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“Career to Pursue”

What is the career that I would like to pursue? Are there any hindrances to achieving my career goals? What
do I need to do to get this career? But first of all, what is a career? A career is defined as what you do for a living
using your profession or occupation that requires education or training to master knowledge and expertise.

When I was a kid, the first career that came to mind to pursue was a teaching career. Why? Because when I`m
in 2 grade, I`ve thought that teaching is easy because you are just only give a knowledge to your students. But
when I grew up, I realized that teaching is not easy because there's a lot to do. Then, when I`m in 9 grade, I also
think about pursuing a career as a chef someday because I`ve found out that cooking is a fun skill to do. Because
when I`m in 9 grade, that time is pandemic, so I`m just in our house, and I`m the one assigned to cook.
Furthermore, when I`m in the 10 grade, I would like to pursue a doctoral career. Because it comes to mind that
when I achieve this profession in the near future, I will be able to give my family a better life because doctor is a
high-paying job.

From the three careers or professions that I stated, the most likely that I will achieve in the near future is the
teaching career. Because this was the first career that I liked when I was a kid. Moreover, I'd like to pursue this
profession because the strand that I`ve chosen in senior high school is the HUMSS strand. The hindrances that I
think I will encounter in pursuing this career are financial problems, being scared to speak in public, and also
laziness. My family is financially unstable, so I am already wondering if they can send me to school. I fear public
speaking because I`m that kind of person who is socially inept, so I`m not good at communicating with others.
Laziness, because even though there`s a lot of things that I need to finish, I just lay on my bed until I forget the
things that I need to do.

In conclusion, to achieve the career that I want in the future, I need to study harder or persevere more in my
studies. Because if I do not study hard, maybe I`m a person who lacks knowledge, a person who doesn`t have a job,
and also a person who just hopes for their parents. So, before I end this, I just want to state my favorite quote: “Try
and try, never give up, until you`ve become successful one”.

Layco, John Michael A. 11-Humss Dewey Personal Development

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