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1 Player Expansion by Wilg van der Wal

The story begins: read first page 2 and 3 of the Original game (1st edition) rulebook.

For centuries, Waiqar the Betrayer hunts down the Dragon Runes and only need one more to have enough
to complete a ritual that grands him the power of a second (little lesser) Orb of the Sky. The Daqan Lords
nor Latari Elves know this, for they did not hear the warning of Alcaran. However, you heard a word, felt a
twist, saw things on your travels... As a young lord, you long for your own adventure and perhaps this
could become your own tale of heroism.

First, You need to find proof of the story of Alcaran (The Frost Tower*/The Bazaar). Second you must
learn the story of Waiqar the Betrayer and his search for the last shard/Dragon Rune (Foreign
Library/Forward Scouting/Secrets and Lies) and Third: you need to find out his plans to achieve victory
(The gathering storm/To the Edge of the World). These are the three urgent plots your heroes need to
accomplish first.

Because within these 3 quests (1 quest per plot) you learn of the Dark Night who is set out to scorch 1 land
in the winter of each year to gather an army of undead to unleash upon the last hidden city. This hidden
city is a legacy of the Elder Kings and owner of one original shard of Timmorran.

Although you only found a clue in the ancient library of where this city could be, the Dark Night appears to
know exactly where it is. He will reach the city at the end of the fourth year and will destroy it to claim the
shard. You need to prevent this for humanity to survive!
And the Dark Night is not the only one searching for shards. Waiqar Heroes also search for Dragon Runes
and only one!... is enough to claim dominance of power over life as we know it.

Beside to prevent the Dark Night and the Waiqar Heroes from their quest, you need to collect 6 Dragon
Runes before the winter of the fourth year. In order to gain your own Orb from the shards, to destroy
Waiqar the Betrayer for once and for all!

Good luck....

*Underlined sentence represent cards of the original game.

Personal Notes: These Setup Changes focus on 1 player, plying with the Daqan Faction against their
ancient Waiqar enemy following the original introduction of Runewars. To develop this Expansion, I used
the 1th edition (the “old big box”) and the Banners of War expansion. Therefore if rules have been changed
from the 1st edition (Revised Edition), it is mentioned. This is an Unofficial Fan Made Expansion.
Original Game Setup Changes:

1. Draw at random or choose 4 Setup Quest Cards plus Street of Spirits (nr 12) to build the game board
(Map Setup from Base Game). Additional you can use up all mountain pieces to enrich the board.

2. Place Home Realm of Daqan Lords and at least 3 lands away the Home Realm of Waiqar the Undying
(Revised Edition). Place the Lost City tile 3 lands away from the Undying Home lands, with neutral units
printed on each land between them (Preferable not giants or dragons). These three lands are henceforth
known as the: “Trail of the Scorched Earth”. Also try not to connect cities.

3. Discard the next Quest Cards: Fabled Rune, For Terrinoth, The Trials of Zorek and Hired Sword and
return them in the box.

4a. Compose a Story Quest Deck with the Quest cards and shuffle per plot, but keep the order of initiative
(first 1, than 2, than 3). Plot 1: The Frost Tower and The Bazaar; Plot 2: Foreign Library, Secrets and Lies,
Forward Scouting; Plot 3: The Gathering Storm, To the Edge of the World.
4b. Compose a Location Quest Deck with the 5 Setup Quest Cards and corresponding Quest/tile cards.
Waiqar Heroes only use this Location Quest Deck. The Daqan focus is the Story Quest Deck, but may use
the location Quest deck too.

5. Place Runetokens: Take two false Dragon Runes and let them fall from a height of more than 50 cm
above the board. The Rune Tokens cannot lay in the “Trail of the Scorched Earth”, in Home Realms or
adjacent tiles, cities nor the Lost City Tile nr 12. Repeat the dropping of false Dragon Runes until they lay
correct. Then replace the two False Runes -at random- with one false and one real dragon rune (Revised

6. Every spring, starting with the first spring!: Place Neutral Units as indicated by the image in each area,
except Dragons and Giants (hexagon units) in the stand-up routed units phase. Except from Setup, if a
land has no Neutral Units present, no new units are placed. If a land is already populated with 4
Razorwings, replace them with a single Dragon. Instead of adding 2 new Razorwings. If a land is already
populated with 4 Beastman, replace them with a single Giant. If no neutral units of a type are available in
the supply, the recruit stops. Retreating units only multiply if 2 of the same are present in 1 space.

