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Assignment: Chapter 9 – COORDINATING

1. How may “Coordinating” be defined?

“Co-ordination is the integration of several parts into an orderly hole to achieve the
purpose of understanding”. Co-ordination is the unification, integration, synchronization
of the efforts of group members so as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common

2. Explain the Elements of Coordination?

There are three elements of coordination; Easy Functioning, No Conflicts, and Team
Spirit. Easy functioning means efforts, jobs and activities of all departments must be
balanced. In other words, the entire work must be divided and assigned to each
department evenly. No conflicts mean scheduling of operations in a suitable order. Time
schedules for beginning and completing the jobs must be fixed well in advance and
efforts should be taken to complete them as per the schedule. Team Spirit refers to the
unification of all unrelated and diverse activities in such a manner as to accomplish the
job efficiently.

3. How coordination affects the other function of management?

Coordination is the function of management which ensures that different departments

and groups work in sync. Therefore, there is unity of action among the employees,
groups, and departments. It also brings harmony in carrying out the different tasks and
activities to achieve the organization's objectives efficiently.

4. Why is the lack of trust is one of the problems of coordination?

A lack of coordination in an organization can decrease productivity, complicate

processes and delay the completion of tasks. In order to coordinate the efforts of an
entire organization, the organization requires a systematic integration of a process that
creates accountability within the organization.

5. Differentiate Coordination and Cooperation?

Coordination is an orderly arrangement of group efforts to maintain harmony among

individual efforts toward accomplishment of common goals. Cooperation is a voluntary
effort of individuals to help one other. Cooperation is a voluntary act that arises out of
informal relations with the desire to work together.

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