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Hello my name is Armelia Rifana.

Now I will tell about my hopes for the future.After that i entered high school.when i first 10
th grade i encountered more advance studies into natural and social sciences.after entering 11
th grade i began to be told to choose a majors because i did not like natural science lessons at
the time .in addition,when iwas tested to take a major i entered the social science class. Until
graduating i felt comfortable in that department.
After that i though of going to college and i was confused wanting to go on to major in health
or economics.the first time i wanted to ente departement or midwife because it was
influenced by my friend .don’t think im comfortable with a job that can only be medical
worker unlike the broad range of economics majors.
Because i want to be a bussinesman my opinion it is more comfortable than being
an employee because i am easly uncomfortable if there is a lotof pressure especially fromthe
boss if you become an employee. Thats the reason why the reason why i want to be a
businessman.i also like doing business online by calculating income.if i become an employee
i want to do while being able to adjust to the work environment.

Score : between 44 and 22

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