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SPEAKER 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

SPEAKER 2: Hey, hey, hey everybody it's time for your weekend transcriber test. Aren't you thrilled? It's always exciting
when there's a brand new test. Especially when there’s all sorts of frabjous words for you to figure out how to spell, and
somebody’s just talking and talking and talking and not saying anything useful. Well, that’s me baby cakes. So, are you
ready? Let’s see what we can do to make it harder for you to get this job. Basically, I’m going to talk about some key
topics. And after that, we’re going to try to see what the priorities are. In fact, first of all, the very first thing we want to
talk about is the possibilities of the MES software. Does it fulfill your needs in terms of identifier requirements? Because
in such solutions, as you understand, you have your identifier requirements set the beginning, and sometimes the
software can offer you more than what you identified yourself at the beginning. Certainly, the very first and important
criteria is to check that the MES would offer the key characteristic that I’m expecting in terms of data supply and
features. Now that’s an elimination criteria. If it doesn’t propose that, you would not take it. Tomorrow you’re going to
have a whole new way of thinking, new requirements, the capacity of evolution, the flexibility in evolution in terms of
upgrades, integration of new features or new manufacturing environments. That’s certainly a key topic and important
point because you don’t want to be stuck with the rigid system. The third point-- wait, did I say the third alrea-- the
second already? How did I manage to get up to the third point already? Wow, I am losing control. Maybe I need to have
another slug of kallu. We’ll hang on a second.

SPEAKER 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

SPEAKER 2: Anyway, the next point whichever it is, second or third, is the training factor and the ease of use by users.
Now, is it something that’s user friendly that requires not a whole lot of training, not too much investment on the
manufacturing people to teach them and so on? That’s certainly something important. After that you have the cost of
the system which is twofold the cost of the system, its installation cost, the cost of rolling out at the beginning, the
recurring cost of the licenses during the life of the product, et cetera. Anyway, in terms of work place stuff, it’s evidence
based. There’s a lot of evidence about it and the guidelines are all very much about if people can maintain work, then
they’ll have better help-- [inaudible 00:03:01] help count comes in general. It reduces poverty, social exclusion and all
that boulder dash. The other strength is this thing about it being holistic that we take this biopsychosocial approach.
We’re looking at absolutely everything. It’s not just the body and the physical symptoms of pain. It’s the psychology that
goes with it and then also the behaviors. It is because people are in so much pain. People don’t want to move when
they’re unable to do things and then that has consequences.

SPEAKER 1: This audio is used for the transcriber test at GoTranscript.

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