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Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, may we have your attention please.

We are about to
begin ________________________celebration so please find your seats and tables and make
yourselves comfortable and enjoy the rest of the evening.


While there are still many unknowns, we do know there are several everyday precautions
you can take to help avoid infections.

Currently, the best thing you can do is to avoid exposure to the virus and other infection.
This means,

 Staying home as much as possible.

 Limiting contact with those outside your household, and
 Avoid non-essential errands, visits and travel.
 When you do have to leave your home, practice Social Distancing by keeping at least
6 ft. away from others.
 A face covering should we worn in public most specially when social distancing
measures are difficult to maintain.
 You should also avoid touching your face.
 Carry a small bottle of hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol in your car
or bag. Use this until you can properly wash your hands with soap and water for at
least 20 seconds. When you return home, wash your hands asap.
 We also recommend to wash your hands;
 before eating
 before and during preparing food
 after coughing or sneezing
 after blowing your nose
 Regular cleaning and disinfecting of frequently touched objects/surfaces can help
prevent coronavirus and other contagious illness.
 If you are wearing a reusable cloth face covering, be sure to wash it up after it’s
used. Disposable face coverings should not be reused.
 Remember that everyone reacts differently during distressful situations. And that’s
 Take time to focus on yourself and well-being, read a good book, watch a show that
makes you laugh or call you family or friends to chat.

Hi every one!!!Helloooooo!!!!

(we’re not hearing all of our guests…one more time! Louder please!!!)

Hiiii!!!(alright! That’s what I”talking about!)

Thank you very much everybody.

A very good evening to each and every one, welcome to ________________. We

would like to thank everyone for gracing this momentous occasion because as they say, you
only get to be 18, once.


Another very exciting event in the life of our dear debutant that is coupled with a
much more exciting perks as well as we’re about to have the chance to have a quick trip
down memory lane as we would like to (of course) remember all those beautiful 17 years
that have, that made her into who or what she is right now.

That is, a beautiful, blossoming woman!

So everybody, we have so many things in store, not only for her but also for all of
our guest tonight so please do sit back, relax let us all together celebrate the coming of age
at its best!

So once again everybody, Good evening, my name is Bry Smith, welcome to

__________________________, let us now begin the program.


Everybody, (of course) let us first acknowledge God’s presence tonight so as we

would like to thank him for all the blessings that He has bestowed to our dear
________________ and we would like to start our program with a prayer. So can you
please stand up everybody? Let us all rise please as we offer our prayers to night, to be led

Thank you very much

Some of you if not all who are here tonight have watch her grow over the years into
the wonderful person she is now. To open tonight’s celebration, here’s a quick look of how
this lovely, young lady came about..(Let’s watch this/ roll vtr).

(VTR featuring___________________collection of photo memories.


Tonight is a celebration of adulthood and thanksgiving of the life God has given to
our lovely debutant. Tonight we celebrate 18 candles-1 blow, 18 years- 1 magical night.
Can you please give a big big hand! For no less than the lady of the evening,

Our dear debutant, Ms _____________________________

(WOOOOW! Keep clapping your hands everyone for the lady of the hour, our
debutant as she celebrates the gift of love and life tonight)

(all together we say Happy Birthday ________________ in 1, 2, 3 Happy Birthdy

____________!!!)Of course kailangan natin ng mas malakas ng palakpakan for her,
common everyone a big big hand to ______________________.

Beautiful debutant we have this evening. Okay thank you very much. Let us all take
our seats everybody (marami pong salamat)

As mentioned earlier, this is a very spectacular night because we have prepared a

very special program for her and of course to be shared to all of you guys. So let us all
relax. Because we are now starting the fun tonight.

(request Cj to seat down)


This time, they say that the family is the utmost source of love and affection of a
person. Because they are people who will never leave you behind, the people who will never
let you down and of course the people who will give you the unconditional love that nobody
perhaps could ever give.

For tonight, as we begin the program, let us first acknowledge these people
who have been the wind beneath the wings of our Dear __________. And of course, we’re
talking about the members of her family.

So everybody palakpakan po natin sila as we would like to acknowledge them!!!!

Let us also request for them to please stand up to be acknowledged as you hear me
calling your names. Let’s begin with;


A big big hand everyone to the handsome__________

Hi __________,,,good evening to you!

And now, let’s keep our hands clapping to the proud and loving parents!



They were the key persons who took a great part in making this joyous affair
possible. Once again, let us give a big round of applause please. Thank you very much.

We are nearing the most awaited part of the evening, dinner. But before we partake
of the sumptuous buffet, may we call on____________________to welcome us all.

