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Due: Nov. 03, 2020 5pm



Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the definition of graph according to graph theory?

a) visual representation of data

b) collection of dots and lines

c) collection of edges

d) collection of vertices

2. A graph in which each pair of graph vertices is connected by the edge

a) Multigraph

b) Complete Graph

c) Simple Graph

d) Diagraph

3. What is a chromatic number?

a) The maximum number of colors required for proper edge coloring of graph

b) The maximum number of colors required for proper vertex coloring of graph

c) The minimum number of colors required for proper vertex coloring of graph

d) The minimum number of colors required for proper edge coloring of graph

4. The number of colors used by a proper coloring graph is called?

a) k coloring graph

b) x coloring graph

c) m coloring graph

d) n coloring graph
5. A polyhedron has 25 faces and 36 edges. How many vertices does it have?

a) 11

b) 12

c) 13

d) 14

6. Faces?

a) 5

b) 6

c) 7

d) 8

7. Vertices?

a) 10

b) 11

c) 12

d) 13

8. What is a chromatic number?

a) The maximum number of colors required for proper edge coloring of graph

b) The maximum number of colors required for proper vertex coloring of graph

c) The minimum number of colors required for proper vertex coloring of graph

d) The minimum number of colors required for proper edge coloring of graph

9. What will be the chromatic number for an empty graph having n vertices?

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) n

10. This is consider an edge e= (u,z) such that z is not the cloud.

a) Analysis

b) Assumption

c) Dijkstra's Algorithm

d) Edge relaxation


Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false.

FALSE 1. A graph with one odd vertex will have an Euler Path but not an Euler Circuit.

TRUE 2. Euler circuits exist when the degree of all vertices are even.

TRUE 3. Euler Paths exist when there are exactly two vertices of odd degree.

TRUE 4. The chromatic number of star graph with 3 vertices is greater than that of a complete graph
with 3 vertices.

TRUE 5. A graph with more than two odd vertices will never have an Euler Path or Circuit.

TRUE 6. The chromatic number of star graph with 3 vertices is greater than that of a complete graph
with 3 vertices.

TRUE 7. The chromatic number of star graph with 3 vertices is greater than that of a tree with same
number of vertices.

TRUE 8. A graph is said to be planar if it can be drawn in a plane so that no edge cross

TRUE 9. A graph is non-planar if and only if it contains a subgraph homeomorphic to K5 or K3,3.

FALSE 10. A graph is said to be non planar if it cannot be drawn in a plane so that no edge cross.


EULER PATH 1. Tracing all edges on a figure without picking up your pencil or repeating and starting and
stopping at different spots.

EULER CIRCUIT 2. Tracing all edges on a figure without picking up your pencil and repeating and starting
and stopping in the same spot.

SAME VERTEX 3. Circuits start and stop at?

6. Assignment of labels or colors to each vertex of a graph such that no edge connects two identically
colored vertices

DIFFERENT VERTICES 4. Paths start and stop at?

ALL EDGES 5. Euler paths must touch?

VERTEX 7. The point where two or more edges intersect on an object.

SHORTEST PATH 8. This is the part of Dijkstra's Algorithm which is the graph is connected, the edge are

9. VERTEX FORM computers of the distance of all the vertices from a given start vertex s called.

EDGE INCIDENT 10. This is the part of analysis which method incident edges called once for each vertex.
IV. Solve the following.

1.Use the Euler’s formula


V- 4

E- 6

F- 4


2. Use the Euler’s formula


V- 6

E- 12

F- 8

3. Use the Euler’s formula


V- 20

E- 30

F- 12

20+12-30= 2

4. Find the shortest path from vertex S to every other vertex.



Vertex Shortest distance from S Previous vertex

S 0
A 7 C
B 10 A
C 5 A
D 9 C

5. Find the shortest path from vertex D to every vertex.

Vertex Shortest distance from D Previous vertex

D 0
A 2 D
B 4 D
C 7 A
E 3 D
F 12 B
G 8 E
H 5 E

What have you learned in these topic? Write atleast 3 sentences.

I learned in this topic on how to analyze and solve a variety of problems, such as finding the least
expensive, scheduling, etc. Their formulas or methods can be used as strategy for a business. And
lastly I learned from this topic that those methods are also can be used in real life in recognizing our

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