丑未.

Gather means the most powerful combinations of earth branches. They are     寅卯辰
gather to form wood, 巳午未 to form fire, 申酉戌 to form gold, 亥子丑 to form water and 辰
戌丑未 to form earth. (However, it also depends on the conditions of the birth chart and the
Luck Pillar).

Combine means that two or three elements of the five elements to form a powerful group
to strengthen themselves:


The combinations of the heaven stems:

甲己 combine to form earth  乙庚 combine to form gold   丙辛 combine to form water  丁壬

combine to form wood  戊癸 combine to form fire ( All depend on the conditions of the birth
chart and the Luck Pillar).
The combinations of Tri-branches:

亥卯未 combine to form wood  寅午戌 combine to form fire 巳酉丑 combine to form gold
申子辰 combine to form water

The Half-combinations of branches:

亥卯 combine to form wood   寅午 combine to form fire  巳酉 combine to form gold  申子
combine to form water  卯未 combine to form wood     午戌 combine to form fire    酉丑
combine to form gold  子辰 combine to form water

The combinations of Six (Hec )-branches:

寅亥 combine to form wood    卯戌 combine to form fire   辰酉 combine to form gold 巳申

combine to form water  子丑合 combine to form earth 午未合 combine to form earth/fire
(All depend on the conditions of the birth chart and the Luck Pillar).

The Hidden combinations of branches:

丑寅 combine  卯申 combine  午亥 combine  子戌 combine etc.

For example: 子 Zi contains 癸 and 戌 Xu contains 戊 Wu 戊癸 combine to form fire.

The Prop- combinations:

Sometimes elements can be “propped-up” by combinations.

亥未 prop wood 寅戌 prop fire 巳丑 prop gold 申辰 prop water

Punish/torture means to torture each other/with oneself. It may actually also implies
stagnation and mutilation.

子卯 torture each other => impoliteness

寅巳申 torture each other => fear of the more powerful ones/ more powerful trends

丑未戌 torture each other => ungrateful treatment of each other.

辰午酉亥 => torture themselves, for example 午 tortures itself.

Clashes imply conflicts (however, it may have positive results).

Heaven clashes: 甲庚 clashes   乙辛 clashes 丙壬 clashes 丁癸 clashes

Earth clashes: 子午 clashes 寅申 clashes 卯酉 clashes 巳亥 clashes 丑未 clashes 辰戌


Break (tear/breakthrough) implies dismantling each other.

子酉 breaks,  卯午 breaks 申巳 breaks  寅亥 breaks  辰丑 breaks  未戌 breaks

(Note: even though 子 Zi produces 酉 you, but the interactions and relations between
elements are complicated. Mother and her children often have problems communicating, so
does the producer 子 Zi and the product 酉 you in this case).

Frame (poison) implies conspiracies behind the scene to frame each other.

子未 frame each other  丑午 frame each other   寅巳 frame each other   卯辰 frame each
other   申亥 frame each other   酉戌 frame each other .

For example, 午 Wu (fire) produces 丑 Chou (earth). However, the  癸 Gui (water) in 丑
intends to frame/extinguish the 丁 Ding (fire) in 午 while the 丁 Ding (fire) in 午 is trying to
melt the 辛 Xin (Gold) in 丑.

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The Ten Gods and their semantics:

Posted in Bazi and Four Pillars of Destiny Teaching by zipingbazi on October 21, 2009
Tags: Bazi, Eating God, Four Pillars of Destiny, Ten Gods

The Ten Gods are a very important concept in Four Pillars which the readers have to master. 
The other fundamental that the readers have to get right is the Heaven Stems and Earth

The Heaven Stems are:

The Ten Gods are:

Eating God (食神)

Rebel leader/Hurting Officer(伤官)

Direct Wealth(正财)

Indirect Wealth(偏财)

Direct Officer (正官)

Seven Killings (七杀)

Rob Wealth (劫财)

Buddy (比肩)

Indirect Resource (枭神/偏印)

Direct Resource (正印)

Every birth chart has a Day Master (日主) ,from there we derive the Ten Gods relative to
the Day Master. The Day Master can be easily found out using a Chinese calendar. In fact,
there are online automatic birth chart generators for the four pillars.