7. Do not place the Rise of the Free City’s Tokens (Banners of War), instead use the originals ones without
dragon runes. Place the cities at random and face down on the board. They are flipped face-up, whenever
explored by Heroes or armies (Daqan and Waiqar). Towns adjacent to the Waiqar Home Realm, are
frightened and printed resources are added to the Waiqar total recourses. Towns adjacent to the “Trail of the
Scorched Earth” add their resources when adjacent trail (tile) is activated and scorched. This fear also count
for neutral/friendly areas, without occupation.
8. Place at Random Exploration Tokens (a 1 on lands bordering around the two Home Realms and a 2 on
every other land) (Base Game and Banners of War Expansion).

9. Place Capital Tokens (Banners of War Expansion) in each Home Realm instead of a Stronghold. The
Waiqar Capital token lays next to the first land of the “Trail of the Scorched Earth”.
10. Recruit/place Units using Starting Resources. Place one Dark Night in the Waiqar Home land
bordering the “Trail of the Scorched Earth”. Then the Waiqar also recruit Units using Starting Resources.
These units defend the Home Realm of the Waiqar. If a battle in the homelands ever take place: these units
are it’s defend plus the Capital token. While defending, Like in every battle, the Waiqar use their Lands of
Blight ability: fill the number to 8 units total with reanimate tokens. All reanimate tokens that expire the
total of 8 units after the battle, go back to supply. See also Setup Point [16]. These units don’t count for the
Soulbind ability. See also Setup Point [16].

11. Receive one random Bonus Objective matching faction affiliation. The Waiqar choose at random Bonus
Objective from: The Prince of Treachery, Conqueror, Discouraging Defeat or A Massive Army.

12. Separate the Hero cards in Good, Evil and Neutral decks. Then choose or pick at random 1 Hero card
matching faction’s alignment and place the Hero on your Home Realm and gain the Hero card.
Then pick at random one Evil Hero for the Waiqar faction and place that Hero at Waiqar Capital Token
(bordering accessible lands) and gain Hero card. (The text on the card of evil Hero will not be used unless
for Duals).
Keep the decks separated, lay Good and Evil face down. The neutral deck face up. For 2 influence, a player
can buy a neutral Hero of your choice using the Supremacy Bonus of the Rally Support Order card.

13a. Take at random: one Lost City Quest card, one Story Quest Deck card and one Location Quest Deck
card. Plus take one Side Quest card for the Waiqar Hero.
Your Hero need to succeed each of the three different Story Plots, to be able to stop the Dark knight! (You
cannot attack the Dark Night before completing the 3 Story Plot Quests). Thus 1 quest for proof of the
Alcaran story; 1 quest to discover the search for the last shard and 1 quest to gain knowledge of the Dark
Night his strategy. See also Setup Point [4]. If you draw a new Story Quest which Plot is already in play,
discard the Quest. And You cannot perform multiple quest in one location! (1 quest, in 1 land, with 1
Hero). If opposite Hero’s meet in 1 land: Start a Duel.

13b. Waiqar Hero’s moves always first in the Hero phase. After the Waiqar Hero completes a quest: draw a
new Location Quest and train the lowest attribute with 2. If equal: Train first strength, then agility and
last wisdom.
The Waiqar Hero moves straight and shortest way to the quest present. If Heroes of Evil and Good ever meet:
start a duel with moving Hero as attacker.
If the Waiqar Hero dies, mark location with his cards (just like when your hero dies) and place a new (top
card) Evil Hero on their Capital to proceed with the next Hero phase. Each Hero who dies: will become a
necromancer in the undying armies. See Transformation Table, Setup Point [20].

“Mobilize” and “Conquest” Order cards enable Heroes to also move in addition to Units. (Revised Edition).

