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Frozen shoulder treatment exercise pdf

Stiff or frozen shoulders are usually uncomfortable, even if the stiffness is not high. That's bad news. The good news is that most stiff shoulders can be successfully managed by a simple exercise program through the patient's home. How the shoulder moves It's basically a matter of gently and gradually getting the shoulder moving again. This program is the safest of all treatments
for frozen shoulders. While months of these specific exercises may require, persistence almost always pays off. Even if arthritis exists, this program can help maintain and even improve shoulder selection and comfort. You should consult your doctor before starting these exercises. There are two components of the home program with stiff shoulders. The first is a series of
stretching exercises and the second is related to regular participation in the fitness program. Your opposite hand is a great therapist with your stiff shoulder. Your therapist's arm is always available to apply a gentle stretch of any direction of density. All these gentle stretches must be kept up to 100. Stretching exercises frozen or stiff shoulder photo gallery main program includes
the exercises below. Click on the picture below to zoom in and view in our Photo Gallery. Figure 1 - Pulling the hand upwards while erecting Figure 2 - Standing your hand while sitting. Figure 3 - Turning your hand externally, lying. Figure 4 - Turning your hand from the outside while standing. Figure 5 - Standing up with your hand. Figure 6 - Turning the arm over the body. The
box below contains a playlist of videos that contain all the exercises shown in the illustrations above. Watch the videos below or on our youtube channel. Guidelines for shoulder stretching exercises Once other directions of stiffness are identified, they can be stretched with a similar approach. An important principle of stretching exercises is to allow your muscles to relax so that
stretch can be applied to soft tissue without muscle disorders. The tissue of the tight shoulder does not like to stretch suddenly, about, or a lot of strength. Therefore, the strategy is to apply a gentle stretch so that the most minimal soreness results. Any soreness should go within 15 minutes after you stop exercising. You should do this shoulder stretching jad three times a day. As
much as possible, these sessions should be performed after the shoulder is relaxed in a hot shower, bath, or aerobic exercise. Note the maximum range obtained for each session for each stretch. Try to create a new bench sign every time you take them, so you can see your progress every time. The beauty of this training program is that you have control. You can adjust the
vitality of stretching to make it the easiest next to your shoulder. The training program is completely portable and can be done in your own home, office, car, bus, plane or wherever you happen to be. This is important because the consistency of this training program pays off. If the pain results from a workout program, do not stop or change the frequency of your exercise sessions,
simply reduce the vitality of the stretches so that they become comfortable. Regular fitness exercise helps keep your joints supple. This lubricant effect is optimized when you do half an hour of aerobic exercise every day. Many types of fitness exercise This exercise can take a variety of forms, including brisk walking, jogging, riding a stationary or mobile bike, rowing, climbing
stairs, or using a cross-country skiing simulator. If you have doubts about your ability to carry out such a training program, you should consult your general practitioner. It does not matter that these exercises are conducted vigorously, it is only important that in addition to a stretching program, half an hour of your day dedicated towards some kind of aerobic exercise. The guideline
for someone with a healthy heart, lungs and blood pressure is to work up to 30 minutes to use to target two-thirds of their maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate is subtracted from 220 by subtracting your age. If you are over 35 and are not exercising much, or if you are not sure about your health, you should consult your doctor before taking this aspect of the program.
