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Grade 9: English I

Literature for the Ages

Instructor: Carrie Kagan
Email: ​

Course Description:

This course is intended to be an exploration of timeless literature and themes through a variety
of genres. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of literary forms, devices, and elements as they
are employed by writers to convey messages that transcend their original contexts. Each unit of
study centers around one of Seven Basic Plots including: Overcoming the Monster, Rags to
Riches, The Quest, Voyage and Return, Comedy, Tragedy, and Rebirth. This course also
focuses on writing from both personal and analytical perspectives.

Course Goals:

Develop an awareness and understanding of timeless themes in literature

Analyze and evaluate literary techniques through discussion and written response
Examine and distinguish among different genres including drama, poetry, fiction, and nonfiction
Connect literary works to their time and place of origin as well as to present day humanity
Develop clear written communication skills using varied vocabulary and precise mechanics

Course Learning Elements:

Mini-Lecture and Quiz-​ ​Each Module will contain important, informative instruction through a
“mini-lecture” media. This may be written content provided be the instructor, or a video
presentation related to the week’s readings, or some other form of direct lesson material.
Students must complete a follow-up quiz on Moodle to demonstrate their understanding of the

Discussion Posts- ​Students must choose one discussion question (several will be posted) each
module to initially respond to. In addition, two responses (each to a different classmate’s
thread) are required for full credit. You may respond to threads addressing the same question
you did or one of the other question choices. Review the discussion rubric for expectations.

Module Activities- ​Activities will vary with module, but may include a webquest, essay,
collaborative exercise, or other active application of skills and knowledge.

Learning Journal- ​Each Module will require a post to the Moodle Learning Journal. This will be
a more personal reflection on the lesson work and themes.
Class Blog: Words With an Impact- ​This assignment asks that students post noteworthy words
(lines/sentences/selection) from the class reading and explain why they had in impact on the
reader. They may have been written beautifully, contain interesting word choices, convey a
powerful message, be understated, or signify a shift in mood or tone. Whichever words stand
out to the reader, for whatever reason, should be expressed in the class blog.

Unit Assessments-​ Each unit will culminate in a final assessment project. Choices will be
provided at the midpoint of each unit. Students are permitted to propose their own project idea
that synthesizes the unit objectives and demonstrates mastery of timeless literature and themes
for that unit. Teacher approval is required prior to beginning work on all unit assessments.

Ask a Question-​ Questions are always welcome! Use this discussion forum to ask any questions
you have about the class, readings, or assignments. Only course related questions are

Discussion Rubric:

Each discussion requires a minimum of three main contributions from each student (an initial
response plus one response on each of two different threads). The following rubric indicates
expectations for these efforts:

3 Points Original response including cited quotes from the readings. Adds thoughtful,,
developed analysis utilizing literary terms. Poses an open-ended question to
generate further discussion.

2 Point Original response adding insight to the topic, though it may not be well developed
with references to text or literary analysis. Poses a relevant question for further

1 Point Response rephrases what has already been stated within the thread or another
thread. Poses a question with a clear “right-or-wrong” factual answer, or no
question at all.

You are encouraged to respond to more postings to further enhance your learning. Though full
discussion credit each module is 9 points, you will be awarded a bonus point if you continue
with short responses that contribute to the discussion.

Students are expected to be respectful in all online communication. Inappropriate language,

harsh criticisms of classmates, or other violations of netiquette will not be tolerated.

Online Quizzes: 10%

Discussion Posts: 30%
Module Activities: 20%
Learning Journal and Class Blog: 10%
Unit Assessments: 30%

Attendance and Missing Work:

Students are expected to log into class regularly and complete work by the assigned due date.
Online work will be available for the week in which it is assigned. After the due date, students
can only access missed work by requesting it from the teacher through email. Work may only be
made up within the week following its due date and will earn, at best, 50% of the original point
It is the responsibility of the student to take the necessary precautions in the event that his/her
computer or internet access is not in proper working order. Students are expected to submit all
work on time, so please be aware of an alternative connection device and/or location (perhaps
your local library). Do not save work to a specific device, but in a way that is accessible from
other devices and/or locations as well (flash drive, Google Drive, etc…). These steps will help
prevent against unnecessarily missing assignments.

Academic Integrity:

All written composition work must be the student’s own original creation. Any references to, or
inclusion of, another author’s work must be appropriately cited using APA Format including
quotation marks, parenthetical citations, and a bibliography. Failure to do so will result in a zero
recorded in the grade book for that assignment. The assignment may not be made up.
Cheating, copying the work of others, and other issues of dishonesty will result in loss of credit
for the assignments of all parties involved.

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