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COR 505 (Advanced Academic Writing) Name: ERMAFLOR P.

Summer, SY 2018 – 2019 Program: ____MAFIL_____ Date: __11/23/20__
Worksheet No. 2.2
Paragraph Writing

Instructions: Read the paragraph below and identify

the three parts of a paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence) by writing the sentence
number corresponding to the parts. Afterwards, describe how each part is written on the space provided.

English has unprecedentedly spread and steadily become entrenched in different parts
of the world. 2In his comprehensive review of the studies on linguistic landscape (LL) (cf.
Backhaus, 2005; Ben-Rafael, Shohamy, Hasan Amara, & Trumper-Hecht, 2006; Cenoz &
Gorter, 2006; Huebner, 2006), Lado (2011) highlights this phenomenon and concludes
that a common finding in these studies is the “strong presence of English on both top-
down and bottom- up signs, as a clear indicator of the rapid spread of English worldwide
as the language of global communication” (p. 138). 3Lado’s conclusion corroborates
Smith’s (1992) contention that: “In the recorded history there has never been a language
to match the present global spread and the use of English” (p. 75). 4Although there were
efforts in the past to stop the use of English in public spaces such as the “Toubon-Law
that required the use of French in official government publications, advertisements, and
other contexts in France, and the “Bill 101” or the Charter of the French Language in
Quebec (Cenoz & Gorter, 2008), English has persisted as evidenced by the linguistic
landscapes of these areas and others that earlier resisted the use of English, such as
Japan, China, Germany, and Russia, to name a few.
(De Los Reyes, 2014)

Topic Sentence:

English has unprecedentedly spread and steadily become entrenched in different parts of
the world.
How: Most of the time the topic sentence of a paper is immediately stated first if the paper suggests a
straight forward narrative of information. Like this paper, it is stated in the very start and the statement
that follows will circulate to it. This where the entire paper will give justice and define in a more
relatable words.

Supporting Details:

(cf. Backhaus, 2005; Ben-Rafael, Shohamy, Hasan Amara, & Trumper-Hecht, 2006;
Cenoz & Gorter, 2006; Huebner, 2006), Lado (2011) highlights this phenomenon and
concludes that a common finding in these studies is the “strong presence of English on
both top-down and bottom- up signs, as a clear indicator of the rapid spread of English
worldwide as the language of global communication”.

Lado’s conclusion corroborates Smith’s (1992) contention that: “In the recorded history
there has never been a language to match the present global spread and the use of

How: By definition, this part contain of details that supports the main idea. Details that strengthens the
claim of the paper in general. It presented datum that will validate and justify the topic and claims of the

Concluding Sentence :

Although there were efforts in the past to stop the use of English in public spaces such
as the “Toubon-Law that required the use of French in official government publications,
advertisements, and other contexts in France, and the “Bill 101” or the Charter of the
French Language in Quebec (Cenoz & Gorter, 2008), English has persisted as evidenced
by the linguistic landscapes of these areas and others that earlier resisted the use of
English, such as Japan, China, Germany, and Russia, to name a few.

How: This paper is concluded with a claim that given that there were attempts and executions to abolish
English language in the dynamic world it didn’t become a great barrier to debunk its spreading to the
entire globe thus look where thus English language settle now, the Universal language.

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