When a Waiqar Hero brings three reward cards to the Waiqar Home Realm (Begins after receiving third
reward), the Waiqar gain a Dragon Rune (Captain of the Heroes League ability). And thus Waiqar wins
the game. Just like the Waiqar Hero gaining a Dragon Rune as reward after a Quest and must bring it
direct home. Waiqar wins.
14. Apply Commanders of the Battlefield variant (Banners of War Expansion).
The Dark Night is the commander of the Waiqar undying armies and also receives at random a Command
Card** and token. Put his Horror Riders Development Card atop a drawn Evil Hero card, in a way that the
development card is visible with the attributes of the underlying Hero on its right side. The Dark Knight
can also train attributes in the Quest Phase of Summer, like your Heroes. (If his Commander Card
demands a test of attributes, this attribute will be trained). If a command card stated “you can choose to”:
then it always happen first. Apply Heroes (commanders) supporting Battle rules on Daqan Heroes (Revised
Edition). Daqan Commanders can train attributes in the Hero Phase when they do not fight that year.
With a maximum of 1 update per attribute.
**Waiqar draws first 1 command card from the Command Cards Deck. Exclude from the deck: Flexible
Mobility and Incalculable Strength. Then include these 2 in the remaining deck and then the Daqan
player draws 1 random a command card. If the Dark Night has the command card: Dominion or A Thorn
in Their Side or Zealous Fanatic, then use a die to determine which initiative unit the card is referring to.
(Reroll on a 6 or if not possible).

15. Receive amount of tactic cards and influences tokens indicated on the bottom of your Faction Sheet.
Waiqar also receives influence and tactic cards as indicated. Use these tactic cards for counting amount of,
when requested to compare with Daqan. Plus they receive influence every Autumn (secondary ability). In
an influence bid, Waiqar always spent all their influence present.

16. Use the Reinforcement Sheets and Development cards (Banners of War expansion). The Waiqar start
with the cards: Lands of Blight: Applies before each battle;
All the undying follow the Dark Night. Except the ones who protect the Home Realm [10]. Movement
restrictions apply. If (after battle) there are more than 8 units on a tile, destroy first initiative 4
(reanimates), if not enough: initiative 1, than 2 etc. Wounds in a battle given the same way: first to
initiative 4, if not enough: initiative 1, than 2, etc. Dark Knight does not count for unit restrictions,
because he is a Hero Commander (and also initiative 5).

Soulbind: Whenever no influence is present with the Waiqar attempting a diplomacy test, influence bid or
resolving fate cards: destroy all present Reanimates on the “Trail of the Scorched Earth” to collect the same
number of influence tokens/Fate cards. If no Reanimates are present, use the Skeleton Archers instead. If
also not present. No influence is gained. Horror Riders: apply direct to the Dark Night, see Setup Point [14]

17. Dark Night and the: “Trail of the Scorched Earth”: each winter after the secondary ability of limiting
units (also apply to the Waiqar: restrictions first count to initiative 4, than 1, than 2, etc.) and water freeze
to ice, the Dark Night moves to a new tile by activating that tile with an activation token. This trail is the
fastest and shortest way to the Lost City Tile nr 12 (with 3 lands between Waiqar Home Realm and Lost
City). Immediately scorch that land (getting resources). All neutral or friendly areas (areas without
units) automatically provide resources out of fear (a city for example) See Setup Point [7].
If neutral units are present in the activated area, start a fight. Damage to neutral units can’t be divided to
more units. Always apply first to initiative one, then the second, etc. All neutral units who dies become
undying (see Transformation Table [20]). After battle if Waiqar lost, retreating Waiqar units retreat on
“the Trail of the Scorched Earth” and are routed, except for the Dark Night. He can only be routed in battle.
Defeated Undying goes back to the Waiqar pool (cannot transform [20]). If the Dark Night is present on
the lost city at the beginning of the fifth spring: Waiqar wins and dominate all live and dead. (Also if the
Evil Hero finds a Dragon Rune see point 13b). Routed Neutral units always retreat to the next tile of the
“Trail of the Scorched Earth”. Thus making the next year harder to win. If no retreats are possible: they
become undying (see transformation table [20]).
18. Lay out the 4 decks of Season Cards. All text and second abilities apply also to the Waiqar.
-When a card applies to move units: Take the first unit initiative if present. If not present on the board, take
the second initiative, etc.
-When the Waiqar needs to place Dragon Runes, he places them on the “Trail of the Scorched Earth”.
-When the Waiqar needs to place Dragon Runes on enemy or uncontrolled areas: Drop them from above like
Setup Point [5].
-If Waiqar must destroy a city: he destroys the one closest to the Daqan Home Realm.
-If Waiqar must reveal a Rune Token: He reveals the one closest to the Daqan Home Realm. If not possible
the one that is not revealed yet.
-Cities adjacent to Scorched lands of the “Trail of the Scorched Earth” and the Waiqar Home Realm are
controlled by Waiqar.
-New recruits always join the Dark Night. Thus recruit them where he is.
-When Waiqar must place Crymancy- or Desolation tokens: follow Setup Point [5] and never on the Lost
City tile (just like strongholds).
-If Waiqar needs to claim a Title card: he takes the first title card from the Daqan player.
Wizard Counsel Title card is not used with Waiqar and Daqan, because Daqan have more influence on
Faction Sheet and thus decide who wins in a tie.

