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I always wonder why people search for their true self in order for them to respond

on situations effectively. Well I think, there’s no need to search for who you are. We just
need to be ourselves and the self is affected by different factors so how we respond to it
will help us or lead us to knowing our self. Isn’t it?

I realized that knowing your self will help you determine your strengths and
weaknesses and as a result, you can assess the situation efficiently and could respond
to it by doing the right thing without causing problems in the future and will successfully
handle any challenges that may arise. And with this, we can be able to do our duties.
Such that If I was told not to do such activities that was given to us by the instructor, I’ll
totally disagree. I’m not like that so I won’t do that. If I was told not to attend classes in
my CWTS course just because, of course I won’t follow it because that’s not what I think
and feel. I really love attending in my class not just in CWTS but also in other classes. I
don’t have someone else whom I can listen to or talk to because we are all stuck in our
own home and this is the only way I can see other people even though it’s only online.

I am the one who is controlling my life and I’m also observing myself and this will
lead me to knowing more about myself. And I believe that knowing one’s self will help
me perform actively not only in my duties as a CWTS Student but also as a Youth, a
daughter and a citizen to our Society

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