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By :


(190414529217/OFFERING Q)

Hello my name is Ferizha Yazeed. I was born in Samarinda on august 14, 2001. This
time I will tell about my future plan for the next 10 years. Before I started telling about my future
plan , I will tell about my study. I’m a student at Malang State University and I’m from
management department prody D3 marketing management.

I wanted to study psychology at first ,but since I was accepted into management, I
eventually underwent a one semester. During one semester I began to feel my interest in
marketing ,so I decided to continue my study.

There are some things about myself that I want to tell, I have a lot of hobbies. My first
hobby was basketball ,of course I’m a player. My hobbies with basketball were the reason I
joined an organization called Imonoke in the faculty of Economics. I also have a hobby of
cooking and there are many others.

And for my plan in the next 10 years to become a successful businessman. I wanted to
continue my parents business of selling gold. After that I want to start a restaurant and im going
to use marketing that I learned in college.

But the other side I want to continue my studies. I want to work at the bank with that I
wanted to participate in basketball events that would normally be held between Banks in

That’s my plan for the next ten years and I’m little confused to choose my plan. I wanted
to be a successful businessman but I also wanted to be a great basketball player. And I hope what
I choose be my best choice for my plan for the next ten years.

So much from me ,Thanks

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