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Common Abbreviations and Expressions in Vet Med

- Hx: history

- PE: physical exam

- AU: both ears

- AS: left ear

- AD: right ear

- OU: both eyes

- OS: left eye

- OD: right eye

- SOAP: subjective/ objective/ assessment/ plan

- BAR: bright, alert, responsive

- QAR: quiet, alert, responsive

- QDR: quiet, depressed, responsive

- H: hydrated

- MM: mucous membranes

- CRT: capillary refill time

- T: temperature

- Wt: weight

- lb: pounds

- EENT: eyes, ears, nose, throat

- PLN: peripheral lymph nodes

- HR: heart rate

- RR: respiratory rate

- U/G: urogenital

- BP: blood pressure

- EKG/ ECG: electrocardiogram

- CBC: complete blood count

- RBC: red blood cell

- WBC: white blood cell

- Plt: platelet

- PCV: packed cell volume

- TP: total protein

- TS: total solids (= total protein)

- alb: albumin

- BG: blood glucose

- lytes: electolytes

- Chem: chemistry panel

- Coag: coagulation panel

- USG: urine specific gravity

- AUS: abdominal ultrasonography

- Echo: echocardiogram

- CXR: chest x-ray

- AXR: abdominal x-ray

- CHF: congestive heart failure

- ARF: acute renal failure

- CRF: chronic renal failure

- DM: diabetes mellitus

- IVDD: intervertebral disk disease

- IMHA: immune-mediated hemolytic anemia

- ITP: immune-mediated thrombocytopenia

- dz: disease

- C+S: culture and sensitivity

- bpm: beats per minute

- BID: twice a day

- TID: three times a day

- QID: four times a day

- eod: every other day

- TPR: temperature, pulse, respiration

- IP: intraperitoneal

- IC: intra-cardiac

- SQ/ SC: subcutaneous

- IO: intra-osseous

- IM: intramuscular

- IV: intravenous

- PR: per rectum

- belly tap/ abdominal tap: abdominocentesis

- chest tap: thoracocentesis

- pericardial tap: pericadialcentesis

- free choice: as much as the patient wants

- neuro: neurologic

- dx: diagnosis

- tx: treatment

- ICU: intensive care unit

- CP deficits: conscious proprioception deficits

- larpar: laryngeal paralysis

- TPLO: tibial plateau leveling osteotomy

- ACL: anterior cruciate ligament

- CT: computerized tomography

- MRI: magnetic resonance imaging

- Dobbie: Doberman Pincher

- Yorkie: Yorkshire Terrier

- Westie: West Highland Terrier

- Minpin: Miniature Pincher

- ortho: orthopedic

- ophtho: ophthalmologic

- Hb: hemoglobin

- PLR: pupillary light reflex

- MPL: medial patellar ligament

- FDP: fibrin degradation products

- DJD: degenerative joint disease

- FHO: femoral head osteotomy

- FCP: fragmented coronoid process

- FCE: fibrous cartilaginous emboli

- LSA: lymphoma/ lymphosarcoma

- FSA: fibrosarcoma

- HSA: hemangiosarcoma

- OSA: osteosarcoma

- MCT: mast cell tumor

- DKA: diabetes ketoacidosis

- UO: urinary obstruction

- UA: urine analysis

- FNA: fine needle aspiration

- BMBT: buccal mucosal bleeding time

- sz: seizure

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