19. When Daqan player wins: Read their Victory card. If Waiqar wins: read their Victory card (Banners of
War Expansion).

20. Transformation table when units die after a battle:

Sorcerer, Hero, Wizard becomes Necromancer;
Razorwing, Bowman becomes Skeleton Archer;
Beastman, Footman becomes Reanimate;
Hellhound, Knight becomes Vampire;
Dragon, Giant, Roc, Siege Tower becomes Great Wyrm.

Transformed units hear the call of their master: they are placed in the same land as the Dark Knight. If
there are already 8 units present, place them one area behind the Dark Knight. When the Dark Night
activates an area, also add these units to the battle field. (+ Lands of Blight ability: fill the number to 8
units total in battle with reanimate tokens. All reanimate tokens that expire the total of 8 units after the
battle, go back to supply). When undead faction units run out: use neutral units instead (they are still

21. Short Objective Table.

Objective Daqan: (needed to win the game) Optional objective Daqan:

a. Successfully complete 1 quests e. Find the lost City (+ 1 Dragon Rune).
in each of the 3 Story Plots (3 quests total);
b. Stop the Dark Knight from destroying
the lost city (after point a, earlier you can’t find him);
c. Stop the Waiqar Heroes from gaining/
bringing home, Dragon Runes to build the Orb of the Sky;
d. Collect 6 Dragon Runes before the winter
of the 4th year to destroy Waiqar the Betrayer and stop the undead;
Winning Objective Waiqar:
a. Collect a Dragon Rune to complete the Orb of the Sky or
b. Destroy the Lost City to gain a Dragon Rune (and build the Orb of the Sky).

22. Adjust Difficulty Table.

Level 1 Easier Game: Use Rice of the Free Cities. Extra availability of Dragon Runes.
Level 2 Easier Game: Use 2 Dragon Runes during setup instead of 1 false and 1
Dragon Rune.
Level 1 Heavier Game: During Setup, take care to fill all lands between Daqan Home
Realm and shortest route to the Lost City Tile with neutral units. Also place at
least 1 City adjacent to the Waiqar Home Realm.
Level 2 Heavier Game: All Heroes are Bounty Hunters: only use Neutral Heroes on the Daqan side.
Level 3 Heavier Game: Use different Factions: Replace Daqan with Uthuk Y’llan (more difficult to
gain Dragon Runes).

23. Quick Setup Table.

1. Choose 4 Setup Quest cards + Street of Spirits (nr 12);
2. Build the board and place Home Realms;
3. + 4. Discard Quest cards and build the Story Quest Deck and Location Quest Deck;
5. Place 1 False and 1 Dragon Rune;
6. Place Neutral Units;
7. Place Cities face down;
8. Place nr 1 and nr 2 Exploration Tokens;
9. Place Capital Tokens;
10. Recruit/place Units using Starting Resources;
11. Receive one random Bonus Objective matching faction affiliation;
12. Separate Hero decks and place Heroes;
13. Daqan takes 1 Story Quest Deck card, 1 Location Quest Deck card and 1 Lost City Quest card. Than
Waiqar takes 1 Location Quest Deck card;
14. Pick and Place Commanders of the Battlefields on Capital and pick their Command card/token. Make
Waiqar Commander with one Hero card under his Horror Riders Development Card;
15. Receive amount of tactic cards/influences tokens indicated on Faction Sheets;
16. Use the Reinforcement Sheets and Development cards. Waiqar start with: Lands of Blight, Soulbind
and Horror Riders;
17. “Trail of the Scorched Earth” (3 tiles between Waiqar Capital and the Lost City in 1 Straight line);
18. Lay out the 4 decks of Season Cards;
19. Victory Cards;
20. Transformation table;
21. Short Objective Table;
22. Adjust Difficulty Table;
23. Quick Setup Table.

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