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Stretch-induced cervicobrachial pain syndrome

Article  in  The Australian journal of physiotherapy · December 1990

DOI: 10.1016/S0004-9514(14)60520-1 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

John Quintner
Arthritis and Osteoporosis, WA


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cervicobrachial pain
John Quintner syndrome

The case records of .22 patients who presented

with severe and persistent cervicobrachiaIpa in
werereviewed. The onset oftheir pain followed
.. all (19.8.7.. )
intractable pain could be
classified as arising from
.. at most In an individual patient with nerve
injury, dysaestheticpain, nerve trunk
pain or both. may be present (Asbury
the performance of a forceful activity (lifting, damage to deep tissues, damage to and Fields 1984). For this reason, it
pulling orpushi ng) using one or both arms in the peripheral nerve or damage to dorsal can sometimes be difficult to
outstretched position. Their symptoms and the nerve root. Pain that arises from a deep distinguish, on subjective grounds,
findings on physical examination were both structure maybe felt ina body region between referred pain arising from
consistent with stretch-induced damage to remote from the site of pathology. somatic tissues and·referredpain
neural tissues related to the painful upper limb. This phenomenon is known as referred arising from neural tissues (Grieve
The predominantsiteof pa inful neural·pathology pain (reviewed by Grieve 1988). 1988, Dalton and ]uIl1989).
appeared to be within the cervical spine. Kellgren (1949) stated that "deep pain This study reviews the clinical
[Ouintner J: Stretch-induced cervicobrachial pain sensibility has certain .attributes,· such features ofa group of patients who
syndrome. Australian JournalofPhysiotherapy as characteristic quality, frequent false each presented to the author with
36: 99-103, 1990] localisation, associated muscle spasm persistent cervicobrachial pain, often
and susceptibility to cooling which accompanied by upper limh
distinguish it clearly from cutaneous paraesthesiae, which followed a
Key words: Arm injuries; Brachial pain." forceful activity performed with one or
plexus; Cervicobrachialneuralgia; Two forms of pain following both arms outstretched. The
Nerve tissue; Pain" peripheral nerve injury (neuropathic hypothesis of this study was that the
pain) have been recognised: ' pain syndrome in these patients arose
dysaestheticpainandnerve trunk pain from a stretch~induced injury of the
(Asbury and Fields ·1984). neural tissues related to the painful
Dysaestheticpain is perceived in that
part of the body servedhy the damaged
axons. This pain has features which· are
not found in deep pain arising from A review was undertaken of the
either somatic or visceral tissues. records of all patients who attended
These include: abnormal or unfamiliar the author's rheumatology practice
sensations,frequentlyhavinga hurning between]anuary 1987 and December
or electrical quality; pain felt in the 1988 reporting· the onset of
region of sensory deficit; pain with a cervicobracmal pain following an
paroxysmal hriefshooting or stabbing activity involving the use or one arm or
component and the presence of both arms outstretched. There were 22
allodynia (Fields 1987). patients in this category. None
J QuintnerMB,BS, MRCP, is Nerve trunk pain is described as deep described a previous history of neck or
Consultant Physician in Rheu- and aching, felt along the course of the arm pain.

matologyat St John of God nerve trunk, familiar "like a In each patient,the history of onset
Medical Centre, 175 Cambridge toothache",and made worse with of pain and the subsequent anatomical
St, Wembly, 6014, WA. movement, nerve stretch or palpation.