Many patients are reluctant to try this stretching and aerobic program because they have already had treatment. Our recurring observation is that many patients who have not responded to formal treatment sessions may improve their shoulder function using this home program. Remember, your shoulder stiffness has been around for some time. Improving your choice of motion
and comfort can begin with up to six weeks of persistence of the program. You should not stop these exercises until your shoulder has regained normal movement and comfort. We have found that medications are not very useful for managing stiff shoulders. Mild painkillers (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen) may be used with this program upon request. Narcotic
drugs, muscle relaxers and sleeping pills have not proved beneficial to our patients. You may be able to use the shoulder actively within the range of comfort. For example, if you can do some water exercises or swimming without aggravating your shoulder, please do so. On the other hand, activities that produce shoulder pain should be avoided. If you have questions about your
shoulder or the right treatment, tell your doctor. More Info: Shoulder Arthritis Book See: Rotator Cuff Tear Book shoulder arthritis and shoulder joint - what is it? - Shoulder exercises Simple action like attaching a bra or taking a book off an overhead shelf may be impossible if you have a frozen shoulder. Frozen shoulder (also called glue of the kapsulite) is a common disorder that
causes pain, stiffness, and loss of normal range of motion of the shoulder. The resulting disability can be serious, and the condition tends to get worse over time when it is not treated. It mainly affects people aged 40-60 - women more often than men. We do not fully understand what causes the shoulder joint, but the inflammatory process is probably involved. Sometimes freezing
occurs because the shoulder is immobilized for a long time injury, surgery, or illness. In many cases, the cause is confusing. Fortunately, the shoulder can usually be frozen, although a full recovery takes time - and a lot of self-help. The shoulder is wider and more diverse in the range of motion than any other part of the body. It rotates mainly in a ball-and-nest arrangement called
a glenohumeral joint, which connects the upper arm bone (upper arm bone) to the shoveled-out part of the shoulder blade (shoulder blade) called the glenoid cavity. (See diagram of shoulder shoulder anatomy.) The Glenohumeral joint helps to move the shoulder back and forth and allows the arm to rotate and expand beyond the body. An elastic capsule filled with a lubricant
called synovial fluid protects the joint part and helps to move it smoothly. The capsule is surrounded by ligaments that connect the bones of the bones, tendons that attach to the muscles of the bones, and a fluid-filled mucus called bursae that cushion tendons and bones during movement. A band of muscles and tendons that stabilizes the shoulder and controls its movement is
called a rotator cuff. This elaborate architecture of soft tissue forms a wonderful flexibility in the shoulders, but makes it vulnerable to both trauma and chronic wear. Usually the head of the upper arm moves smoothly into the glenoid cavity, depression of the shoulder blade. The shoulder is frozen when the capsule protects the glenohumeral joints and stiffness. Scar tissue (joints)
can also occur between the joint capsule and the head of the humerus. How can the upper arm happen? The process usually starts with an injury (such as a fracture) or soft tissue inflammation, usually due to excessive injuries such as bursitis or a rotor cuff. Inflammation causes pain, which is worse in movement and limits the shoulder range of motion. If the shoulder becomes
immobile in this way, then the connective tissue surrounding the joint of glenohumeral – — thickens and contracts, eliminating its normal stretching capacity. Trying to avoid the pain that is caused by moving the shoulder leads to further contraction of the capsule. Humerus has less room to move, and the joint can lose its lubricant synovial fluid. In advanced cases, bands of scar
tissue (joints) form between the joint capsule and the head of the humerus. It can take two to nine months to develop the shoulder joint. Although the pain can slowly heal, stiffness continues, and the range of motion remains limited. Who gets the upper arm? The risk of a shoulder joint is increased if you can't use treatment after tendinitis or injury, and if you wear a sling for more
than a few days without intermittent stretching. About 10% of people with rotator cuff disorders develop a frozen shoulder. Enforced immobility resulting from stroke, heart disease, or surgery can also cause a frozen shoulder. Other conditions that increase the risk of shoulder joint are thyroid disorders, Parkinson's disease What to do about a frozen shoulder If you think you have a
frozen shoulder or develop one, see your doctor or shoulder expert for a physical exam. To assess your shoulder selection motion, your doctor asks you to make different movements in your arm, such as reaching across your chest to touch the opposite shoulder or down your back to touch the opposite shoulder blade (Apley from scratch test). It can take X-rays to make sure
there are no other underlying problems, such as arthritic changes or dislocation. An MRI can be ordered to check the rotator cuff tear. Treatment of the frozen shoulder is focused on relieving pain and restoring the shoulder to a normal range of motion. Your doctor may recommend anti-inflammatory medicines such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil) or naproxen (Aleve, Anaprox).
An ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables applied to the shoulder for 10-15 minutes several times a day may also help with pain. You may be given a corticosteroid injection into your shoulder joint or soft tissues. But the cornerstone of the treatment is physical therapy, focusing on the first exercises that stretch the joint capsule, and later, strengthening exercises. A physical
therapist can show you how far to push yourself and can teach you appropriate exercises. Once you have learned your limitations, you can practice most of your exercises in your home. As you work to stretch the shoulder capsule, you should avoid activities that require overhead reach, lifting, or anything else that will aggravate your pain. If you diligently follow your regimen of
shoulder exercises, it is likely that you will be able to continue at your normal level (more than 90% of people will improve their nonsurgical actions). However, a full recovery of the frozen shoulder takes time - from several months to two within three years. If you are not improving continuously or when you reach the plateau, return to your doctor or consult a shoulder expert. Rarely
do recalcitrant cases require surgery. Stretching exercises on the frozen shoulder always warm up your shoulder before performing your exercises. The best way to do this is to take a warm shower or bath in 10-15 minutes. You can also use a damp heating pad or a damp towel heated in the microwave, but it may not be as effective. When performing the following exercises,
stretch up to the point of tension, but not pain. Pendulum stretch. Do this exercise first. Relax your shoulders. Stand and tilt slightly, allowing your affected hand to dim. Swing the hand in a small ring - about the mouth diameter. Perform 10 turns in each direction, once a day. As your symptoms improve, increase the diameter of your swing, but never force it. When you're ready for
more, increase the stretch while keeping a light weight (three to five pounds) on the swinging arm. Towel stretch. Grab a three-foot towel with both hands behind your back, and hold it in a horizontal position. Use your good hand to pull the damaged hand upwards to stretch. You can also make an advanced version of this exercise with a towel draped over your good shoulder.
Grab the bottom of the shawl with the damaged hand and pull it towards the shoulder without affecting the hand. Do it 10 to 20 times a day. Finger-walking. Facing the wall, three-quarters of an arm. Stretch out and touch the wall at waist level with the arm ends of the affected hand. With your elbow slightly bent, slowly walk your fingers up the wall, spider-like, until you've raised
your arm to shoulder level, or as much as you comfortably can. Fingers should work, not shoulder muscles. Slowly lower your hands (with the help of a good hand if necessary) and repeat. Do this exercise 10-20 times a day. Cross-body reach. Sit down or stand. Use your good hand to lift your affected arm to the elbow, and lift it up and across the body, exerting gentle pressure
to stretch the shoulder. Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds. Do it 10-20 times a day. Armpit stretch. Using your good hand, lift the affected hand onto the shelf about the breast high. Gently bend your knees, opening the armpit. Deepen your knee to bend slightly, gently stretching the armpit, and then stretching. Bend each knee, stretch a little further, but don't force it. Do it 10-20
times a day. Starting to strengthen after your choice of motion improves, you can add rotator cuff-strengthening exercises. Be sure to warm up your shoulder and do your stretching exercises before you do strengthening exercises. Outward rotation. Keep a rubber exercise band in your arms with your elbows at a 90-degree angle near your sides. Rotate the lower part of the
affected arm two or three inches and hold for five seconds. Repeat 10 to 15 times, once a day. Inward rotation. Stand next to a closed door and hook one end of the rubber exercise strip around the door knob. Grasp the other end with the affected hand holding the elbow at a 90-degree angle. Pull the band toward your body two or three inches and hold for five seconds. Repeat 10
to 15 times, once a day. Disclaimer: As a service for our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Note the date of the last review or update of all articles. No content on this site, regardless of the date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your doctor or other qualified doctor. Doctor.

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