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Lourdios J.

Edullantes BSA-4 Contemprary world: Literature

Empowered Globalization

The process of the world's systems becoming more interconnected is known as globalization.
Technology advancements have enhanced communication and transportation infrastructure, which has
increased international trade in products, capital, and people. This has led to the idea of a "shrinking
world," which holds that the world is getting smaller as a result of the accelerated development of
international connections. By engaging individuals with the most alluring cultural assets of each nation,
whether in the arts, education, language, heritage, sports, science, or food, cultural connections foster
mutual trust, understanding, and relationships that benefit all parties involved.

Various factors have contributed to the process of globalization. An economy that trades with many
other countries and has few trade barriers is economically globalized. A measure of how easily
information and ideas are transferred between people in one's own country and between countries
(including access to the Internet and social networks). Politically, the degree of political cooperation
between nations. Improving Communications The development of communication technologies such as
the Internet, email and mobile phones is essential to the growth of globalization as it helps multinational
companies to operate globally. The development of satellite television channels such as Sky and CNN
has also created worldwide marketing opportunities for globalization concepts and products.

Globalization with more influence has a bad effect on the planet as well. Less Job Security Due to the
unstable nature of the global economy, employment are becoming less permanent. People now hold 7
to 10 jobs during the course of their working lives, according to an American worker poll. Resulting
Environmental Damage. More trade entails more transportation, which increases the consumption of
fossil fuels and add to pollution. Our future is being threatened by climate change. Impact on culture.
People from all over the world can connect on websites like YouTube. Diverse cultures are being
overlooked as the globe grows more homogenized. As they eliminate local competition and compel local
businesses to close and be replaced, MNCs can lead to a monoculture. More protests against
globalization. The negative effects of globalization are becoming better known. Folks have begun to
realize that Globalization can be challenged through mutually supportive communities in business and
society, and through civil protests and political lobbying.

Globalization makes it easier for countries to access foreign knowledge. Second, as a result of the rise of
firms in emerging markets, international competition will intensify, increasing incentives for firms to
innovate and adopt foreign technologies. But it has also positive and negative impact to the world and
that will it depend on how the country will take it and to maintain the culture not be replaced by
another culture.

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