The Day Master and the rest of the characters are combinations of Heaven Stems and Earth

The Heaven Stems and Earth Branches all comes from the Chinese ancient belief of five
elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

The Heaven Stems are: 甲 (Jia: the Yang wood) 、乙 (Yi: the Ying wood) 、丙 (Bing: the
Yang fire) 、丁 (Ding: the Ying fire) 、戊 (Wu: the Yang earth) 、己 (Ji: the Ying earth) 、
庚 (Geng: the Yang gold) 、辛 (Xing: the Ying gold) 、壬 (Ren: the Yang water) and 癸
(Wu: the Ying water)。

The Earth Branches are: 子(Zi water)、丑(Chou Earth, the storage place of gold)、寅(Ying
Wood)、卯(Mao Wood)、辰(Chen Earth, the storage place of water)、巳(Si fire)、午(Wu
fire)、未(Wei Earth, the storage place of wood)、申(Shen gold)、酉(You Gold)、戌(Xu
Earth, the storage of fire)、亥(Hai water)。

Anything that has the natural ability to conquer the Day Master, an unbeatable rival to the
Day Master for example will become his Officer. If the Officer has same Yin Yang with the
Day Master, the Officer is called Seven Killings. Otherwise, the Officer is called the Direct
Officer. For instance, a Day Master of Jia (甲 Yang wood) will have Geng Shen(庚申 Yang
gold ) as Jia’s Seven Killings while Xin You(辛酉 Yin gold) as Jia’s Direct Officer.

Anything that the Day Master can conquer is the Wealth. If the Wealth has the same Yin
Yang as the Day Master,the wealth is called Indirect Wealth. Otherwise, the wealth is
called Direct Wealth. For instance, a Day Master of Bing (丙 Yang fire) will have Geng Shen
(庚申 Yang gold) as Bing’s Indirect Wealth while Xin You(辛酉 Yin gold) as Jia’s Direct

Anything that can produce the Day Master is its Resource. If the Resource has the same Yin
Yang as the Day Master,the Resource is called Indirect Resource. Otherwise, the resource
is called Direct Resource. For instance, a Day Master of Ji (己 earth) will have Ding (丁 Yin
fire) as Ji’s Indirect Resource while Bing (丙 Yin gold) as Jia’s Direct Resource.

Anything that the Day Master can produce is its Eating God/ Hurting Officer. If the product
has the same Yin Yang as the Day Master,the product is called Eating God.
Otherwise, the product is called Hurting Officer. If the Gen (庚 Yang gold) is the day master,
then Ren Hai (壬亥 Yang water) will become its Eating Gods while Gui Zi (癸子) will
become its Hurting Officers.

Anything that is same as the Day Master is called Buddy/Rob Wealth. If the same element
has the same Yin Yang as the Day Master,the element is called Buddy.

Otherwise, the product is called Rob Wealth. When a Buddy appears in the Earth Branches of
a birth chart, it is called Salary God (禄神). If the same element has a different Yin Yang as
the Day Master, the element is called Rob Wealth. When a Rob Wealth appears in the Earth
Branches of a birth chart, it is called the Yang Knife Edge (阳刃). For instance, a Day Master
of Ren water (壬 Yang water) will have Ren Hai (壬亥 Yang water) as its Buddy while Gui
Zi (癸子) as Rob Wealth.

Do not be daunted by this new information given to you, I shall be writing many articles in
the following columns to present in details how to recognize their functionality in the birth
charts. For now, all the readers have to remember is that understanding the Ten Gods and the
ability to recognize the correct category of a birth chart are the most vital steps to read the
birth charts accurately.