from Page 99
spread of pain was carefully noted. An
attempt was made to categorise the
arm paraesthesiae on a dermatomal
basis (Keogh and Ebbs 1984).
A complete musculoskeletal
examination had been performed on
each patient, with particular emphasis
on the neck, thoracic outlet, shoulder
and arm. The physical examination
included assessment of the response to
the brachial plexus tension test
(BPT!) in each arm (Elvey 1986,
Kenneally et al 1988). A clinically were 21 right hand dominant patients. their arms in order to perform the
relevant test result in a symptomatic Occupations were varied and activity.
arm consisted of reproduction of pain included clerical duties (5 patients), The remaining patient described
in the presence of a limitation of the nursing (3), shop assistant (3), manual onset ofpain when twisting her neck
normal range of extensibility. trades (2), and domestic work (2). Only and trunk to one side as she lifted a
A normal test result consisted of the 9 patients were in employment at the moderately heavy load from the floor.
subjective responses at the end of a time of their referral for examination.
normal range of extensibility as All had been accepted by the respective Distribution of pain and
recorded by Kenneally et al (1988). insurers as·having worker's paraesthesiae
The so-called thoracic oudet tests had compensation claims. Initial pain was felt on the right side
not been performed due to their in 13 patients, and on the left side in 9
apparent inability to discriminate Details of iniury
patients. As shown in Table 1, it was
between normal asymptomatic The activities performed by the proximally situated in 19 of the 22
individuals and patients with patients at the time of onset of pain patients. The pain distribution on
postulated nf?nsp~cificneurogenic were described as lifting (14 patients), presentation to the author remained
thoracic oudet syndrome (Cuetter and pushing (4) and pulling (2). The predominandy proximal but was more
Bartoszek 1989). remaining 2 patients developed pain widespread, both into the arm and
Evocative tests for symptoms of after their outstretched arm was jerked; head. There were 26 painful arms as 4
carpal tunnel syndrome had included in one patient, this injury occurred patients reported pain in both arms at
Phalen's test and percussion over the when she was restraining a client, and the time of presentation although their
tunnel to elicit Tinel's sign. The in the other, when a heavy roll of initial symptoms had been unilateral.
examination of the neck had recorded material which she was grasping and
Nineteen patients reported distal
an estimation of whether or not the trying to lift rolled off the shelf. One
paraesthesiae in the painful arm. They
active range of cervical movements in arm (in 8 patients) or both arms (in 14
were in the C6 distribution in 4
lateral flexion and rotation to either patients) were outstretched in the
patients, C7 in 3, C8 in 3, C7/8 in 3,
side were within normal limits. In forward plane during the pain-
C6/7/8 in 3, C6/7 in 2 and C5 in 1.
addition, anterior palpation of the provoking activity.
One patient described bilateral
lower cervical transverse processes for The arm or arms were positioned paraesthesiae.
tenderness had been performed on above shoulder height during the
either side (Smythe 1986). activity by 6 patients, at shoulder Physical examinati·on findings
Where available, cervical radiology height by 8 patients and below Apart from the one patient with a
and the results of electrodiagnostic shoulder height by 8 patients. rotator cuff tear, confirmed at
testing had been recorded. The forces involved in the pain- operation, there was no evidence of a
provoking activity were difficult to local musculoskeletal condition in any
Results estimate in each case. Thirteen of the painful arms. The rotator cuff
patients perceived the load which they tear was attributed to the same injury
Demographic data were acting upon (pushing, pulling or which resulted in the ipsilateral
There were 19 females and 3 males. lifting) to be unduly heavy. cervi~obrachial pain syndrome.
Their ages ranged from 19 to 57 years In the case of the 2 patients whose Evidence of a C7 radiculopathy was
(mean age = 36 years). The interval arms were jerked forwards, the forces found both on clinical examination and
between the onset of symptoms and involved were also felt to have been on eleetrodiagnostic testing in this
referral ranged from 2 to 47 months considerable. Five patients placed more patient.
(mean interval = 11 months). There emphasis on having had to outstretch The responses to BPrt are shown in

;". "',, - ':'G'" ','

paraesthesiae reported by 19 patients,
'" ... /- ,-:

'"',, ''', ,", ,,:' :,' ..",..: ,'"
support the hypothesis of this study
that neural tissue was the tissue
predominantly "at fault" and therefore
the major source of the upper limb
pain and paraesthesiae. Paraesthesiae, a
common accompaniment to pain of
peripheral neural origin, are thought
to arise from ectopic impulse
Table 2. In each painful arm, the test on electromyography in the other two generation in cutaneous afferent nerve
had been positive for the patient's pain patients. In the four patients with fibres (Ochoa 1982, Rasminsky and
as well as demonstrating a loss of the electrodiagnostic abnormalities of the Bray 1986, Ng et aI1987).
normal range of extensibility of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, The paucity of signs of sensory deficit
neural tissues related to the arm. In the initial pain was felt proximally (neck, in the painful upper limbs of 15 of
asymptomatic arms, two tests were upper back, shoulder) in two, in the these patients is not inconsistent with
judged to have been equivocal due to whole arm in one and distally (wrist) in the presence of partially damaged
slight loss of the normal range of the other. nerves (Ochoa and Noordenbos 1979).
extensibility. Cervical radiology had been available Dalton andJull (1989) studied
Clinical tests for carpal tunnel for 18 patients. Changes of cervical patients with unilateral neck and arm
syndrome had not reproduced pain or spondylosis were present in eight pain of cervical origin. Their aim was
paraesthesiae in any of the patients, all of whom were over the age to distinguish referred pain of somatic
symptomatic arms. of 40 years. A minor congenital origin from referred pain of neural
On examination of the cervical spine, vertebral anomaly was present in one origin.
tenderness had been noted to gentle patient. In nine patients, radiology was
They concluded that there was no
anterior palpation over the transverse normaL
correlation between the presence or
processes of the lower cervical
vertebrae on the side corresponding to Discussion absence of neurological deficit in the
painful arm and the characteristics of
the painful arm in ,each patient. As seen the pain reported by the patient (the
in Table 3, arm pain was frequently Clinical findings
distribution, quality and depth of pain,
found to be accompanied by limitation The brachial plexus tension tests the area of greatest pain intensity and
of lateral neck flexion to the (BPTI) of Elvey (1986) have proven the subject's ability to localise the
contralateral side. helpful in the differential diagnosis of pain). However, their method of
Neurological examination had patients with upper limb pain of . physical examination did not include a
detected abnormalities in the painful presumed neural origin (Elvey et a1 technique to selectively stress cervical
ann of 7 patients. In these patients, 1986, Selvaratnam et al 1987, neural tissues in order to determine
sensibility to light touch and to Simionato et al 1988, Quintner 1989). whether such tissues may have been "at
pinprick was diminished: in the C6 When used as part of a full fault".
dermatome (5 patients), in the C6/7/8 examination of the tissues of the upper The proximal site of the initial pain
dermatomes,{I) and in the C8 limb and neck, the BPTI enables the in 19 of the 22 patients in this study is
dermatomal distribution (1). examiner to assess the responses to consistent with proximally situated
Diminution of the triceps reflex movement and tension of the cervical tissues (neck/shoulder girdle) being the
accompanied the loss of sensation (C6/ and brachial plexus neural tissues site of injury in these patients. In two
7/8) in one patient; in another patient, related to the upper limb (Kenneally et of the other three patients, the initial
wasting of the spinati had been noted, alI988).
site of injury may also have been
along with sensory loss in the C6 The positive (clinically relevant) proximal, with pain referred distally
distribution. responses to BPTI in the painful arms into the whole arm (one patient) or
of all patients in this study, and the
Electr'odiagnostic testing had been
performed on 10 patients. No
abnormality was found in 4 patients.
Sensory conduction abnonnalities of
the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
were reported in 4 patients, and
changes suggestive of cervical nerve
root abnormality (C516 in one patient,
C7 in the other patient) were reported