WELCOME MESSAGE: (From the family)


How is everybody so far? Is everybody okay/happy? Is also everyone hungry? There

you go. Don’t worry folks; we wouldn’t delay your delicious dinner any further! Bon

To be organized (we will be calling on the table numbers), I’m requesting everyone
to have a photo session with _____________as her lifetime remembrance, and once your
table number is called, please join ______________ on stage. Have your photo taken and
then you can go directly to the buffet tables designated at


…..continue (DRESS UP CHANGE)

While some of you are still feasting on the delicious buffet. We will now continue
with our program.


Some of you have been fortunate enough to see _______________ grow and blossom
into a beautiful lady, but for others, of course we would like to share some information
about her. So this time, I’m going to ask some of CJ’s friends, classmates, relatives or even
from family about her( kung talagang kilalang kilala nio sia). And as a reward, the person
who will answer me correctly, may premyong________________.Gusto niyo bay un?


Once again everybody, show your love for our beautiful debutante!

So beautiful in a ____________________________gown.
This party would be rarely complete without the precious 18’s, which symbolize the
road to womanhood.

And this time friends, we now proceed with a wonderful tradition, the 18 BLUE

Let us now welcome the members.




Ladies and gentlemen, The members of the 18 Blue Bills. So all of you,thank you so
much for celebrating with us this evening.

And to represent all of the members, let us now listen to the message of

…………………………….Pictorial ………………..

Once again, thank you very much for joining us here at ___________________.



18 Treasure Gifts signify the 18 persons that she will treasure and these gifts will be
her inspiration and armor in her journey towards fulfilling her dreams. 18 special people
were selected to hand over a gift that best depict our debutant’s personality.

(Request to say something about the gift)

Let’s start with,,,,,

(Request to say something about the gift)

You’re given a pass to make the first move.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Mother, is the light of the family,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Sabi ni Willa Cather, “Where there is great love, there are always wishes.” Because
birthdays are always new beginnings, new endeavors, and new set of goals. 18 Candles
signifies the light for our dear debutant, meaning they are the guide of our dear
__________towards her pathways. So, they are here to send birthday greetings and wishes
for our dear debutant. These are the people close to the heart of ______________, and
whom she listens and confides to for inspiring and friendly advice. Starting off with the
woman dearest to ____________’s heart, representing the mother candle that will be a
source of light for all the 18 candles.

Here’s Mommy _________________________

(many ancient cultures believed that the smoke carried their prayers to the heavens.
So blow your candles at the count of 3….1, 2, and 3. May all your wishes come true.

PICTORIAL with 18 candles

Let me share a good-to-know trivia to everyone, on how birthday cakes and candles
came about as a tradition during birthdays. Some believe that the tradition of birthday
candles began in Ancient Greece. Putting candles on a cake was a special way to tribute to
the Greek moon goddess, Artemis. They baked round cakes to symbolize the moon.
Candles were added to represent the reflected moonlight. So today’s tradition of making
wishes before blowing out the birthday candles may have started with that belief.

So at this point, stunning _____________________ will now blow the candles on her
birthday cake. And to complete that customary practice, let us all sing the birthday
song….DJ, whenever ready please.

Thank you very much everybody.

Make a wish _________________________


Like a pretty flower that attracts bees and butterflies, _______________will be

surrounded by 18 equally handsome gentlemen who will represent the debutante’s 18

*****(the father and daughter dance is probably one of the most loved traditions.
This signifies the debutant’s first step to womanhood and the father’s acceptance of this
period in his daughter’s life.




Tonight’s celebration tells me the best demonstration of gratitude in response to a

wonderful experience like this one can be contained in an overwhelming thank you. And if
there’s one person here tonight who is more than grateful to see all of you, which would be
our beloved debutant ______________. Everybody lets offer a few silence please, I’m giving
the floor to our dear debutant to give her message for all of us.

My speech


And with that ladies and gentlemen, our program has officially concluded. We
would like to thank Versailes Private Function for preparing, catering the delicious buffet,
VPF Lights and sound, for filling the night with music and lights. Dr. Hansen Apilado for
the photography and video editing, Ms. Dahlia Apiladp for the hair and make-up and
Kenneth Chan collections for the gowns. And of course thank you to the family of
___________ for making this momentous night a success.We would like to thank you all for
making it to this wonderful celebration of _____________________ 18 Birthday. I would
like to thank ________________ Immediate family and relatives. Maraming salamat po for
making me a part of this memorable occasion. For those who are going home, may God
bless you. Stay safe everyone. And for those who are staying, the night is young and the
floor is now open for the partyyyyyy!

Once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY ______________________, may all your wishes come true.


Enjoy the rest of the evening.

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