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Nama : nur nafi’ah

Nim : 2019012197


Apa sih giving direction itu ?

Giving Direction adalah memberi petunjuk arah untuk menuju suatu tempat . Misalnya
gini , kamu akan pergi ke rumah temen mu , tapi kamu nggak tahu dimana rumah temen
mu , maka kamu harus bertanya kepada orang yang tahu . Nah , pada saat itu lah orang
yang kamu tanya tadi akan memberikan Giving Direction kepadamu , gimana ngerti
kan sekarang ?

Ada beberapa kata yang dapat digunakan jika ingin memberi Giving Direction . Seperti "

- Go ahead      = lurus
- Turn left        = belok kiri
- Turn right      = belok kanan
- Go straight    = lurus
- Across          = berseberangan
- Near to         = dekat
- At the corner = dipojok
- Between        = diantara

Tapi jika kamu ingin bertanya kamu dapat menggunakan ?

- Can you please tell me how do I can get to UMS?

- Where is the nearest minimarket?
- How can I get to the  local market?
- How do I get to the office?
- What's the best way to get to FKIP building ?
- Where is SEGA place can you tell me please?

Cotoh percakapan
Ary : hi ,I’m ary ? can you tell me the direction to go to UMS from your boarding
house ?
Prasetya : okay . first you must go straight to south then turn left, and turn right. There
you will see a alfamart . the location of UMS is across alfamart . preceiously is in of
Ary : oke. Thanks
Prasetya : you’re welcome



Offering Something is a way for someone to offer help to someone. In offering something
revealed there were two grammar namely:
1.         Formal
Examples of formal words:
* Would you like something to drink?
* Would tou like to disco?
* Would you like to come along?
* Could i offer you a glass of lemonade?
* Would you mind joining us?
* Shall i get you a bottle of water?

Above is an example of offering something formal word, usually used to older people.

2.         Informal
Examples of informal words:
* What can i get for you?
* Won't you have a pancake?
* Cheese sandwich?
* Chocolate?
* Have some?
* Like one?
Above is an example of an informal said offering something, usually used to people the
same age.


1.         Accepting an Offering Something

Is the means used to receive help or offer from someone.
* Thank you
* Yes, please!
* I'd like it
* Thank you, i would
* That would be very nice

2.         Declining an Offering Something

Is the means used to refuse assistance or offer from someone.

* No,thanks
* No, i really won't  ,thank you
* Not for me ,thanks
* No thanks, I am not


1.         Accepting an Offering Something

 A      : Shall I carry your luggage to your apartmen?        

 B      : Yes, please!

A       : Do you need help?

B       : Would you mind sending me those boxes, please!
2.         Declining an offering something

 A      : Is there anything I can do for you?

 B      : Thank you, but I can finish it soon

A       : Well, let me know if i canbe of any help

B       : Thanks for your kindness

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