Using the Category Practice will guarantee a 70% chance of correctly interpreting the birth
charts. If we sort to use the regulating Day Master practice (which is normally what the
others use these days), then the chance will fall to a miserable 20% or below according to Zi
Ping Yuan Hai (子平渊海) 。

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What is Bazi? Four Pillars of Destiny

Posted in Bazi and Four Pillars of Destiny Teaching by zipingbazi on October 21, 2009
Tags: Bazi, Four Pillars, Four Pillars of Destiny

Four Pillars of Destiny is a Chinese conceptual term that describes the four components
creating a person’s destiny or fate. The four components within the moment of birth are year,
month, day, and time (hour). The four pillars is a component used alongside fortune telling
practices such as Zi wei dou shu within the realm of Chinese Astrology.

What is BaZi ( Four Pillars of Destiny)  ?

The origin of BaZi is attributed to Scholar Li Xuzhong of the Tang Dynasty (A.D 618-907).
It was practiced by Xu Ziping in the Song Dynasty (A.D 960-1279). Some says this ancient
Chinese Art is derived from the text of the Book of Oracles used for fortune telling. It is
based on the same principles, using the 5 primordial elements for fortune telling. This
Chinese system fortune-telling is been in used, consistently, for thousand of years through the
winding course of its civilization. You can find this information in the official Chinese
history records under the category Order of Five Elements, 五行令.

Consulting a fortune-teller is a common practice and very much a part of the Chinese culture.
From Tang dynasty onwards, four pillars started to play a prominent role in the fortune-
telling industry in China along side Fengshui and Bagua.

In a nutshell, BaZi analyzes the unique numerals of an individual’s birth data and gender then
matches them to a matrix of metaphysical knowledge based on the Time and its elemental
influences on him/her. Therein lays the fate and destiny of an individual, in the realms of

This method uses the 5 basic elements, e.g., wood, fire, earth, metal and water to represent
one’s Four Pillars of Destiny. Here are a number of important ideas;

1. The 4 Pillars are allocated into the Year, Month, Day and Hour. Each pillar is
represented by an element, as translated from one’s birth data.
2. Each pillar consists of the Heavenly Stem and the Earthly Branch.
3. The self-element is represented by the Day pillar of the Heavenly Stem and it is
employed as a reference point in its inter-relationships with the other seven elements
in the 4 Pillars for reading one’s destiny.
4. Regulating Useful God is unknown or it is a wrong concept as the concept was never
introduced in the ancient Chinese Four Pillars Books.
5. Note: There is no translation of the ancient books of four pillars at present, so I can
offer no recommending any readings for you guys. Beware that most of the resources
you found on the website are far too shallow and incorrect. We’ll see if I can find time
to write a teaching course on Four Pillars. Again the reminder is that Regulating
Useful God is unknown or it is a wrong concept as the concept was never introduced
in the ancient Chinese Four Pillars Books.

For the Chinese readers, the recommended readings are: 神峰通考 (Ming Dynasty), 子平真
诠 (Qing Dynasty, where this is the only book you can find the concept of Auxiliary God
mentioned and explained). Beware: Do not read any modern day translations of the
books especially those done during the 1930s during Nationalist China Reign, they are
all wrong! You will be badly misled by their translation!

Before we introduce the Luck Pillars, I need to get some formality out of the way:

The representation of the Four Pillars:

Year Pillars:

Year Heaven Stem: usually represents one’s mother’s parents

Year Earth Branch: usually represents one’s father’s parents

Month Pillars:

Month Heaven Stem: usually represents one’s mother’s relatives and outer relatives

Month Earth Branch: usually represents one’s father’s relatives and inner family members
such as father, mother and siblings and so on.

Day Pillars:

Day Master: usually represents oneself

Day Earth Branch: usually represents one’s spouse (after marriage)

Hour Pillars:

Hour Heaven Stem: usually represents one’s son, students/ disciples

Hour Earth Branch: usually represents one’s daughter, son/daughter-in-law.

There is more to that, this is just basic guidelines.

Luck Pillars:

Luck Pillars formed an integral part of Bazi and it is essential that all readers must at know
how to use it.

Calculating the Luck Pillars is quite a complicated procedure for those of you who do not use
the Chinese calendar, you can simply find Bazi calculator online and get your Bazi and Luck

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