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Destinations for summer

Learn and Talk III – Lesson 27

Words Expressions

1. bioluminescence /baɪəluːmɪ'nesns/ [noun] glacier trek

soft light produced by physiological processes
tee times
2. herald /ˈher.əld/ [verb]
to be a sign that something important, and often good, is starting to happen
abbey gardens
3. thaw /θɔː/ [verb]
to (cause to) change from a solid, frozen state to a liquid or soft one, because of an head for
increase in temperature
4. stiff /stɪf/ [adjective]
not easily bent; rigid; inflexible

5. cetacean /sɪˈteɪ.ʃən/ [noun]

any of various types of mammal, such as the whale, that live in the sea like fish

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Learn and Talk III – Lesson 27


Destinations for summer

Timing is everything in some destinations. For these

places, from the High Arctic to the coast of Quebec,
summer is the golden season. It’s when the ice
recedes. Ocean bays glow with bioluminescence.
Elusive wildlife emerges. The sun still shines at
midnight. Sand warms your bare toes. And there’s
absolutely nowhere else you’d rather be in this
summer moment.

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Summer in Alaska heralds unusually long days (think 18 to 24 hours
of daylight) that offer the novelty of playing in the midnight sun. It’s
common to see locals fishing and glacier trekking at all hours of the
night. Golf courses even book midnight tee times, and late-night
baseball games sometimes run until 1:30 a.m. on fields with no
High Arctic
Between July and September the ice thaws in the High Arctic, allowing
ships to cruise the top of the world. It’s the only time of year most
ships can reach Arctic Circle destinations. Ships of all types, from
massive icebreakers and luxury liners to small converted research ships,
move through the ice pack, searching the floes for polar bears and
Machu Picchu
Summer brings several festivals, so there’s plenty to do before and
after your trek. Hundreds of thousands of people pack the streets
of Cusco for Inti Raymi, the Andean New Year celebration. Three
hours away by car, Paucartambo celebrates the religious Virgen del
Carmen Festival with parties and processions.
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This August marks the 300th anniversary of the birth of Lancelot "Capability"
Brown, England’s famous son of garden design, who broke away from the
centuries-old trend of stiff, enclosed gardens to create a new, natural
approach that would become known as the signature “English garden” style.
To celebrate, the country has named 2016 the Year of the English Garden with
flower shows and other events that run throughout summer. Visit more than
150 Brown-designed gardens, including some not usually open to visitors. You
can wander abbey gardens in Cambridge, secret gardens of the Cotswolds, and
gardens of the rich and famous

It’s festival season in Montreal! Montreal is known for its hip International
Jazz Festival, hilarious Just for Laughs Comedy Festival, and FrancoFolies,
which features 180 free outdoor concerts in 10 days. When you need a
city break, head for the hills. Quebec is home to several national parks that
offer hut-to-hut backpacking experiences in stunning coastal and mountain
landscapes. Don’t miss the return of the beluga whales and 12 other
cetacean species to the salty waters of the Lawrence River in summer.
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1. Do you have any plan to travel in this summer? What’s your

2. What do you usually consider when choosing a traveling
3. After reading this article, which place introduced is your
favorite one to visit?

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Further Reading

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