From Page 101 extension, the nerve trunks were components, the spiral ligaments and
into the upper ann (one patient). observed to become"as tight as the funicular arrangements of nerves
b~wstrings". These findings have been (Wynn Parry 1987). In contrast, the
In the remaining patient, who confirmed by Elvey (1986). spinal nerves (C5,C6 and C7),are
reported pain initially in the hand, relatively fixed in the gutters of their
wrist and forearm, the possibility of Additional factors of importance in
the development of tension within the respective transverse processes
either·proximal or distal neural injury (Sunderland 1974).
needs to be considered. Table 1 neural tissues related to the upper
illustrates the widespread distribution limb, brachial plexus and neck of the It is therefore postulated that, in the
ofpain, both proximal and distal, patients in this study are discussed by patients in this study, the spinal nerves
which followed the initial traumatic Schaafsma (1970). They include the related to the upper limb, and the
event. Spread of pain to sites remote weight of the object lifted, pulled ot intraforaminal neural tissues in
from the site ofinjury is a feature of pushed, the rapidity of the action continuity with them, were the tissues
performed, the position of the arm in injured by stretch (Cailliet 1981).
deep pain of somatic or visceral origin
as well as pain of neural origin (Fields relation to the horizontal plane, the Further examples of relative fixity
1987). muscle groups which are used as prime (and vulnerability) of neural tissues
movers, and the position of the neck in' include the median nerve in the carpal
Localised tenderness overthelower relation to the shoulder girdle.
cervical transverse processes on the tunnel (Sunderland .1976) and the
side corresponding to the painful arm Effects of stretch upon nerve ulnar nerve in the condylar groove
behind the medial epicondyle
or arms was an important finding in tissues
this study. According to Smythe (Thompson andKopel11959).
Stretch has been shown to cause The electrodiagnostic evidence of
(1986), tenderness found in these sites
varying degrees of structural damage to median nerve dysfunction in the region
relates to the anterior aspect of the
blood vessels, nerve fibres and of the .carpal tunnel found in 4 of the
intertransverse ligaments.
perineurium of peripheral nerves 10 patients who underwent this
However, .it is possible·that in this (Denny-Brown and Doherty 1945,
study, palpation may have detected investigation may represent damage
Sunderland and Bradley 1961, Kwanet caused bya concentration of high
tenderness in a hyperalgesic portion of aI1988). tension occurring distally, as well as
the spinal nerve exiting from the gutter
Stretch can also impair the epineurial proximally, during theaetivities
in its.respeetive transverse process.
circulation, with compromise of described by these patients.
Similarly, the limitation of
intraneural microvascular flow leading Although the pain of carpal tunnel
contralateral neck flexion observed in
to endoneurial anoxia and oedema
relation to thepainfularm(s) of 19 syndrome can radiate proximally to the
(Denny-Brown and Doherty 1945, shoulder and neck {Crymhle 1968), the
patients may have been .due to muscle
Lundborg 1988). fact that the initial pain was felt in the
spasm reflexly protecting the irritable
cervical neural tissue(s) on the According to Olsson (1984), "as the wrist in .only one of these patients
contralateral side of the neck against interior ofnerve fascicles lack makes it unlikely that damage to the
stretch (Bowden 1971). lymphatic drainage, and the median nerve in the carpal tunnel·was
perineurium·probably restricts the the sole explanation for their ongoing
Postulated mechanism ofiniury oedema out of fascicles .... it may well pain.
Peripheral nerves adapt to changes in be that such an oedema isa stimulating
the length ofa limb by straightening, factor in fibrosis ....and perhaps ... has Conclus>ion
stretching and untwisting (Sunderland an influence on nerve fibres
1978). themselves." The clinical correlates of severe
injury to the brachial plexus are well
Nerve tissue also undergoes Adverse tension can be concentrated known (Walton 1977, Sunderland
longitudinal sliding so. that tension and thereby cause damage to.neural 1978, Wynn Parry 1987). To date
which is generated at one site along its tissueata point where it is relatively however, the in vivo effects ofstretch
length can be reduced byunstretched fixed in relation to its surrounding (tension) which is· insufficient to cause
portions of the nerve sliding into the tissues (Sunderland 1978,.McLellan functional. or structural failure of the
extended region (McLellan and Swash and Swash 1976). As a result of injury conduetingelements of nerves are
1976). Ewing (1950), in a cadaver (and other pathologies), nerve· tissue poorly understood (Kwanetal 1988).
study, showed that tension developed may become hyperalgesic and thus the
within the brachial plexus during source of persistent pain (Asbury.and From this study, it is evident that
downward traction on theadducted Fields 1984, Loeser 1985). persistentcervicobrachial pain can
arm and during depression of the Anatomical factors which· serve to follow a forceful activity performed
shoulder girdle. protect the brachial plexus from with one or both arms in the
stretch-induced damage include the outstretched position.
Onabduetion and external rotation of
the shoulder with the elbow in plexiform arrangement of its Evidence for dysfunction of neural

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